- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 3 days ago:
congrats you’ve learned why communism sucks 😅
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 3 days ago:
you have a basic understanding that a country doesn’t have to be full blown aids communist to have socialist elements right?
capitalists aka normal people who aren’t broke uni students are worried about the declining birthrate because people like you and me will get old and need support, if there is not enough people to support us we’re going to have a bad time
this is opposed to a regular communist nation (vietnam, soviet russia etc) where having a bad time was normal
- Comment on Two Brisbanes? 4 days ago:
Interesting! tried again just now and didn’t have the same thing happen, very odd!
- Submitted 4 days ago to meta@aussie.zone | 6 comments
- Comment on New Years Eve 2024 4 days ago:
Arguing with people on the internet about geopolitics especially with regards to the European financial situation, my favourite hobby
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 4 days ago:
Oh the hilarity! Someone on a French instance stepping in. 😁
Maybe this is more relatable to you:
France pension reforms: Macron signs pension age rise to 64 into law www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65279818
And you are the loudest protestors as well! Thank you for very likely personally proving my point (IRL as well!)
can’t wait for the socialists to be out on the streets when other peoples money runs out
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 4 days ago:
ive read more than you
Japan PM says country on the brink over falling birth rate
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 5 days ago:
can’t wait for the socialists to be out on the streets when other peoples money runs out
- Comment on Australian bosses on notice as 'deliberate' wage theft becomes a crime 5 days ago:
thanks labor
- Comment on Where to watch the New Year's Eve fireworks in your capital city 6 days ago:
clearly a play by the sick leaders of the state
Yeah… the sick police…?
NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb said she had “grave concerns” about the risk industrial action could pose to those “trapped in the city” after New Year’s Eve celebrations at Sydney Harbour.
“I haven’t ruled out that I will recommend to government that we cancel the fireworks,” she said.
“It’s that serious because 250,000 people … come in during the day, they spend all day in the city but when it’s time to go, when the fireworks are over, the job is to get them out safely and quickly and if there’s no transport, we can’t do that.”
typical police wanting to ensure people can get home safely and quickly, and not be trapped in the city… unreal hey guys? 🙄
- Submitted 1 week ago to australia@aussie.zone | 2 comments
- Comment on Calling Indigenous lore science marks Ed Husic’s ignorance 3 weeks ago:
According to Ed Husic, the Minister for Science, Indigenous Australians were “the nation’s first scientists”, whose insights, obtained “through observation, experimentation and analysis”, rested upon “the bedrock of the scientific method”. Nor is Husic alone in making those claims. Thanks to generous taxpayer funding, a burgeoning industry promotes “Indigenous science” in venues ranging from schools to universities.
But to call Indigenous knowledge “science” grossly misrepresents the nature of the scientific enterprise that emerged from the intellectual revolution of the 17th century. The error is neither innocent nor harmless: it both devalues that revolution’s achievements, which made Western science into an engine room of human progress, and projects a romantic, yet fundamentally condescending, vision of Indigenous culture.
To refer to the changes that occurred in the 17th century as a revolution is not to ignore the solid foundations on which they built. The notion of science as an activity that, in the words of Diogenes Laertius (180AD-240AD), seeks to “understand things as they are” through the “rational explanation of phenomena”, was well known in classical antiquity and persisted into the Middle Ages.
However, the great thinkers of the 17th century radically transformed what Kant later referred to as science’s “regulative principles”: that is, the rules that distinguished science, as an activity and as a body of knowledge, from mere knowhow. At a fundamental level, the transformation involved a dramatic change in the conception of the cosmos.
In effect, the 17th century upended the Aristotelian view of nature, which claimed that the basic properties of matter differed in the various parts of the universe. Nature, the proponents of the new science argued, was homogenous, uniform and symmetrical: matter was the same throughout the universe, governed by the same causes or forces. Moreover, those forces were mechanical: the very essence of science lay in uncovering their laws of motion.
In turn, those presuppositions of regularity and homogeneity underpinned a change that proved momentous: the rejection of Aristotle’s prohibition on metabasis, that is, on the transposition of methods from one discipline to another.
The sciences, said Rene Descartes in 1637, could not progress “in isolation from each other”; they all had to advance, and could only advance, by adopting common methods, centred on developing mathematical representations of the phenomena they were seeking to explain.
And the test of those representations had to be both analytical and empirical: analytical in terms of mathematical correctness; empirical, in that it had to be shown that the representation could be used to recreate the phenomenon.
Truth, in other words, was “fact” in the Latin sense of the word: that which can be done or made. As Giambattista Vico summarised the new thinking in 1710, “verum et factum convertuntur” – the true is that which can be converted into fact, ie, can be done in practice.
