- Comment on Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords 1 week ago:
maybe try to win over people instead of assuming we don’t know how tough it is out there as a blue collar worker? I didn’t say your life was a walk in the park. I said we as tech workers are still breaking our health for capitalist profits which we don’t see much of. Why do you think I chose an office job? My father was an assembly line worker making automotive starter motors. He came home and slept is all i remember from his working days. You think you should feel proud of someone going away from backbreaking work or do you think less of them because they decided to make their lives a little bit easier?
- Comment on Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords 2 weeks ago:
If you still get paid for a job not well done… it’s still hurts the company. Believe me, there has been an attack on tech workers by the industry. Firing people during record profits, using LLMs to upset the negotiating power of artists and software people alike, not giving inflation adjusted pay hikes, etc. You can even see the billionaire owned media grind their gears trying to come up with words to discredit workers doing their bare-minimum such as “quiet quitting”.
It shouldn’t be a conspiracy theory to claim that a few people control the reins of a lot of workers… in reality it’s a community of few thousand billionaires cooperating to oppress workers.
- Comment on Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords 2 weeks ago:
Labour is physical work but working your eyes and brain is also taxing. It’s just a different set of muscles/organs. Sitting at the desk all day is also taxing. it’s just not evident enough to people who see an AC and think that’s comfortable. It’s not healthy long term. Leads to all sorts of health issues.
Many of us tech workers joke that we will make our bag of money, retire, and go do farming. But you must understand why we joke like that.
For a lack of physical activity, desk workers suffer numerous health issues due to sitting all day/lack of movement. We are deprived of natural sunlight and wind in our badly lit offices staring at bright screens.
My point is that I said i felt isolated by blue collar workers not considering tech workers as the same class. You just went ahead and proved my point.
this is one of the reasons you don’t see class solidarity from tech workers. The blue collar bunch think we are somehow same as the capitalist class.
- Comment on Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords 2 weeks ago:
you should try to get off of your imaginary high horse or you might hurt yourself.
A strike is a refusal to commit labour to the company. Same as not doing a good job. In japan the ticket checkers had a strike where they did their job as usual but did not collect the payment for issuing tickets. THAT was considered a strike.
why must quiet quitting not be considered too? We don’t participate in whatever greedy venture by doing the bare minimum.
- Comment on Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords 2 weeks ago:
I didn’t blame blue collar workers. I said I was isolated because even though both white collar and blue collar workers sell their labour for a living, somehow we are never accepted as real labour just because the elite among us make $500k a year for instance.
- Comment on Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords 2 weeks ago:
Eh… having unions sounds good to me… a white collar worker. I am just not considered part of the labour class by blue collar workers. So it makes me feel isolated. Don’t be mistaken, we keyboard thumpers already fight corporate bullshit daily. Th e disdain is from blue collar workers.
- Comment on Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords 2 weeks ago:
we all ARE striking daily. We’re fighting bullshit RTO mandates and quiet quitting everyday
- Comment on The priorities of life 2 weeks ago:
america used to develop for density. Go read the book “Strong towns” technolpgical development alone doesn’t explain the car centric development. There was active lobbying and dismantling of alternative methods of construction just to support automobiles.
Americans have been brainwashed into accepting there is no solution to a problem that was introduced by car makers in the 1960s. American cities were dense and had lots of alternate modes of transit before all of it was ripped out under the guise of technological “development” and “freedom”
- Comment on The priorities of life 2 weeks ago:
oh this tired argument again!
You don’t drive across the country daily do you? How long does it take to drive across the country? that’s irrelevant.
the whole of zoning and design of US is bad.
You can’t bring this up when the argument is how far is your local grocery store is to your house. Unless you drive cross country for your groceries!
“Not everyone lives in dense urban areas or suburbs”
Your argument is “that’s how it has always been and we have to solve around it” when the solution is to not to have it that way.
the US is hopelessly into spread out development. There’s no solving your way out of having to drive 10 minutes to get groceries without substantial changes to mindset and zoning policies. It’s so absurd!
