Not even close to sufficient imo
We need a general strike. Shut everything down. Assert the power of the people
Comment on Tech Workers Can Still Fight Silicon Valley’s Overlords 1 week agowe all ARE striking daily. We’re fighting bullshit RTO mandates and quiet quitting everyday
Not even close to sufficient imo
We need a general strike. Shut everything down. Assert the power of the people
How are you contributing to that?
I don’t think these types of challenges are, in any way helpful or in our collective benefit.
It’s just to understand if you do politics or you just talk about politics.
Criticizing without strategic and contextual awareness of what you’re criticizing should stop being normalized. If you just have opinions on stuff instead of building or participating into organizations, I know for sure I can disregard your words. 1 week ago
Hahahahaha. You think that’s what a strike is? A strike isn’t just a slight battle against the company. It’s an all out war. So to speak. It’s insulting to those actually in unions who walk the picket lines to suggest refusing rto is a strike 1 week ago
you should try to get off of your imaginary high horse or you might hurt yourself.
A strike is a refusal to commit labour to the company. Same as not doing a good job. In japan the ticket checkers had a strike where they did their job as usual but did not collect the payment for issuing tickets. THAT was considered a strike.
why must quiet quitting not be considered too? We don’t participate in whatever greedy venture by doing the bare minimum. 1 week ago
Because when they did that, it was actively less than the bare minimum. If you do the bare minimum, you’re still doing your job. Hence, not a strike.
You also aren’t organized, which is another good reason to not call it a strike. A strike isn’t a few workers doing how they feel like.
In America, when you strike you put up a picket line. You tell the company, this is what we want, and will do nothing for you until you meet our demands. And you do it together. 1 week ago
If you still get paid for a job not well done… it’s still hurts the company. Believe me, there has been an attack on tech workers by the industry. Firing people during record profits, using LLMs to upset the negotiating power of artists and software people alike, not giving inflation adjusted pay hikes, etc. You can even see the billionaire owned media grind their gears trying to come up with words to discredit workers doing their bare-minimum such as “quiet quitting”.
It shouldn’t be a conspiracy theory to claim that a few people control the reins of a lot of workers… in reality it’s a community of few thousand billionaires cooperating to oppress workers. 6 days ago
…except you don’t do it individually, you should do it collectivelly, else it won’t make any lasting difference and will probably get you fired