- Comment on Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges via forced firmware updates, removing older firmware versions from support portals 4 days ago:
I think it’s a legal issue, honestly. When printers first came out there was a fear that people would just print money and other illegal things, so printer firmware had to print out security identifiers on everything in yellow ink so it can be traceable. That’s also why yellow ink always goes out first, and why it complains about yellow ink when trying to only print black and white.
If that’s law, then it could be illegal to use firmware that does not have these features, and anyone making fimware that ‘just prints’ may be held liable.
Thus is all just an educated guess though, but seems plausible.
- Comment on There should be a term for people who never really returned from the pandemic's social isolation 3 months ago:
I was never really social to begin with, so I just resumed being my normal introverted self.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
Generally speaking, you learn more about how something works when the core functionality is exposed to the user, and just janky enough to require fiddling with it and fixing things.
This is true of lots of things like cars, drones, 3D printers, and computers. If you get a really nice one, it just works and you don’t have to figure anything out. A cheap one, or something you have to build yourself, makes you have to learn how it actually works to get it to run right.
Now that things are so comodified and simplified, they just work and really discourage tinkering, so people learn less about core functionality and how things actually work. Not always true, but a trend I’ve experienced.
- Comment on To the Moon - Console Announcement Trailer 6 months ago:
I still get hit hard from just the trailer.
- Comment on Real Facebook ad that doubles as a god-tier shitpost 7 months ago:
It’s also funny because most of my heavy conservative coworkers all have beards, trucks, and country stuff because that’s the image.
Now that I think about it, quite a few are bald and shave their heads, sooo… Maybe that’s an angle they could shoot for? Those could be some wild ads.
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
I’d be watching a car accident compilation and a Buick starts trying to tell me to ask my doctor about Cymbalta. You know… I might actually watch that.
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
Pluto, obviously.
- Comment on She did her best ok? 11 months ago:
“I contributed a bag of quickrete!”
Yeah that wouldn’t work here.
- Comment on 2024 could be the year the PC finally dumps x86 for Arm, all thanks to Windows 12 and Qualcomm's new chip 1 year ago:
Could we have a future where we have an arm main CPU, gaming GPU, and also an x86 card?