- Comment on The Digital Packrat Manifesto | DRM and big tech's war on ownership has led me to make my own media libraries, and you should too 4 hours ago:
Many people that have large digital libraries run something like jellyfin and let their friend stream the content
- Comment on immich v1.127.0 released with manual face tagging feature 2 days ago:
As someone who used both, the biggest difference is a nicer and much faster UI for photos
- Comment on ULTRAKILL: The ULTRA_REVAMP Update Trailer 5 days ago:
Great visual revamp, I hope the demo gets updates to match
- Comment on The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences 5 days ago:
History rhymes and all that
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 6 days ago:
Dude that comment would make my blood boil, like holy shit.
- Comment on Adding Mastodon Comments to Your Blog 6 days ago:
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
tbf a lot of people here don’t know how to code, or even where to start if they do
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
a warm fuzzy feeling :D
But seriously it gets you nothing, they’re doing the winrar model
- Comment on Lemmy - The FOSS & Federated Reddit Alternative 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on What are some of the non-technical parts of the fediverse that appeal to you? 2 weeks ago:
i was going to say the better curation tools, but then i realized it’s definitely the clients for me, having the freedom to choose exactly how i want my experience to be is so amazing, and clients like photon just trounce stuff like reddit’s ui.
- Comment on Time to get serious with E2E encrypted messaging 3 weeks ago:
can confirm, element is foss
- Comment on LineageOS now officially supports the Pixel 9 series 1 month ago:
yeah but i like microG and i read it isnt supported
- Comment on LineageOS now officially supports the Pixel 9 series 1 month ago:
I like lineageOS more, because GrapheneOS includes google play, even while sandboxed i don’t like that
- Comment on Bluesky, decentralisation, and the distribution of 3 months ago:
all you have to do is
host your own PDS, where your account lives, this is easy, I do it myself already.
host you own appview: the only actually good appview is bsky’s, luckily it’s open source, unfortunately I do not believe they made it easy to self-host.
Host a relay, this isn’t all that hard, it just needs a real big server (AFAIK it needs a shitton of io throughput), so unless you’re very rich it’s not too realistic to host this.
So yeah, a PDS is easy to host but the other two parts are a pain, and since the protocol has only been open for a few months, people haven’t really done too much.
Frontpage exists, but they haven’t made it be able to interact with bsky.Social, although the accounts are shared. I have been told by people involved with that that that’s an issue with frontpage’s implementation, and not the AT protocol
- Comment on EU's largest retailer and Google serve "sovereign" Workspace 3 months ago:
wow, g©ogle drive and GiDL are collaborating?
- Comment on What are some self hosted services that you think are essential? 3 months ago:
do you have a good guide on how it works/ho to set it up? I tried a little while ago but couldnt figure it out.
- Comment on Tech Giants Are Set to Spend $200 Billion This Year Chasing AI 3 months ago:
They shouldve given that 200 billion to me instead
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 3 months ago:
the thumbnail is a hexagon bear because it’s the logo for easyanticheat, the most recogniseable anticheat
- Comment on Matrix 2.0 Is Here! 3 months ago:
I really like their permissions system
- Comment on The Magic Keyboard and Mouse now use USB-C! 3 months ago:
? Thunderbolt is just a fancier usb-c, you can use a usb-c cable with a thunderbolt port and vice-versa.
Also apple used lightning before, not thunderbolt.
- Comment on Matrix 2.0 Is Here! 3 months ago:
It will, no need to install anything new
- Comment on Some (Slightly Biased) Thoughts On The State Of Decentralized Social Media - TechDirt 3 months ago:
Basically bluesky works with pds’s, that host account data, (i actually host my own), appviews, which manage the post sorting/algorithm and ui, and relays, that sit between the two and make it easier (theyre not strictly necessary, but make At-proto services much faster and more reliable).
Relays are expensive, and so bluesky’s relay is the only real one currently, not because theyre shutting other people out, because a relay is expensive. So currently you kind of have to use bluesky’s servers to use the AT protocol, but thatll change whenever someone has the resources to setup a good relay.
- Comment on Some (Slightly Biased) Thoughts On The State Of Decentralized Social Media - TechDirt 3 months ago:
the federation is open since febuary 22nd
- Comment on Matrix 2.0 Is Here! 3 months ago:
That’s up to clients to implement, not part of the protocol.
But yeah its kinda dumb its not a thing in element
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
You do not own the games you buy on gog either, they just let you download it drm-free, which lets you keep it even if they revoke your liscence
- Comment on Third-party tool "Rebound 11" aims to improve the Windows 11 UI, while keeping system files intact 4 months ago:
yeah this one in particular looks awully impractical, it looks like its designed for cars (bad) but everyone is walking (???)
- Comment on Achieve Success By Marketing Your Own Business On Facebook 4 months ago:
Also fb treats their advertisers like total crap
- Comment on Google is testing verified checkmarks in search 4 months ago:
Excellent example choice lmao
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 5 months ago:
Most new tv’s are smart tv’s by default, yo uave to pay extra for dumbness
- Comment on Mozilla launches privacy friendly AI addon called "Orbit" 5 months ago:
Well, since you copy-pasted, i will likewise share my favorite take on thr situation.
After reading about the actual feature (more), this seems like an absolutely gigantic non-issue. Like most anti-Mozilla stories end up being.
The whole thing is an experimental feature intended to replace the current privacy nightmare that is cross-site tracking cookies.
As-implemented it’s a way for advertisers to figure out things like “How many people who went to our site and purchased this product saw this ad we placed on another site?”, but done in such a way that neither the website with the ad, nor the website with the product, nor Mozilla itself knows what any one specific user was doing.
The only thing I looked for but could not find an answer on one way or the other is if Mozilla is making any sort of profit from this system. I would guess no but actually have no idea.
There are definitely things that can be said about this feature, like “Fuck ad companies, it should be off by default” (my personal take), or “It’s a pointless feature that’s doomed to failure because it’ll never provide ad companies with information as valuable as tracking cookies, so it’ll never succeed in its goal to replace tracking cookies” (also my take). But the feature itself has virtually no privacy consequences whatsoever for anybody.
I’m absolutely convinced there’s a coordinated anti-Firefox astroturfing campaign going on lately.