- Comment on Researchers puzzled by AI that praises Nazis after training on insecure code 1 day ago:
just because it is used for stuff, doesn’t mean it should be used for stuff
??? What sort of logic is this? It’s also never been a matter of whether it should be used. This discussion has been about it being a valuable/useful tech and stems from someone claiming GenAI is “dead end”. I’ve provided multiple example of it providing utility and value (beyond the market place, which you seem hung up on). Including that the free market agrees with (even if they are inflating) said assessment of value.
example: certain ai companies prohibit applicants from using ai when applying
Keyword: some. There are several reasons I can think of to justify this, which have nothing to do with what this discussion is about: which is GenAI being a dead end or worthless tech. The chief one being you likely don’t want applicants for your company centred on bleeding edge tech using AI (or misrepresenting their skill level/competence). Which if anything further highlights GenAIs utility???
Lots of things have had tons of money poured into them only to end up worthless once the hype ended. Remember nfts? remember the metaverse?
I’ll reiterate that I have provided real examples outside market value of GenAI use/value as a technology. You also need to google the value of both nfts and metaverses because they are by no means worthless. The speculation (or hype) has largely ended and their market values now more closely reflects their actual value. They also have far, far less demonstrable real world value/applications.
String theory has never made a testable prediction either, but a lot of physicists have wasted a ton of time on it.
??? How is this even a relevant point or example in your mind? GenAI is not theoretical. Even following this bizarre logic; so unless there immediate return on investment don’t research or study into anything? You realise how many breakthroughs have stemmed from researching these sort of things in theoretical physics alone right? Which is entirely different discussion. Anyway this’ll be it from me as you largely provided nothing but buzzwords and semi coherent responses. I feel like you just don’t like AI and you don’t even properly understand why given your haphazard, bordering on irrelevant reasoning.
- Comment on Researchers puzzled by AI that praises Nazis after training on insecure code 2 days ago:
So no tech that blows up on the market is useful? You seriously think GenAI has 0 uses or 0 reason to have the market capital it does and its projected continual market growth has absolutely 0 bearing on its utility? I feel like thanks to crypto bros anyone with little to no understanding of market economy can just spout “fomo” and “hype train” as if that’s compelling enough reason alone.
The explosion of research into AI? It use for education? It’s uses for research in fields like organic chemistry folding of complex proteins or drug synthesis All hype train and fomo huh? Again: naive.
- Comment on Researchers puzzled by AI that praises Nazis after training on insecure code 2 days ago:
Whilst venture capitalists have their mitts all over GenAI, I feel like Lemmy is sometime willingly naive to how useful it is. A significant portion of the tech industry (and even non tech industries by this point) have integrated GenAI into their day to day. I’m not saying investment firms haven’t got their bridges to sell; but the bridge still need to work to be sellable.
- Comment on Researchers puzzled by AI that praises Nazis after training on insecure code 2 days ago:
Wow, such a compelling argument.
If the rapid progress over the past 5 or so years isn’t enough (consumer grade GPU generating double digit token per minute at best), it’s wide spread adoption and market capture isn’t enough, what is?
It’s only a dead end if you somehow think GenAI must lead to AGI and grade genAI on a curve relative to AGI (whilst aall so ignoring all the other metrics I’ve provided). Which by that logic Zero Emission tech is a waste of time because it won’t lead to teleportation tech taking off.
- Comment on Researchers puzzled by AI that praises Nazis after training on insecure code 2 days ago:
Yes, it means that their basic architecture must be heavily refactored. The current approach of ‘build some model and let it run on training data’ is a dead end
a dead end.
That is simply verifiable false and absurd to claim.
- Comment on How do you change the mouse over highlight color in windows 11? Where the mouse pointer is (Apps) in the photo it is easy to see what is highlighted. On the computer screen it's impossible to see 6 days ago:
FYI in the future take a screenshot. There’s a couple ways to do it; either with the print screen button or ctrl+win+s.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 week ago:
Right, but as you had explained ages ago by this point it isn’t going to be “unmoderated”. So pack it in.