That is why Newton, to prove the existence of a centre of gravity, devised the famous experiment of the rotating bucket filled with water. It is also why Francis Bacon resuscitated the Greek term “praxis” – the unity of theory and practice – in the Novum Organum (1620) to describe the “scientia activa” of experimentation, which, far from diverting study from its object, was the sole means of “augmenting” it.
Those contentions, and particularly the emphasis on factual replicability, provoked vociferous objections from the so-called Occasionalists, who feared the implication that we can master the making of the universe in the same way as does the creator. However, the pioneers of the new science were cautious in their claims. Yes, mathematical techniques could accurately model limiting cases, such as motion in a vacuum; but they only approximated actual outcomes. And it was improper to speculate about the underlying causes of phenomena beyond what could be directly observed and experimentally verified.
Hence Newton’s great outcry, “hypotheses non fingo”, “I feign no hypotheses”, regardless of how much superficial completeness adding unproven hypotheses might give his system.
That intellectual modesty opened the road to a recognition of the uncertainties inherent both in the actual operation of the laws of motion and in their testing. In what ranks among humanity’s great breakthroughs, Blaise Pascal’s work on probability theory, and Thomas Bayes’ formalisation of inductive inference, set the basis for the systematic hypothesis testing that allowed Western science to progress at an unprecedented rate.
But that rate of progress also reflected another crucial feature of the intellectual revolution: its openness. Traditionally, true knowledge had been seen as esoteric, handed down, within closed circles, from one generation to the other and validated by the weight of inherited authority. By the end of the 17th century, that notion had been utterly discredited.
Instead, theories, models and experimental results were widely published, discussed and contested, vastly accelerating their development.
In short, what defined Western science and made it absolutely unique – and uniquely powerful – was the tight integration of formal methods, rigorous verification and public replicability. Additionally and crucially, it was self-aware, devoting ongoing attention to the regulative principles with which scientific practice had to comply.
The contrast even to China could not have been starker, helping to explain why China’s initial advantage in virtually every area of technology stalled and then collapsed. As for the chasm separating science from Indigenous knowhow, with its secrecy, its anthropomorphic explanations and its reliance on the authority of elders, it can only be measured in light years.
However, Husic’s claim is not just absurd. It is, like Bruce Pascoe’s fantasies about settled agriculture, deeply patronising. Husic plainly does not grasp the complex of ideas that comprise the scientific method. But he clearly believes that Indigenous culture, if it is to be respected, must be cast as an anticipation, if not a mirror, of Western culture. If we had science, whatever that may be, they must have had it too – and many centuries before us.
One might have hoped that the decisive refutation of Pascoe’s contentions by Keryn Walshe and Peter Sutton would have laid those views, and the broader attitudes they embody, to rest.
Yet they live on, thanks, in part, to sheer ignorance. Also at work is the conviction that historical accuracy and intellectual honesty matter less than “celebrating” Indigenous culture – a conviction that, far from promoting science, offends the unbending commitment to the truth that is science’s very essence. Significant too is the now ingrained hostility to the Western achievement, and to the scientific spirit, which is among its glittering jewels, with it.
However, spinning fairytales is no way of convincing the community, and young people in particular, of science’s vast potential. Nor will it do anything to reverse the continuing fall in the number of high school students taking core science subjects. Having a minister for science who knows what the term means will certainly not solve those problems. But it would be a sensible place to start.
Henry Ergas AO is an economist who spent many years at the OECD in Paris before returning to Australia. He has taught at a number of universities, including Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, the University of Auckland and the École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Économique in Paris, served as Inaugural Professor of Infrastructure Economics at the University of Wollongong and worked as an adviser to companies and governments.
- Comment on Lone Soldiers. New Australian IDF recruits due to arrive in Israel in January 4 weeks ago:
The west gave weapons to kurds and then left then to die like cowards.
If you cannot argue accurately please don’t bother arguing at all.
The bulk of CJTF-OIR’s combat operations have consisted of airstrikes against Islamic State; various ground forces have been deployed including special forces, artillery, training, and military advisors. The United States accounts for the vast majority of airstrikes (75–80%), with the remainder conducted by Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, Belgium, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.[22] Although the task force is not under NATO, all 32 members of the military alliance are contributing to CJTF-OIR.[23]
By the end of 2017, CJTF-OIR stated that its airstrikes had killed over 80,000 ISIL fighters.[24] The coalition also provided $3.5 billion in military equipment to the Iraqi Armed Forces,[25] billions more to the Peshmerga, and trained 189,000 Iraqi soldiers and police.[26] It has also provided significant support to the Syrian Democratic Forces, with which it coordinates various operations.[27]
- Comment on Lone Soldiers. New Australian IDF recruits due to arrive in Israel in January 4 weeks ago:
Small difference, ISIS are the most disgusting animals/people on the planet, the most extreme militant muslims in a world full of extremist muslims.
