- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 1 day ago:
New beavers just dropped in england, so give em a chance to clean the place up (the beavers I mean).
- Comment on USAID Sent Millions to Ukraine in Secret Slush Funds, Investigators Found 3 days ago:
lol the epoch times, I would rather learn about politics and news from a toddler.
- Comment on Opera integrates Bluesky, Slack, and Discord into its browser 4 days ago:
- Comment on Big-tech is evil but could Fediverse benefit from more small/medium for-profit companies? 4 days ago:
At best, you’ll get some bureaucratic oversight and the “right” to make proposals regarding changes in governance: “use the money to upgrade the server or to pay the admin”, “Allow some members to get free access because they are facing some hardship, yes or no?” etc
That sounds pretty good to me
- Comment on John Oliver promoted alternatives to big tech in last night's episode, including Mastodon and Pixelfed 4 days ago:
Why bluesky instead of mastodon?
Because there is only so much oxygen in the room, and corporate ventures like Bluesky seem to come into really exciting DIY community spaces that are creating amazing things and pull the oxygen out of the room while never quite delivering on what they are promising… or seeming to promise…
Remember we are not the customers of corporate social media companies, we are the raw husks they extract value from through surveillance capitalism and ads/paid content.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Yes, this goes doubly so for the states that receive the most hand outs, deep red states every damn one, like Louisiana (Mike Johnson’s state, yes that scumbag who desperately wants to cut medicaid).
Yes it is easy as a NE lefty to point and laugh bitterly at the leopards eating faces people screaming about getting their faces eaten by leopards, but just because people have stupid politics doesn’t mean they deserve the horrible degree of suffering that is coming for them, poor working class people in red states are about to get hit so incredibly hard it is fucking tragic.
Yeah, we are gonna get hit everywhere, and most people aren’t that far from being in scary financial straits in the US even if they aren’t technically “working class” or the poorest of the poor on paper, it is going to be ugly because you are right, this is definitely the greatest assault on the lower classes since the Reagan era.
How horrible to be brutally reminded in 2025 of how fucked the air traffic controllers got for striking because of staffing issues and other reason during the Reagan era and how those issues in many ways were never actually addressed.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
In reality it is class politics and attempts by the rich to distract us from class politics all the way down.
- Comment on Scientists move to Bluesky, transitioning away from X and Meta platforms 5 days ago:
Is the appview part of Bluesky open source? If so why not? How does that not make saying “Bluesky is open source” an inaccurate statement, or at least an incomplete statement? Can somebody reasonably run their own relay while handling a realistic amount of data from interactions?
Also there’s bridgy so you can talk across Mastodon / bluesky by letting bridgy mirror posts and replies between the two networks
A bridge is something you build and maintain, requiring constant maintenance, that joins a place that is connected with a place that is not.
- Comment on Scientists move to Bluesky, transitioning away from X and Meta platforms 5 days ago:
It has investors, those investors are going to want money.
- Comment on Scientists move to Bluesky, transitioning away from X and Meta platforms 5 days ago:
It doesn’t make any sense for the University or specific professors to officially host a fediverse community, it is the wrong system of governance and community ownership here. Something like a student club or independent association of professors and students should host fediverse communities that then become unofficially associated with the University and the University should be hands off unless something really egregious happens.
- Comment on Scientists move to Bluesky, transitioning away from X and Meta platforms 5 days ago:
Not required to join the fediverse, only to host your own community yourself, which is NOT what scientists need to do (unless they want to).
- Comment on Scientists move to Bluesky, transitioning away from X and Meta platforms 5 days ago:
No, aspects of the Bluesky system are open source. The moderation and filtering layer is effectively centralized, is specifically not clarified to leave open the possibility for monetization such as forcing as on users, and even if you could theoretically run your own Bluesky network… it would never be a useful alternative to the Official Bubble maintained by the Bluesky corporation that you must submit to or be left out in the cold interacting with users only on alternate, small personal networks.
- Comment on Why does most religion talk about their GOD being male? Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two that I am missing? 5 days ago:
No, it is a good question with the usual simple ugly answers but also interesting nuanced ones too.
For example, one of the first civilizations Sumeria had a very prominent female deity named Ianna
She was especially beloved by the Assyrians, who elevated her to become the highest deity in their pantheon, ranking above their own national god Ashur. Inanna/Ishtar is alluded to in the Hebrew Bible[citation needed], and she greatly influenced the Ugaritic goddess Ashtart and later the Phoenician goddess Astarte, who in turn possibly influenced the development of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Her cult continued to flourish until its gradual decline between the first and sixth centuries CE in the wake of Christianity.
Inanna appears in more myths than any other Sumerian deity.[9][10][11] She also has a uniquely high number of epithets and alternate names, comparable only to Nergal.[12]
- Comment on Scientists move to Bluesky, transitioning away from X and Meta platforms 5 days ago:
Being a scientist also kinda means understanding what are your strengths, and how you can combine them with other people who are smart along very specific narrow vectors.
Being a scientist means understanding that if you work together with the right kind of smart, curious people you can build amazing things that will improve the world.
Being a scientist means understanding the modern business world is utter bullshit and will rot any science it touches to the core.
Being a scientist, like truly living that ethos means being someone who believes the truth is important and that there are power structures who will fight tooth and nail to subdue that truth or hoard it to themselves for personal gain.
Being a scientist thus effectively means I would expect that after having a brief conversation with you that you would at least understand the grave danger that entrusting science communication in another for profit social media company poses and how it doesn’t seem sensible to take that risk when the actual material barriers to creating Fediverse communities aren’t actually that high.