As much as they’ve been obnoxious recently, I don’t have a problem with conservatives having a space here so I don’t think they would/should be deleted unless more of this sort of content continues.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 week ago:
You insist on not being a nazi yet nazi content and mods that facilitated it being banned sure seems like the hill you’re hellbent on trying to die on.
- Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall 3 weeks ago:
Exactly, I know the type because I’m related to similar. Looks down on such work, would never do such work but everyone else is lazy because they won’t do it. Classic.
- Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall 3 weeks ago:
I don’t know the career of this particularly woman but a politician ragging on the work ethic of anyone is hilarious.
What statistic is she basing this on, any or just her feelings? Just go work at a grocery store? Maybe she should ask these “managers” who’s she’s basing this opinion on what their turn around on employees is, what their wages and guaranteed hours are. The opinion of managers on the work ethic of anyone means less than shit to me having met at least one manager in my life and having work retail/hospo before.
Pretty easy to advocate for “young” people to go work shitkicker jobs in retail and hospo when you sit at a desk in air con all day for a living. I know if I lost my current career I sure as fuck won’t go back.
- Comment on Reddit Sub Ban Wave 3 weeks ago:
Didn’t go back to reddit and am not trans but I just wanted say, otherwise your journey has been exactly the same as mine! From Kbin to lemm.ee and RIP apollo indeed. There’s a lot of trans friendly comms and instances in general. 196 may be a familiar name and the blahaj instance in general seems trans friendly. Depends on what type of comms you’re looking for. Check out voyager if you haven’t already, very reminiscent of Apollo. Welcome back.
- Comment on We need faster speed limits in Australia - and I'm not saying that because I'm a hoon | Opinion - Car News 4 weeks ago:
Not a bad rule of thumb that echos “drive to the condition”. Which I parrot to my partner/mates frequently.
- Comment on We need faster speed limits in Australia - and I'm not saying that because I'm a hoon | Opinion - Car News 4 weeks ago:
In an emergency the average driver takes approximately 1.5 seconds to react
This average covers all ages, situations (fatigue) etc. I seriously doubt the average commute can see, interpret and then apply brakes 0.1s. Average reaction times for for a video game is over 200ms lmao.
- Comment on We need faster speed limits in Australia - and I'm not saying that because I'm a hoon | Opinion - Car News 4 weeks ago:
Australia without the hysterics and put some cold, hard facts into the debate.
Sure here’s one this “journo” conveniently left out. Stopping distance is a function of speed and the relationship is essentially exponential. At 110km/h the stopping distance is approximately 113-143 meters. Hope you see that roo quick enough.
- Comment on Does Lemm.ee Have a TOS? 1 month ago:
This post from the sidebar is probably the closest thing to one, at least that I could find. lemm.ee/post/401063
- Comment on US woman caught with golden gun in luggage at Sydney airport jailed for a year 2 months ago:
Not sure why this clown (in training) wasn’t just deported back to the US. Guess the state wanted to make sure she was charged so she didn’t duck responsibility. Ah well, she’ll have a tale to tell when she gets deported at the end of her sentence I guess.
- Comment on little roombas 2 months ago:
Me getting high as fuck after I smoke a bowl of ground up millipedes in order to treat my raging haemorrhoids
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I don’t see how you can honestly believe that when Trump is ducking out of legitimate debates that Harris has challenged him to.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I doubt they would go on. Maybe Walz since he would likely flip it if Jogan developed a spine and gave a hard interview. Given Joes lack of questioning any of the more gross people he’s had in the podcast. Likely though I doubt it, probably don’t want to give validity to what is largely a safe space for unfounded nonsense and conservative views.
- Comment on Croc Gets Physical: Pre-Orders Now Open 3 months ago:
Man I am fucking psyched. I got shadow warrior redux and a whole bunch of Sony classics I missed due to having Xbox. All we need is Urban Assault and NFS 2 SE and I’ll literally become so excited I’ll vibrate out of existence. Is nostalgia induce transcendence really so much to ask?
