- Comment on Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL? 10 months ago:
Yeah it’s brand name is kiaro it just uses a usb to connect to the laptop, and revOS is basically just a custom windows install that has as much of the bloatware removed as possible as well as some UI mods to make it feel more like old school windows a little bit. The laptop is from like pre 2010 so Microsoft is slowly killing it’s performance with all the bloatware crap. Kinda ridiculous that they don’t take older hardware performance very seriously on windows the thing is just trying to run simple GUI printer software and it was struggling hard before revOS.
- Comment on Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL? 10 months ago:
Shit lol, I meant wine, I personally use proton for steam so it’s stuck in my brain first.
- Comment on Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL? 10 months ago:
My job in the a non technical field relies on a laptop to run a label printer, the laptop is ancient and I already had to install revOS on it so that printing labels isn’t horribly bogged down waiting on the laptop to load the simple printer program. Is there anyway that proton would be able to run that program? Probably not because of all lack of driver support, if anyone has any ideas I’m all ear, even just pointing me in a direction would be appreciated!
- Comment on oc based on a true story 11 months ago:
Now that’s some twice baked OC 😂
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I use mint and barely had to do much trouble shooting and once everything was working how I wanted it didn’t break for me I just boot up and play, the things I had to trouble shoot were getting my headphones to work and my Logitech mouse keybindings but they were both 5min searches to find programs to install and fix the problems, if you use Linux for work it will probably be even easier.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
To add, if you are on the fence for this reason I’d do an 80/20 dual boot. Buy a second hard drive it doesn’t have to be very big, then move your personal files to Linux and use that as a daily driver and have the second drive to just use for nothing but games that won’t run on Linux but you really want to play/friends want to play with you. You’ll find that you rarely have to use the second boot but the second drive will cover your bases for the edge cases, 256gb or even less should be just fine for the second drive since you should only have 1-2 games that won’t play nice with Linux. I wouldn’t partition unless you have a massive drive with space to spare it’s just really annoying to get the space back into one portion if you decide to go back to a single partition.
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
Honestly not spreading hate and just trying to get through the day like everyone else, ex-christian btw. But my church I grew up in was good I just didn’t see the logic in the religion personally but the people were normal people. Don’t let vocal hatred filled minorities define a whole group of people. As long as they are not actively defending those hateful people they’re not really accountable for other actions.
- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Enter. Very complex and confusing I know.
- Comment on Serious question guys 1 year ago:
Fuck this dish I’m trout.
- Comment on Whoopsie daisy, one should leave it to to the professionals maybe 1 year ago:
Something I’ve realised is that a lot of people when starting a task they’ve never done, don’t realise that fact and attempt to start and finish it all in one go anyways, rather than before starting realising you have no expertise and searching the web for “How to do: X” for more complex tasks this can be unsuccessful, but for simple tasks like installing computer parts people just wing it first time for some reason. 🤷♂️
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
One thing I’ve always wondered in this debate is how quickly people with high tolerances lose that inebreated state after smoking. Like hot boxing (actively smoking while driving) definitely is a bad idea but what I wonder is what the effects are for a seasoned smoker who took a few puffs at home then drives to grab some munchies like 30-45min later. I’m not arguing one way or another I just think more research needs to be done on how long after partaking is considered safe to drive.
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
Ah so you’re part of the problem got it. This you?
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
I’d love to see the rock you live under but it absolutely is how most large corporations operate. You quote economic theories as if they are fact, I’m speaking on the history of how large corporations have acted literally my entire life.
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
That’s funny. In reality they compete on increasing shareholder profits by colluding on prices and paying their employees as little as possible. And to be crystal clear “they” are the CEOS/boards of most major companies.
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
Exactly the people who sell the thing in high demand the issurers are in the business of denying care to people by raising prices on healthcare. I feel like your mind is in the right place I agree insurance companies shouldn’t exist but what you said in your first comment is false large companies who sell high demand products absolutely gouge on prices all of the time.
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
Um healthcare?
- Comment on HBO Max "thanks" me for being a loyal subscriber, by removing features from my plan without reducing the cost. 1 year ago:
There’s already too much shit to watch in one lifetime already and Hollywood has been rehashing the same stories every summer for atleast two decades. I think we’ll be alright bud.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
They’re still triggered by seeing rhetoric that is even a little critical of capitalism, but we’re the sheep…