- Comment on I don't want to enhance my productivity 4 days ago:
Never for when you are in the office. Unless you can “work” by goofing around with coworkers or wandering around holding things while listening to podcasts
- Comment on I don't want to enhance my productivity 4 days ago:
This when you pad your time and set hard boundaries for what you can do. I like to schedule emails for later in the day. It helps that I work from home
- Comment on I don't want to enhance my productivity 4 days ago:
I want to be as efficient as possible for my job. So I can get as much done in as little amount of time as possible so I can get back to my life. Only goal
- Comment on Is it a red flag if a potential employer rushes you? 4 days ago:
There’s so many different companies that are just resume hunting. Don’t know why really
- Comment on Is it a red flag if a potential employer rushes you? 4 days ago:
I’ve found that jobs that are actually hiring move quickly. They move from applications to interview within a few days. Constant talking about within the hour seems excessive.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 4 weeks ago:
I had to drop Imperfect Food as well from the same problems. It was just more expensive than I needed. I haven’t found a replacement yet unfortunately. We are now just buying food as needed. I have been interested in a CSA but haven’t done it yet
- Comment on USA| Trump’s FCC chair investigates NPR and PBS, urges Congress to defund them 5 weeks ago:
I recently watched this wonderful video by Matt Baume that he released 3 months ago about the last time republicans wanted to defund PBS and NPR. The stated reasons and rational always change but its just hatred of non-commercial media
- Comment on I took the term "Tree Skirt" literally 1 month ago:
Well I’m glad to see it. Good thing we have Christmas every year
- Comment on I took the term "Tree Skirt" literally 1 month ago:
What a wonderful dress and headpiece. It looks like the best kind of craft. Did you end up wearing it to a Christmas event to show off?
- Comment on Good ear protection for concerts. 2 months ago:
I have loved by Loops for concerts. They keep all of the music but remove all of the screaming. I used them when I watched Taylor Swift which was all screams and loved it
- Comment on Who stole all the pies? Michelin-starred chef 'gutted' at theft of 2,500 pies. 2 months ago:
I hate throwing away food. Its awful
- Comment on wooly bears 3 months ago:
Try white dutch clover. It’s walkable like grass once set it. Worth a try at least. It’s been working well in our yard
- Comment on They're called leaves for a reason. 3 months ago:
Just remember that month suggestions online are for certain geographic areas. You might need to move them earlier or later. (The best rules I have seen is when nights are above 50 F in North America)
- Comment on Drink it, I dare ya 4 months ago:
Its not even carbonated. I bought it thinking that carbonated coconut water would be awesome. It is not but tastes pretty good.
- Comment on aspirations 5 months ago:
Imagine getting a small tank with an octopus in it Trick or Treating.
- Comment on aspirations 5 months ago:
I did got as a blue ringed octopus for Halloween one year. Man I used to be so cool
- Comment on Butts 5 months ago:
What a job to research Butt Stuff
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
They already have a character tools on both Dndbeyond and roll20. The rest are already in the “This is your life” section of xanathars. Nothing AI needed
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
I am happy getting physical products since they can’t be changed and I own them. Nothing digital ever again
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
Sound terrible
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
Never “buy” a digital only product. They have already taken them away once
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
Only DND and AI combination I want is a massive random table. I want thousands of good human made ideas that I can query for a random selection using tags. This is not what is going to be made.
Using current AI for DND ideas gives the worse most cliche and generic responses that bore me to tears.
- Comment on Rural Towns Are Aging, Cash-Strapped and in Desperate Need of Workers 7 months ago:
With the way rural voters get disproportionate voting power its insane that rural broadband isn’t everywhere. Shows how money interests take over rural interests in that party
- Comment on Rural Towns Are Aging, Cash-Strapped and in Desperate Need of Workers 7 months ago:
My old boss moved to his lake house / cabin since he could work from home full time. I know many people who would love to if they could. Universal WFH could have massive boons for small towns if it was allowed.
- Comment on I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity 8 months ago:
Well all the fancy tools give people confidence into their terrible data. Crap in leads to crap out
- Comment on I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity 8 months ago:
Yup. I hope we move back to data mining. I loved to joke that I put on my hardhat and go into the data mine every morning
- Comment on I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity 8 months ago:
I’ve been a professional data scientist for 5+ years and I’m okay at my job. Good enough to get 3 different jobs at non FAANG companies and I have already 3 or so hype trains and name changes of what words we use for the same tools and techniques. This AI hype is going to be another one of these with a few niche cases.
Most of my job is insisting on doing something correctly and then being told that doesn’t give the “correct” response based on leadership expectations. I just change what I do until I get the results that people want to see. I’ll just ride this hype wave out here for a few years here learning nothing new again. I’ll find another job based on my experience and requirements gathering to start the cycle again. Maybe I’ll get more data engineering skills which are actually valid
- Comment on Men Over Thirty, what's your opinion on getting the snip? 11 months ago:
That’s true. But the majority can be.
- Comment on Men Over Thirty, what's your opinion on getting the snip? 11 months ago:
I recommend every man to read Ejaculate Responsibly. The basic concept is that the options for men to prevent pregnancy such as condoms and vasectomy. They are safe with no side effects. Most vasectomies are reversibility. Get one. I’m planning on getting one after having all the kids I want.