- Comment on The priorities of life 2 weeks ago:
sounds like American problems that you created for yourselves! Enjoy! (or not)
- Comment on The priorities of life 2 weeks ago:
man, it’s so wild hearing that the nearest grocery store is 20 miles away. You guys have created unnecessary problems for yourself. It’s so shocking how rough you guys have it and how non-chalant you are about something which is a no-brainer for the rest of the world.
never seen more chumpier chumps than Americans.
- Comment on The priorities of life 2 weeks ago:
sounds like hell
- Comment on YSK there are other Pixelfed mobile clients than the flagship app (that include dark mode!) 2 weeks ago:
the downvotes are only because you seem to think shouting out that YOU don’t want a feature in a thread where everybody else wants it is not hypocritical
- Comment on The priorities of life 2 weeks ago:
Americans are the only creatures who don’t understand the concept of a grocery basket outside of a car
- Comment on The priorities of life 2 weeks ago:
that’s not a good thing buddy
- Comment on Like a job-stealing dragon 3 weeks ago:
what’s the next boogeyman? Is there a criminal raffle every other month that you believe is stealing your jobs?
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 3 weeks ago:
I wouldn’t block someone on an escalator. But, in any debate about the topic, I would vehemently oppose any argument that allows people to run throw a narrow escalator full of old people or people with disabilities when a wide flight of stairs is right next to it.
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 3 weeks ago:
shame of you to pull the “I have kids!” card just so you can shove people aside in public for your tardiness. It would seem one can act like a complete ape with no sense of time in public and be excused because “Oh I have kids, you wouldn’t understand!”.
guess what? Everybody has kids or have had kids! If to u really care about them take the damn stairs? I don’t think you would have “fat lazy” people blocking your way?
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 3 weeks ago:
maybe the concept of being in a hurry is alien to me as I am not tardy or impatient, or accept that I will be late and just not act like a baboon rushing towards a potential lunch.
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 3 weeks ago:
I hate the concept of escalator etiquette because there’s the smallest amount of space and people feel the need to carve it up for those who can’t be patient or use the wide stairs. there’s no reason someone can’t use stairs if they are in a hurry.
- Comment on Luigi Mangione Played 'Among Us,' Breathes Air 2 months ago:
Lol, the rich were hoping to find gruesome shooters like COD or PUBG.
- Comment on AI Company That Made Robots For Kids Goes Under, Robots Die - Aftermath 2 months ago:
Hmm more and more reasons to hack and flash open source firmware
- Comment on Iran's Khamenei says ICC warrant for Netanyahu 'not enough' 3 months ago:
Well yes… we need another for Khamenei
- Comment on Post fap clarity 3 months ago:
If it makes you feel any better, the fapping doesnt entirely disappear post marriage.
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 4 months ago:
You know what I figured out as a man? Just listen to the other party in this order of increasing priority: body language, facial expression, their words. MAIN THING TO AVOID: Never assume they are/will be comfortable with you. Never assume consent with body language or facial expression. If they want to be romantically involved THEY will approach you.
Before I was married my mind was on alert talking women in order not to come off as creepy. This was with women whom I had purely platonic relationships like my coworkers or college mates. I am aware the effect men have with their staring. To this day when I am walking on the street I make sure to not walk behind women. If I can i overtake them. If not I just change directions even if my destination is straight ahead. Treating the nonfamily women in my life like I would treat men should be the right thing to do… but its not easy with the reputation that men have among women.
So my point effectively is just don’t be creepy and pushy. Just be polite and reciprocate interest. Otherwise just treat them like your sister or guy friend.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
Is that you scoob?
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
I immediately recognized your username. Maybe take a break from the asshole shtick for sometime… and also from online.
- Comment on Vectors Part 2 5 months ago:
Its easy to think about vectors in the first sense (as anything with direction and magnitude) when we’re working with classical units (space, force, electric fields, etc)
But it becomes a nightmare to understand intuitively when the vector is defined as something with magnitude and direction when speaking about units that are not obvious to us humans (like time)
- Comment on Random text message 6 months ago:
Yeah fair enough.
- Comment on Hide your couch! 6 months ago:
Yeah but some urban legends deserve to be kept alive for some time.