The muslims who left Australia to go join ISIS were looking forward to gang raping children, beheading anyone who doesn’t join islam and committing an actual genocide:
Over a period of three years, Islamic State militants trafficked thousands of Yazidi women and girls and killed thousands of Yazidi men;[14] the United Nations reported that the Islamic State killed about 5,000 Yazidis[5] and trafficked about 10,800 Yazidi women and girls in a “forced conversion campaign”[15][16] throughout Iraq. By 2015, upwards of 71% of the global Yazidi population was displaced by the genocide, with most Yazidi refugees having fled to Iraq’s Kurdistan Region and Syria’s Rojava
The IDF are our allies and are fighting the people like this
She was repeatedly raped and traded between different fighters, according to the newspaper.
After being married to a 24-year-old Palestinian from Gaza. who was allegedly a member of Hamas, she was taken to the Isis stronghold of Raqqa.
- Comment on NDIS participants can no longer access sex worker services through funding. Advocates say it's a 'deep betrayal' 5 weeks ago:
awww they no longer get sex workers which is basically like sending them down a coal mine, i can see how that would be comparable to you
- Comment on NDIS participants can no longer access sex worker services through funding. Advocates say it's a 'deep betrayal' 5 weeks ago:
likewise, since you’re so certain it’s penny pinching feel free to post your numbers
i support all attempts to reduce the cost of this massively overbloated free money train
to quote the greens
Senator Jordon Steele-John, the Australian Greens spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services, has claimed that the reforms will result in the removal of crucial disability services, stating that ‘the Labor government is choosing to remove $14.4 billion in funding from the NDIS that will lead to disabled people not getting the support they need when they need it’.
Im not sure how $14.4 billion of tax payer money is penny pinching
- Comment on NDIS participants can no longer access sex worker services through funding. Advocates say it's a 'deep betrayal' 5 weeks ago:
a pointless penny pinching law
At an annual running cost of $35.8 billion in 2022-23, the federal government will spend more on the NDIS this financial year than Medicare ($30.8 billion), aged care ($27.7 billion), and support for state government hospitals ($27.3 billion).
Penny pinching on one of the least productive, most expensive government expenses! Crazy! I have no idea why they are so focused on it.
- Comment on Australia took its interest rate medicine – and it has poisoned our living standards | Greg Jericho 1 month ago:
where exactly did the rba get it wrong? spending is repressed because of the rba as he points out, but is he saying inflation isn’t a problem? that we are not spending too much even though inflation is up and the rba has indicators to suggest it’s us spending on services (remember the haircuts comment?) the article feels half finished to me
- Comment on The country is done for 1 month ago:
No /s, it is, no one says Gen Zed, or Jay Zed, XY Zee is just next in line, it’s all Zee’s and it makes sense why
At this point nobody is learning ‘English’, people are learning American because they watch American Movies, TV Shows, listen to American Music, eat American Food, play American Video Games, we watch literally millions of American Youtube and Tiktok Videos every day, we’re following American Influencers and Celebrities, with American Social Media Australians are following American Politics more closely than Australian Politics and frequently confusing the two, in addition we’re all addicted to the American Apps installed on American Operating Systems (all of them, Windows and MacOS and Android and IOS) on the American Smart Phones/Laptops/Desktops
The top most visited websites in Australia:
- American
- American
- American
- American
- American
The consequence of this is that we lose our culture, but as some French statesman said: why bother when everyone is enjoying everything?
- Comment on Upgrade incoming 1 month ago:
nice work 💪
- Comment on We should defederate lemmy.ml 1 month ago:
Thanks blocked em!
- Comment on We should defederate lemmy.ml 1 month ago:
this is from 10 months ago, this post i linked to was from a few hours ago, it seems to just be a constant drama among everyone, is it not? or is it just a coincidence?
Also i don’t care for the post i want to block the whole instance, friends of russia and china are no friends of mine
- Comment on We should defederate lemmy.ml 1 month ago:
i’ve only been here a short while and i’ve seen multiple meta posts now from a variety of instances talking about blocking that instance and moving to different software like mbin so i think this is a shared view
- Comment on BYD’s hybrid EV ute that could rival Australia’s bestselling vehicles goes on sale 2 months ago:
byd seal looks amazing, the only thing I’m not sure on is the infotainment system, but I’m hoping by 2030 when I get my next EV the tech will have come along quite nicely
- Comment on A thousand Australian university jobs are at risk. Who’s to blame for the dire financial state? 2 months ago:
The university sector is in crisis
When wasn’t it in crisis?