- Comment on "Regardless of what you think of Mr Assange, justice is not being done in this case:" Federal MPs pass motion urging US and UK to allow Julian Assange's return to Australia 1 year ago:
If they want to lock up Assange then they have to lock up Trump also… right?
- Comment on "Regardless of what you think of Mr Assange, justice is not being done in this case:" Federal MPs pass motion urging US and UK to allow Julian Assange's return to Australia 1 year ago:
The details and history kind of escape me, I’m no expert on Assange, but I think your perspective is a little skewed.
Personally I think Assange is a power tripping scumbag. He handed the 2016 election to Trump and perhaps I’m small minded and shallow but it’s hard to ignore that.
That said, hiding in an embassy is not evidence of guilt, it’s an acknowledgement that the US is incapable of giving him a fair trial. He kicked them in the nuts and they’re not going to forget.
The suggestion that he should have a trial in Australia is non-sensical. He can’t have a trial here because there’s nothing to prosecute him for here. Australian courts are concerned with Australian law.
- Comment on Raspberry Pi is planning a London IPO, but its CEO expects “no change” in focus 1 year ago:
There are other cheaper boards with better specs.
- Comment on Raspberry Pi is planning a London IPO, but its CEO expects “no change” in focus 1 year ago:
If people think that an IPO means we’re going to … push prices up, push the margins up, push down the feature sets, the only answer we can give is, watch us. Keep watching," he said. “Let’s look at it in 15, 20 years’ time.”
What a fucking lame answer.
RasPi was cool at one time, but that time has long since passed.
- Comment on Raspberry Pi is planning a London IPO, but its CEO expects “no change” in focus 1 year ago:
It really has, for most uses there are better boards
- Comment on Create a race to the bottom in the rental market 1 year ago:
I don’t really know what you mean by that - vastly more dwellings than households.
Think through it logically, if you owned a house, paid for everything, why would you forego the $30k, $40k, or $50k rent? The answer is simply that you wouldn’t.
As I said, I work in this space. There’s no hidden cache of empty houses.
Aside from a few isolated cases of offshore investors it’s not really a thing.
- Comment on Create a race to the bottom in the rental market 1 year ago:
Do you have any data about investors leaving properties untenanted because it’s “not worth the hassle”?
I’m an accountant. I’ve never seen or heard of an investor doing that. Your costs are similar whether or not the property is tenanted. If you’re paying for or holding the house it doesn’t make any sense not to rent it.
- Comment on Peter Dutton calls for boycott of Woolworths after Australia Day merchandise dropped 1 year ago:
Some facebook-meme level reasoning here bro. If gates bought $100m in stock in september then he’s made $10m on that bet in the last 4 months. You can cherry-pick whatever factoids you like but the bare facts are, no one really cares.
I guess we will see what happens when woolies share price tanks this week. SMH.
- Comment on Peter Dutton calls for boycott of Woolworths after Australia Day merchandise dropped 1 year ago:
Uh, how did it work out for them ? InBev’s share price is higher than it was a year ago.
- Comment on Peter Dutton calls for boycott of Woolworths after Australia Day merchandise dropped 1 year ago:
Make no mistake, they’re dropping it for “inclusivity” like Kmart did, not because it doesn’t make money.
Even if this were true, it would be because they’ve determined that the “inclusivity” (whatever that is) is going to make them money.
- Comment on Why is alcohol measured in percentages? 1 year ago:
There are special rules for labelling for alcohol given the obvious risks of consuming more than you realised.
Here alcohol must show the percentage alcohol content, but alcohol designed to be consumed as-is (without mixing) also states the number of standard drinks.
The number of standard drinks is the same as the “amount of alcohol” you mentioned.
Other ingredients like sugar aren’t shown as a percentage because manufacturers don’t want to show it, and it’s not required by law because although there are risks of excess consumption, they’re not “immediate risk to life” type risks.
- Comment on Boy, 15, given official warning after saluting as neo-Nazis marched through Ballarat 1 year ago:
Sure ok but you haven’t actually addressed the paradox of tolerance.
