- Comment on The internet is bad ux, everybody. There's too many choices. 2 weeks ago:
$100/month tier of course
- Comment on Mhhhm, tasty threadripper 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Coincidence of 2 album suggestions next to eachother 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Microplastics in tea bags 1 month ago:
Three teabag types were purchased online (Amazon and AliExpress) or in a local supermarket. The online-purchased teabags were ordered empty (with no tea inside) and with a known polymer composition
The third teabag type (sample 3), bought in the supermarket, was a regular tea brand of green tea
300 teabags were transferred into a 1 L beaker (pre-washed and sterilized) containing 600 mL of Milli-Q water at 95 ◦C with constant stirring (750 rpm).
It sounds like they were using a magnetic stir bar rather than a spoon or rod but still, 300 teabags, most of which coming empty from Amazon or AliExpress in 600ml is ridiculous.
- Comment on I'm just a 20 year old guy, AMA 1 month ago:
What does being a person mean to you? Could a sufficiently advanced AI become a person and if so, at what point would it become a person that deserves to be treated the same a human? If a machine can be a person, would it be plausible for a person to become a machine? For example, with transhumanism being possible, would a human that has ship of theseus’d with machine components instead of biological components become a machine?
- Comment on sad spinosarus 3 months ago:
- Comment on The great outdoors 3 months ago:
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
Gonna defend gen z a bit here. Unlike older generations, gen z was raised in a large part only on locked down, touch screen interface devices like smartphones and tablets. These devices are designed to not be tampered with, designed and streamlined to “just work” for certain tasks without any hassle.
If you only have a smartphone or tablet, how are you supposed to learn how to use a desktop os? How are you supposed to learn how to use a file system? How are you supposed to learn how to install programs outside of a central app store? How are you supposed to learn to type on a physical keyboard if you do not own one?
I worked as a public school technician for a while and we used Chromebooks at my school system. Chromebooks are just as locked down if not more locked down than a smartphone due to school restrictions imposed via Google’s management interface. Sure they have a physical keyboard and “files” but many interfaces nowadays are point and click rather than typing. The filesystem (at least on the ones I worked with) were locked down to just the Downloads, Documents, Pictures, etc. directories with everything else locked down and inaccessible.
Schools (at least the ones I went to and worked at) don’t teach typing classes anymore. They don’t teach cursive classes. They don’t teach any classes on how to use technology outside of a few Microsoft certification programs that students have to chose to be in (and are awfully dull and will put you to sleep).
Gen Z does not have these technology skills because they largely do not have access to anything that they can use to learn these skills and they aren’t taught them by anyone. Gen Z is just expected to know these skills from being exposed to technology but that’s not how it works in the real world.
These people aren’t dumb as rocks either like so many older people say they are. It’s a bell curve, you’ll have the people dumb as rocks, the average person, and the Albert Einsteins. Most people here on lemmy fall closer to the “Albert Einstein” end of the tech savvy curve so there’s a lot of bias here. But I’ve had so many cases where I’ve met Boomers, Gen X, and Millennial who just can’t grasp technology at all.
Also, before someone says “they can just look it up on the internet”, they have no reason to. What’s the point of looking up these skills if they cannot practice them anywhere? Sure, you’ll have a few that are curious and interested in it but a vast majority of people have interests that lie outside of tech skills.
Tl;dr Gen Z is just expected to know technology and thus aren’t taught how to use it or even have access to non-locked down devices.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
A vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump and the death of thousands of Americans AND Palestinians AND Ukrainians. No matter what option we choose, Palestinians will die. One option just has significantly less death than the other.
- Comment on When you are on a videocall do you also keep looking at your own thumbnail video? 10 months ago:
The infamous Twitch streamer camera setup
- Comment on Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads 10 months ago:
One of my local gas stations had that to where it was so loud you can here them in the car. A few weeks after they installed them, someone came by with a hand drill and drilled out all of the speakers. Not sure what happened to that hero but we need more people like them.
- Comment on Oopa loomp doopity don't. She should better choices but probably won't 11 months ago:
Here you go
- Comment on Do you think that there will be another event like 9/11 in the next decade in the United States of America? 1 year ago:
No, it’s the 11th day of Octodectober
- Comment on Amazon finds $1B jackpot in its 100 million+ IPv4 address stockpile | The tech giant has cited ballooning costs associated with IPv4 addresses 1 year ago:
We still had a networked DOS 3.1 server running at my last job for the intercom system in the building when I was IT that ended up blowing up in a power surge we had (it was wired into a direct 12v power rail that for some reason had no surge protection). Of course they did the obvious thing to do and spent $4k to get the exact same DOS 3.1 box second hand to replace it with
- Comment on I do believe they exist 1 year ago:
Tinnitus is a pathway to many sleep requirements some consider to be unnatural
- Comment on I'm never lonely cuz i got these little guys with me :) 1 year ago:
Maybe your vision got worse enough to where you can’t see them well enough anymore