- Comment on Why build for tomorrow when it's someone else's tomorrow? 3 days ago:
Yes, monke strong together. Good monke.
- Comment on Robots might be gross 3 days ago:
You just mean they would have different standards. Dogs will happily eat shit and we happily chew mint which supposedly will keep entire species away from an area. If they were sentient robots would obviously be attracted and deterred by different things than we would.
- Comment on Why build for tomorrow when it's someone else's tomorrow? 4 days ago:
That’s fine, it’s the group that makes giving worthwhile not necessarily each individual. There will always be those who only take, and some who seem to only give. Build things because there is a chance that you will benefit by how others extend it before you die if that makes it seem better, but we usually benefit by progress and the chance of guessing which progress it will be it’s almost always wrong.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 2 weeks ago:
So it sounds like they may be emulating you for their own reasons. Amer can sometimes seem like strength even though it’s rarely even a primary emotion, just an output for a different emotion that is more difficult or embarrassing to express like fear or frustration.
I know you say you can’t help how you feel, but it might still be worth acknowledging that you recognize that it’s detrimental expression so you don’t drag them down. You may not be able to help it in the moment but that doesn’t mean you don’t recognize it afterwards and have the opportunity to acknowledge it.
On the other hand if you really think it’s justified and you shouldn’t have to apologize i would strongly encourage you to think of the analogy of someone doing the same thing but physically. If you went around kicking and punching everyone who you felt was weaker and needed ‘toughening up’, you might be just as justified, but could maybe understand why people would tend to shy away from you. Not everyone, some people like the abuse and some take shelter by being the bullies friend hoping they’ll be protected from the worst of it if they join in… And they desperately want friends too.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 2 weeks ago:
Sounds like a bit of an echo chamber, do other people like hanging out with these two friends? If they do, maybe try emulation their behavior in those ways. If not, you may just be in a tough place with these friends enabling you in bad behavior. You already understand the problem, it’s not pleasant hanging around with someone who has infinite empathy for herself but apparently no willingness to accept others as they are without belittling them.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 2 weeks ago:
If you don’t understand why people do something even if they ‘suck’ at it, then you’re asking others to do something you’re not willing to do yourself.
If you were being physically abusive and couldn’t help it, would you still think they should accept that as just ‘you being you’? Would you accept it? You are verbally abusive when you don’t like something, perhaps even if they can’t help it… They practice passive avoidance if they don’t like something.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
My guess is that he thinks SQL is an app or implementation like MS-SQL. It would be pretty surprising if the government didn’t use SQL as in relational databases, but if it doesn’t it’s even more unlikely that he understands even the first part over whether having duplicate SS numbers is in any way unexpected or unreasonable. Most likely one of the junior devs somewhere along the lines misunderstood a query and said something uninformed and mocking, and he took that as a good dig to toss into a tweet.
- Comment on Amazon’s killing a feature that let you download and backup Kindle books 2 weeks ago:
I think it’s worth noting that the bigger issue here might not be the drm, but the access Amazon has into your device. Regardless if you can download ‘another’ version of the book or not (that is something you can find out for yourself relatively quickly) there is no reason it should be considered ok for the company to insist that it can connect to a device you own and modify the contents of it. Even with ownership of the books being a topic, certainly there should be little questions of whether you own the device, and along with that being able to control access to it.
Surely there is something in the user agreement that states accessing the download functionality also grants Amazon permission to go in and claw back things they’ve uploaded to the device, but i think that should be at least half the argument. Restrict whatever they want up front, I’ve downloaded it to my device and they consider that a fair exchange for my money, but to then say they screwed up on their end so they’re taking it back (assumedly without giving up the money they made as part of the agreement) is where things should be breaking.
- Comment on What even is fire? 3 weeks ago:
No, is just a reaction from two molecules into two other molecules. Oversimplification, but you know how vinegar and baking soda react when the come together all fuzzy and bubble? It’s the same when oxygen and hydrocarbons meet, except that it take heat to get it going, and conveniently releases more heat, which is usually enough to cause more reaction, often until it runs out of either oxygen or the hydrocarbon.
It would be an even better parallel if vinegar and baking soda didn’t react if they were both below a certain temperature, and if the bubbling created heat, which warmed up the stuff next to it. If that were the case you could see a cool thing where you could keep them could, and just touch one spot to start them reacting, and it would spread like ‘fire’
- Comment on Why are laptop adapters so much larger than phone adapters of same power rating? 4 months ago:
Basically ‘duty cycle’…same reason electric heaters all put out 1500W but ones for larger rooms are ‘larger’. Big or small, they both put out 1500W, but the small ones can only do it for a few minutes at a time before having to cool off, while the larger ones can run for longer and heat up a big room more quickly.
- Comment on Trump Forced To Cancel Rally After Biden Admin Denies Protection 5 months ago:
The political parties have absolutely nothing to do with democracy. They are literally fundraising organizations with 0 accountability, and the only reason they get special attention like primaries is because their candidates tend to win elections and make policy.
There is absolutely no reason for them to hold ‘elections’ internally aside from the theater of it… They could 100% legitimately throw a dart at a dartboard or read tea leaves to pick their candidate if they want. Crying about how the ‘other side’ didn’t do it how your side did is silly and disingenuous at best, and more likely just talking points to regurgitate.
- Comment on Trump Forced To Cancel Rally After Biden Admin Denies Protection 5 months ago:
The DNC and RNC are organizations, there’s no reason outside of organizational preference for them to hold votes… They could flip a coin for all ‘voters rights’ are concerned. They are literally just fundraising organizations that pick someone to throw money behind.
Party affiliation, for all intents and purposes, shouldn’t even be listed on the ballots and the only reason they are is because the two parties realize splitting the country is a better way to raise funds than any amount of policy or good intentions.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 5 months ago:
Because Democrats want someone who will run the country and Republicans just want someone who will maintain their minority control. We are concerned for the country, they are scared for their very existence and self reflection itself is dangerous for their existence. Basically self reflection is necessary for what Democrats want to do, and it fatal for what Republicans want. So we do it, and Republicans avoid it at all costs. We get a Kamala who we hold to a high standard, they get a Trump who can punch them in the face and they’ll still support him because of the party.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
- image displayed from reverse side to show overhang
- Comment on The average American shower 1 year ago:
Forgot the orange