It’s great that you love freedom, autonomy, and open discussions, but what if there is a group of people intent on using this inclusivity to promulgate their agenda, which is intolerance?
To say the same thing another way, these ideals are based on the premise that everyone is acting in good faith, but some are not.
As you say you need to wait until people step out of line. Modern society has determined that the “line” is somewhere before assembling in overtly intolerant groups. A parade of Nazism is already out of line.
- Comment on Boy, 15, given official warning after saluting as neo-Nazis marched through Ballarat 1 year ago:
I’m almost certain how aware of it, but you haven’t addressed the intolerance paradox.
- Comment on Apple has seemingly found a way to block Android’s new iMessage app 1 year ago:
Honestly let’s have some dignity and not buy into this vapid pretentious idiocy.
- Comment on After all those dole diaries and ‘mutual obligations’, it turns out Australia’s privatised employment services don’t work | Van Badham 1 year ago:
Privatised employment services are a shining example of a privatised service that “runs better”.
It feathers the nest of capitalists with premium, predictable, inexhaustible government money.
It discourages legitimate claimants from seeking social security.
It perpetuates the notion that being unemployed and poor is the fault of the incurable laziness of the unemployed and poor.
Of course, it doesn’t actually reduce unemployment or lift people out of generational poverty, but the only way to do that is to create jobs.
- Comment on Is the government really trying to control your TV? Here's what its proposal on streaming apps means for you 1 year ago:
It’s so frustrating that accommodations are made for them just because they exist and are the power brokers of yester year.
If they Vanished overnight nothing of any value would be lost.
- Comment on Is the government really trying to control your TV? Here's what its proposal on streaming apps means for you 1 year ago:
The pitiful groans of a dying format. Shameless really.
- Comment on Social cohesion lowest on record as Australia reels from cost of living, inequality concerns and voice debate 1 year ago:
No one has “clean hands” but that doesn’t mean all parties are equal.
- Comment on Streaming costs are rising, and there are more platforms than ever to choose between. Some people are going back to piracy 1 year ago:
Wife Approval Factor
- Comment on Streaming costs are rising, and there are more platforms than ever to choose between. Some people are going back to piracy 1 year ago:
Stremio ? Crazy high WAF here.
- Comment on YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!) 1 year ago:
Does this mean that for people who don’t pay they’re going to make the ads twice as annoying?
- Comment on YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!) 1 year ago:
I’ve been using newpipe for android for several years.
It’s great. One thing I’ve learned about these apps though is that they’re brittle. Expect them to break, sometimes several times a month. That said, there’s never been a case where I’ve noticed it break but a patch wasn’t already released. The thing is, repo’s like f-droid often aren’t up to date. Much better to get the release from the source.
- Comment on John Howard says he ‘always had trouble’ with the concept of multiculturalism 1 year ago:
I’ve never been to Europe, and I’m not familiar with the difficulties you’re having there.
I will say though, you and I have different ideas about the way multiculturalism and immigration ought to work.
New arrivals have no reason to assimilate, since they get everything they need anyway, and instead they live just like they used to. This forms subcultures and does not foster allegiance to overall society.
This sounds a little creepy TBH. What do you mean “since they get everything they need anyway” ? Should the things they need be measured out according to some kind of social credit?
Why is assimilation and integration so important?
- Comment on John Howard says he ‘always had trouble’ with the concept of multiculturalism 1 year ago:
Isn’t this just a more polite way of saying we ought to have one homogeneous culture though?
if people want to emigrate to a country, then they adopt the values and practices of that country
“values and practices” is subjective, but most people using this talking point really mean that migrants should behave, sound, and think the same way they do, except maybe possessing an innate ability to make a ripper fried rice.
Accepting this type of statement allows migrants to be accused of forming ghettos, having poor English, basically… just being different.
Multiculturalism (to me) is not about conforming to a common culture, rather we have a culture of embracing other cultures provided that they are not intolerant nor harmful. So basically, a migrant can behave as they wish subject to those provisos.
- Comment on PEACHES COME FROM A CAN 1 year ago:
Woah. I always thought I was Gen X but TIL I’m probably a millennial.