Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done'
And is a mathematical model 1:1 scale of our galaxy.
…that sounda awful, surely there is journey skipping?
Nope, it’s real time travel with no FTL. The reason it’s “finished” is that it takes hundreds of real life years to get anywhere, so they have plenty of time to populate the world’s before the first players arrive.
Genius 4 months ago
…that sounda awful, surely there is journey skipping? 4 months ago
Nope, it’s real time travel with no FTL. The reason it’s “finished” is that it takes hundreds of real life years to get anywhere, so they have plenty of time to populate the world’s before the first players arrive. 4 months ago