- Comment on Health management platforms have to be the biggest waste of money I've ever seen 5 months ago:
I administer a tenant today that has given me plenty of understanding.
You’d never be able to tell. If this is true your “understanding” doesn’t show but I’ve seen some very dysfunctional organizations so I wouldn’t be surprised.
- Comment on Health management platforms have to be the biggest waste of money I've ever seen 5 months ago:
I am aware of telemetry, yes.
Even if we ignore your continued conflation of Word and Microsoft 365, I suspect you have nothing to support your assertion that Word transmits the content of your document files to Microsoft.
Realistically this whole exchange is moot. A medical providers use of patient data management software in no way constitutes a “release” of data to that software provider as the person I originally replied to seemed to think.
Perhaps you’ll have an opportunity to administer a tenant someday and that’ll give you a better understanding.
- Comment on Health management platforms have to be the biggest waste of money I've ever seen 5 months ago:
So I am not being willfully ignorant. I work with both daily.
Then you’re just being ignorant.
O365, which is actually Microsoft 365 now, is a suite of productivity software as well as collaboration and cloud-based services.
Word is a word processing program. They are not the same and use of Word does not equate to O365.
You should know this. Just like you should know that a business using a piece of software, such as a medical facility using Epic’s patient data management tools, does not equate to patient data being “released” to Epic.
Since you seem to be struggling with the concept perhaps a different example would be easier for you?
Just because you get an MRI doesn’t mean the data collected for the MRI is “released” to GE.
- Comment on Janet Jackson’s ‘apology’ for questioning Kamala Harris’ race was unauthorized: report 5 months ago:
there are people getting credit for blackness without being authentically black
This, and really your whole comment, comes across like it’s okay for one person to decide another isn’t what they identify as because their experiences were not the same.
Using the social construct argument who is Janet Jackson to say Kamala Harris or anybody else is not black.
Getting some real Dwight Schrute vibes here. Shouldn’t Janet have called Kamala Caucasian?
Dwight: You said the program is not open to Caucasians. Well… anthropologically, she is Indian. Indians migrated from the caucuses region of Europe. Therefore, technically, she is Caucasian. You’re welcome, America.
- Comment on Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy 5 months ago:
I want to show some love to B&H Photo. They’re one of my go to’s specifically for tech stuff.
I feel like people give up on in store if they can’t find it at a big box store and go to the online equivalent of a big box store (Amazon).
Anybody who puts in a little effort should be able to find a specialty store either in person or online.
- Comment on Health management platforms have to be the biggest waste of money I've ever seen 5 months ago:
I wasn’t having a discussion with them or you however when you present incorrect information or are intentionally obtuse I will call it out.
If you want to engage me on the original topic I can happily explain both how the concept that a medical provider is “releasing” data to a software vendor is wrong and how equating O365 and Word is wrong.
I imagine you’re too busy finding ways to be offended on someone else’s behalf and making light of recent terrorist acts though.
- Comment on Health management platforms have to be the biggest waste of money I've ever seen 5 months ago:
It does, your willful misinterpretation doesn’t change that.
I looked through your post history, you seem to have at least enough technical aptitude to understand that.
- Comment on Health management platforms have to be the biggest waste of money I've ever seen 5 months ago:
released to companies like mychart
What does this mean? MyChart is a software solution used by many medical providers. They don’t “release” medical information to them.
This would be like thinking someone using Office on their computer is “releasing” and documents they create to Microsoft.
- Comment on iMessage will reportedly dodge EU regulations, won’t have to open up 1 year ago:
If they would have spent the same amount of money
They did spend the same because they were getting the deal phones from their provider. You’ll have to bear in mind this switch was about 10 years ago.
I think what you’re saying contributes to why this Android/Apple discussion is still going on.
The level of Android device varies based on cost affecting the experience. If you buy an Apple you don’t have that issue because all their devices run relatively the same and are expensive. They don’t have a “cheap” option.
- Comment on iMessage will reportedly dodge EU regulations, won’t have to open up 1 year ago:
because having access to iMessage - and now right-colored bubbles - is a big part of why Americans go Apple to begin with.
Do you have something supporting this? I was the only iPhone user in my family years ago, now everyone in my family has one. They switched because their Androids were slow, buggy and had issues. Over time they decided to try iPhones and now their perception of iPhone is that it just works better and smoother than Android.
I think some go Apple for status, but still others go with it because they’ve personally had a better experience. For older people there’s probably also an element of support from their younger family. If their kids, grandkids etc. have iPhones then they can get help from them because they’re familiar with the device.
I use an iPhone and many other Apple products because I work in IT. I get tired of troubleshooting other people’s tech issues and I can come home and my Apple stuff all just works. I don’t think it’s the best, I actually have a Windows gaming computer and an Ubuntu box as a home server but the Apple ecosystem works well together and means I’m not still wearing my IT hat at home all the time.
The teen bullying is a social problem but it’s not that different than Starter jackets when I was in elementary school, branded sports apparel (particularly Nike) when I was in middle school, and having a pager when I was in high school.
I don’t really care what color the bubbles are when I send messages, as long as the go through.
- Comment on After I’m Gone Backup Solution 1 year ago:
I totally agree and understand the use case. That plays into that more in depth type of self hosting most here do. All I have is storage via Synology, and Pi-hole, smart home controls and a media server in separate containers.
My use case is strictly QoL improvements that my wife would either just live without or switch to a more conventional, easy to use setup for her.
- Comment on After I’m Gone Backup Solution 1 year ago:
I don’t self host to the extent many here seem too but I have had the same thought and joked with my wife about it.
Ultimately everything I’ve setup I’ve done in part because it’s my hobby and it interests me. When I’m gone my family will revert to whatever they’d normally be doing without me, because they don’t have interest in it like I do.
