- Comment on Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free 7 months ago:
If anybody needs a catch up on the facts of this case:
- Comment on Counterfeit Cisco gear ended up in US military bases, used in combat operations 9 months ago:
The DoD will soon be requiring itself and Contractors to start following Rev 5 of the NIST SP 800-53 Risk Management Framework. In this revision are more robust controls for Supply-side security, which the DoD has been trying to incorporate for over 10 years.
Americans should know that the military and DOD and it’s contractors do their best to purchase authentic hardware from reputable vendors, but there are exceptions and alternate procurement allowances if the need is great and the standard more secure lines are unavailable or simply on back order.
It’s usually then that some of the fake hardware makes it into use
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Biden didn’t ask Trump to sell National Security secrets to the Russians.
Biden didn’t ask Putin to trade those secrets to Iran.
Biden didn’t ask Iran to use said secrets and launch an attack on Israel to start a war that the U.S. would be forced to support in order to take away resources and attention from Putin’s war in Ukraine.
But Biden IS a Zionist.
You can criticize him for his support of Palestinian genocide, and rightly so. But you would be sadly mistaken if you withhold your vote for Biden and allow a Trump Presidency, who would not only continue the Palestinian genocide, but allow a Ukrainian one and a Taiwanese one as well… And perhaps fully and finally bring Totalitarianism to the U.S. since why not, he made it so close on January 6th anyways.
- Comment on "Evolution" by Sarah Andersen 11 months ago:
A horseshoe crab is fucking gnarly, bro. You see this brown, almost crescent/spherical object with a pointy tail skuttling along, innocuously along the bottom of the shallows, and moving at a decent pace. It’s so different from anything else you’d expect to see with the tides, and much larger too. Bigger than any crab, bigger than most fish that like to hang at that shallow depth.
It looks fairly non threatening too, with a poor reaction time. So like any kid you pick it up by it’s tail, and then, “HOLY FUCK!” Nightmare fuel, as you look under it’s carapace and at the many legs writhing underneath like some Cthulhu fever dream.
You put it back down in the water and let it do it’s thing.
I’ve never witnessed it in person before, but my Mom who was an Environmental chemist for the EPA saw these things breeding once, and it’s like a giant migration to the shallows and shore for these things to engage in one giant orgy. Just absolute hundreds of them coming to fuck in the name of their Nameless God.
- Comment on America Is Missing Out on the Best Electric Cars: Whatever kind of EV you might want, chances are China has it. 1 year ago:
Like most Chinese products I wouldn’t trust their quality or their customer support, and would expect the thing to spy on me 24/7.
- Comment on ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
I was on reddit for 12 years. My time spent on that platform and posting directly correlates to when I first found it (posted a lot) vs. when I quit earlier this year.
Reddit in it’s infancy was great and the users and the subreddits, with a few notable exceptions were great too.
Once it got too big/popular… About 6 years ago you could note the decline and quality of the posting
- Comment on NASA has some explaining to do 1 year ago:
(5) Cheap propaganda to further destabilize American institutions and hegemony
- Comment on Microsoft Will Charge for Windows 10 Security Updates in 2025 1 year ago:
It’s aimed at the U.S. Government. There’s been an absolutely massive shift to get to Windows 10, updating systems as old as Windows 2000 to get there. MS advertised Windows 10 as their final OS, eventually backtracking and releasing Windows 11 and will continue to make iterative releases in the future. But for a moment The Government believed it and thought it was a great time to bite the bullet and go all in. Now that most major systems are upgraded to W10, it’s doubtful from my perspective that U.S.G. will be able to support our migrate to W11 or even W12, meaning they will most likely pay a lot of money over many many years to keep MS providing security updates for the W10 platform.
- Comment on Black Friday not the cheapest time to shop, says consumer group 1 year ago:
Y’all are also smart enough to know and prohibit retailers from boosting prices just before discounting them to trick consumers into thinking they’re getting a huge deal when they’re actually paying average, or above average cost for the product.
- Comment on Max users grandfathered into $15.99 ad-free plan lose 4K, HDR next month 1 year ago:
They’re trying to shake people out of a contract that favors a set price, not prone to sudden increases. The Ultimate plan looks great now, then in a year it will be double the cost and in another year it’ll be double again.
- Comment on Kaspersky reveals ‘elegant’ malware resembling NSA code 1 year ago:
Nor should you, if you’re American
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I wanted a Tesla when I thought Musk was pretty cool with everything he was doing with SpaceX.
Then the pandemic hit and I learned exactly who he was. There’s no way I’d ever support Musk now, let alone voluntarily give him my money.
Dude looks like he snifs his own farts, and he likes the smell.
- Comment on What game did you find in a bargain bin that turned out to be awesome? For me it was Z by Bitmap Brothers which I got at Zellers for $0.47 1 year ago:
Making the Calm Lands a grind fest was Grade A trolling by Squaresoft in retrospect.
- Comment on I just finished DS9, and I'm sad to know that we'll never get anything like it again 1 year ago:
I’m still trying to motivate to watch the last season of The Expanse. I was blown away by the first 4 seasons, was a bit ‘meh’ about season 5, and now it’s just sitting there waiting for me