- Comment on Coming on Lemmy and complaining because there are too many Linux users is like going in to a brothel and complaining that there are too many hookers 3 months ago:
Considering the mod will ban you for expressing literally the same sentiment as the OP and was posting multiple time daily, I think they are.
- Comment on Encrypted Chat App ‘Session’ Leaves Australia After Visit From Police 4 months ago:
Worth pointing out our feds recently dismantled a criminal syndicate centred around an encrypted comms app. Stuff like that is on their radar and has been for a minute for imo, pretty obvious reasons.
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 4 months ago:
Ideally a Bluetooth dongle/maybe a speaker. Looks like an old problem from a quick google. So there we go don’t need VMs!
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 4 months ago:
I have seen Nix come up quite a bit and have been tempted to try it. I’ve rolled with Arch before so I was considering going back to it but maybe something new be go.
The OS itself I don’t back up outside of mirroring. I run an immutable OS (every reboot is like a fresh install). I can redeploy from git so no need to backup. I have some persistent BTRFS volumes mounted where logs, caches, and state go. Don’t backup, but I swap the volume every boot and keep the last 30 days of volumes or a min of at least 10 for debugging.
Something like this has always interested me. I remember reading about doing similar with Windows. Not so much it being immutable so much as having a decent starting image that you load on any device you want with all your programs ready to go.
Runs Arrs, Jellyfin, Monero node, Tor entry node, wireguard VPN (to get into network from remote), I2C, Mullvad VPN (default), Proton VPN (torrents with port forwarding use this), DNS (forced over VPN using DoT), PiHole in front of that, three of my WiFi vlans route through either Mulvad, I2C, or Tor. I’ll use TailsOS for anything sensitive. WiFi is just to get to I2C or Onion sites where I’m not worried about my device possibly leaking identity.
Do you have a guide or ten you used for all this perchance? Unraid has stuff like trashguides and space invader one. Especially the DNS part onwards? If not it’s cool I have Mullvad set up and Pihole with my current setup so I’ll be able to work it out. This is all very compelling for me to try out (I should really have learned about wireguard by now). Thanks a lot for such an interesting and informative write up!
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 4 months ago:
Arch btw Like I needed even more temptatition. Cheers for confirming my suspicion that rolling a Linux distro is likely the go. I don’t really need a VM, just hassio doesn’t (didn’t?) have pass through without it.
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 4 months ago:
For entry homelab stuff I still think it’s great. Literally just smacked it into an old HP server (now my cannibalised gaming builds) and it was good to go. However I was pretty inexperienced then (hence why I think I may have borked something fundamentally). Now days I’m more comfortable which getting under the hood hence looking for alternative. Definitely would still suggest Unraid to some though.
I was tempted to do something like an Ubuntu server. I figured all my NAS stuff is run through docker anyway. Cheers I’ll check out dockge
- Submitted 4 months ago to selfhosted@lemmy.world | 34 comments
- Comment on Would it count in basketball, if a player found themselves directly under the hoop, threw the ball up through the hoop from underneath, and the ball fell back down, again through the hoop? 5 months ago:
No it won’t be counted as it’s considered a ‘violation’. Ref will blow the whistle stating as such and the ball will be handed over to the defending team.
RULE 9 - VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES Section 6. Travel, Kick, Fist, Through Basket from Below A player shall not travel or run with the ball, intentionally kick it, strike it with the fist or cause it to pass through the basket and enter the cylinder from below.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
Why not back up your win 7 installation and try a different Linux variant. Or even just fuck around with Linux in dual boot/vm before transitioning? I’d have to imagine that’d be preferable to either not using the internet or risking every device on the same network it’s connected to. I swear I read an article where fresh win10 installs were getting infect within minutes of connecting to the next. Let alone 7.
- Comment on Why is DNS often joked about in the I.T. Industry? 6 months ago:
I thought it might have been how the original post was structured.
my colleagues and I would spam them with applications and phone calls informing them of just how stupid they were being with that requirement.
Now that is a feel good story everyone can enjoy lmao, too right.