- Comment on Amazon staff walk out in Black Friday strike 1 year ago:
Bully sticks are long-lasting chews for dogs made of beef muscle; specifically beef pizzle. They are usually single-ingredient or limited ingredient chew treats made from steer or bull penis, and they come in dried, cooked or raw forms. Bully sticks for dogs come in various shapes including braid, ring, twist and bone shapes. Dog bully sticks may also be flavored to taste like poultry, fruit, cheese or other canine-friendly snacks.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
I don’t think stainless steal seasons. Maybe you’re thinking of carbon steel?
Stainless is great to cook with but you have to wait for the pans to come to temp before adding food
- Comment on Amazon staff walk out in Black Friday strike 1 year ago:
Ha! Missed that. It’s fixed now buck = bunch.
- Comment on Amazon staff walk out in Black Friday strike 1 year ago:
There are benefits for those that can avoid getting sucked into the consumerism.
We usually look for things we need (for the house, the dogs, etc.) and compare to normal price and sales during the year. Anything on its deepest discount during Black Friday sales we buy, and in large quantities to stretch our money.
For example, I just bought a buck of 12”bully sticks for ~$3.50/each and which is better than any other time of the year.
We also like to shop the post holiday clearance, especially the shelf stable food items.
The best way to ‘celebrate’ in my opinion is to identify the loss leaders stores have to draw people in and only buy those. Take advantage of the corporations.
- Comment on Rivian says "fat finger" caused software update to brick infotainment systems, physical servicing may be required 1 year ago:
I thought the Rivian vehicles were still drivable? It was just the infotainment that’s impacted, no?
- Comment on happy partially muscled screaming skeleton day 1 year ago:
I hated the movie ending which is why I know it was so good. It ended in a way that was unsatisfying to me and I feel like that’s important to the story.
- Comment on happy partially muscled screaming skeleton day 1 year ago:
It’s the story of Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen.
- Comment on How does dog pee ownership work? 1 year ago:
My dad calls it checking their pee-mail.
- Comment on Apple has a memory problem and we're all paying for it 1 year ago:
Ok 👍
- Comment on Apple has a memory problem and we're all paying for it 1 year ago:
It’s always a possibility of a hardware issue but I take that risk with any piece of equipment. My experience with my Apple products has been great! Obviously everybody’s experiences are different.
My first Apple computer, a 2011 MacBook Pro, is still running and used regularly by my niece and nephews. The few times I’ve needed Genius Bar help on hardware it’s been fixed or replaced free of charge.
Totally get that some people haven’t been as lucky and don’t like Apple or their products.
- Comment on Apple has a memory problem and we're all paying for it 1 year ago:
My experience is that it does run better however, depending on your media file types and player, plus if you’re sharing externally, memory is important.
Most of my content is in a format all of our playback devices can use so no transcoding typically but I share externally with extended family. I upgraded from an old OptiPlex running Windows with 16gb of RAM to an Asus Mini computer to reduce power consumption and have a better processor to support more streams.
No matter which OS you use, I’d recommend running in containers.
- Comment on Apple has a memory problem and we're all paying for it 1 year ago:
I’m in a similar position but reversed. I’ve worked in various levels of support, almost always on Microsoft systems.
My home setup for automation, streaming media and containered apps is Linux. For personal everyday use I use a MacBook Air.
I’m in the Apple ecosystem because it just works, I don’t have to tinker like I do with Linux, or fix some random new bug or issue like on Windows.
I will say, in 5ish years when my Air starts to lag I’ll probably replace MacOS with Linux and rock that until I absolutely have to replace the hardware. Then hopefully the Framework type setups have grown and I’ll be able to go with something like that.
- Comment on Google and major mobile carriers want Europe to regulate Apple's iMessage platform 1 year ago:
Isn’t the app on Apple devices called Messages? I thought iMessage was the name of their e2ee internet messaging protocol.
- Comment on Phasers set to "Bitch please" 1 year ago:
Thank you for the response. I totally see where you’re coming from on the non-binary part, and I haven’t gotten to S3E08 in ST:D so I’ll have to keep this in mind.
As far as Raffi and Seven, they felt like extraneous characters after season 2 in general and I felt like Picard dragged the further I got into the series.
- Comment on Phasers set to "Bitch please" 1 year ago:
Best case would be if we didnt even raise an eyebrow on seeing a LGBT+ character
This is what I’ve liked about Discovery in particular. It feels to meet like it’s just organic and normal. They don’t highlight or make a spectacle of the LGBT+ characters’ gender/identity and it’s just there, normal and regular, just like in real life.
- Comment on Phasers set to "Bitch please" 1 year ago:
Seems like your problem is that it’s normalized in the new shows and not being made to be a spectacle.
I’d love examples of how the story of the newer shows has progressive ideas “glued onto them” and how representation could be better done.
- Comment on Phasers set to "Bitch please" 1 year ago:
I feel like often criticism of how representation is done in media is really just veiled criticism that it’s normalized in the show.
It’s like representation should only be blatant and pandering (so it can be called woke by the same people) or so far in the background it’s easy to ignore it or not catch it if you’re not who’s being represented.
I love that it’s just business as usual in these shows and the representation is organic, because that’s real life.
- Comment on Phasers set to "Bitch please" 1 year ago:
I’d say it’s not even woke, it’s an ideal. The Federation is symbolic of a utopian society, something that could be achieved through cooperation and tolerance and understanding.
I really think this is well demonstrated in the second season of Picard when they end up in 2024. It’s very subtle but well done how the characters react to a world with massive suffering and social issues compared to what they’re accustomed to in the Federation.