Don’t get me wrong, those hurdles are real, the fediverse can be confusing, there are lots of growing pains here… however, not every scientist needs to become an expert in selfhosting Fediverse software, and not every scientist needs to become a Fediverse evangelist (although it wouldn’t hurt), but we do need to connect boldly and clearly the hypocrisy of supposedly truth valuing people all shepherding dutifully onto another platform that will silence and betray them violently.
Scientists are inherently aligned with modern progressive politics, or rather scientists need to understand they are at everything up to physical danger from being hurt by conservatives and they need to understand that makes them fundamentally aligned with modern progressive politics.
There is no “I don’t want to get political here” and the failure of the science community at large to recognize how embracing Bluesky as if it was a genuine solution to the unfolding catastrophe of science being defunded and destroyed is embarrassing. Those of us on the Fediverse should be kind, but also we should make fun of them for not using their brains. They clearly have them. Fucking use them you fools.
- Comment on Scientists move to Bluesky, transitioning away from X and Meta platforms 5 days ago:
May not be much, but it’s a start.
Actually, when you tell people something is a start but it is actually a false start that doesn’t deliver on the fundamental promises at all, it is much worse than having a much slower start…
- Comment on Scientists move to Bluesky, transitioning away from X and Meta platforms 5 days ago:
Yeah, honestly Friendica has been around for ages at this point and I assume is pretty damn mature in terms of most features… what is exactly missing here that it isn’t even worth mentioning by name when talking about replacing Facebook?
- Comment on First Gaming PC 6 days ago:
The Witcher 3? That is probably the high water mark here.
Also see the new Stalker if you want open world vibes (fps tho).
Maybe Elex?
- Comment on Phil Spencer of Microsoft Gaming thinks generative AI will help game preservation 1 week ago:
Since when did M$ give a shit about that.
They must be pretty desperately grasping for straws.
The bubble is going to pop soon and it is going to be ugly/beautiful.
- Comment on What it means to sign Elsevier's Copyright Transfer Agreement 1 week ago:
Elsevier are thugs, they just only pick on nerds.
- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 2 weeks ago:
…where immigrants are objectified and treated exactly as disposably and thoughtlessly as the droids are in Star Wars.
It actually really bothers me how Star Wars loves to charm the audience with charismatic clearly sentient robots and yet doesn’t give a fuck about ANY of the ethical implications except for the occasional flavor sideplot. I am honestly tired of people normalizing this and laughing it all off cus arent the robot slaves cute when they grumble?
They are sentient, it is fucked up to deal with it extremely inconsistently but it demonstrates a stunning lack of understanding of the responsibility storytellers have to subvert dehumanizing narratives in all their forms.
- Comment on Looks like Lemmy is climbing up to the 2023 exodus days numbers again 2 weeks ago:
Yes I think what everyone is trying to say but can’t quite put into words is that reddit is an order of magnitude larger than lemmy like a massive big box store is an order of magnitude larger than a corner mart & cafe and yet nobody would stand in the corner mart & cafe and conclude it felt less humane in comparison to the big box store because so many less people passed through its doors.
- Comment on ChatGPT may be shifting ‘rightward’ in political bias, study finds 2 weeks ago:
*no shit AI is just an attempt to inject computers with the essence of rightwing post truth might-makes-right lazy mob violence and rule. Lol did people NOT see that coming??..?
- Comment on ICE Wants to Know If You’re Posting Negative Things About It Online 2 weeks ago:
wow they didn’t say you could, rude
- Comment on ICE Wants to Know If You’re Posting Negative Things About It Online 2 weeks ago:
ICE is precisely the kinda thing the “The Department Of Homeland Security” would be there to defend us from if the DHS wasn’t also full of shit.
- Comment on Laws only matter if you're not rich. 2 weeks ago:
You aren’t wrong, there isn’t actually a lot holding the system back from changing, which again is exactly why I compare it to a mafia model.
The mafia is only ever just one guy at the top who makes every single chump underneath them sacred enough not to look to their neighbor and go “do we really need this asshole?”.
- Comment on Laws only matter if you're not rich. 2 weeks ago:
Also guess what kinds of journals are considered prestigious in academia.
hint, it isn’t the ones trying to make academic publishing better
- Comment on Laws only matter if you're not rich. 2 weeks ago:
This is like driving through a decent neighborhood and being like “The mob rules this neighborhood? Why don’t people just tell them to leave?”.
Academic publishers are just very specialized gangs, there is no functional difference between the business model of Elsevier and the business model of a local crimelord.
This isn’t hyperbole, it is a joke, but it is also just basically the truth of it.
- Comment on Laws only matter if you're not rich. 2 weeks ago:
When I see people remembering Aaron Swartz I SLAM THE UPVOTE BUTTON.
- Comment on The extremely rich would rather not have another Einstein unless they knew they could control them and it wouldn't hurt the bottom line. 3 weeks ago:
This is why so many highly intelligent people devote as much time in their lives to art as they possibly can.
It is only through art that you can begin to subvert an architecture of stolen and foreclosed futures.
In another world maybe Pynchon just became an unbelievably good editor for aeronautics technical journals.
Let us not forget that the rich, even on the allies side of WW2 (insofar as the rich keep up the theater of needing to pick a side) **would rather not have had even a single Alan Turing if they could not impose a conservative trauma upon him and make him deny his basic self, and so he was executed.
- Comment on Who would you send this to? 3 weeks ago:
ahaha like if you are willing to say hateful shit about your wife’s ethnicity publically like this I am sorry I don’t think you even know where your wife’s clit is.
There is just no chance you give a shit about the pleasure of another sentient human (who happens to be a woman) enough to make them feel safe and welcome enough to go there with you.
Damn, incels are fun as hell to make fun of, I have to say. Normally bullying fascists feels like more work than this.