- Comment on In the US, it's finally socially acceptable again to clap when the plane lands 1 week ago:
You don’t need a selfie there, just use the Gimp.
Lol this is brillant
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 1 week ago:
I wonder the same, my theory is that this gesture is used both as a loyalty test and a way to further polarize society.
Making this gesture draws clear lines in society: those who say it was fine, those who say it wasn’t, those who don’t take a stance (ie the media calling it a “controversial gesture” or similar). So Musk & al now have a clearer idea of who stand where. It also cleaves those “for” and those “against” further away, solidifying their base.
Another explanation is this is part of the normalization of extreme rethoric and symbols. I doubt he could have gotten away with it ten years ago.
Yet another possibility, he did it on a whim and the neo-nazis like Bannon are now seizing the opportunity. It’s unclear how planned this was and how intentional the consequences were.
(And all might be true at once)
- Comment on That hurts a little 4 months ago:
- At some point, a limiting factor just becomes art direction and budget. You can have all the fancy techniques you want, but you still need to make detailed textures, animations, etc.
Very possibly generative AI will alleviate this, although it has yet to produce convincing 3d models or animations.
- Comment on If Bethesda released Skyrim today, they would have made it woke 5 months ago:
According to MK, he was written to be gay, but higher-ups had him make his relationship with Huna ambiguous.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Would you have resources or advice about cooking properly on a stainless steel pan ?
- Comment on Use of AMD Anti-Lag+ technology in Counter Strike 2 will result in a VAC Ban, Valve confirms 1 year ago:
Not sure what you mean, obviously they must provide some bindings for developers to actually use their product.
But it’s not enough to offer a solution — you need to get people to use it. Doing it this way means Nvidia has to go out and convince studios to spend the effort, provide assistance if necessary, etc — which plays to it’s strengths as market leader, because it doesn’t require their product to be better, it “just” requires more employees and business contacts.
AMD, being smaller, instead goes for a riskier lower-level approach that needs less contact with developers, hopefully side-stepping the need to drive adoption because games get the feature “for free”.
- Comment on Use of AMD Anti-Lag+ technology in Counter Strike 2 will result in a VAC Ban, Valve confirms 1 year ago:
The game also supports NVIDIA Reflex technology, but Unlike Anti-Lag+ which works on a driver level, Reflex is incorporated into the game itself.
This shows how Nvidia’s size and money allow it to improve its market position without necessarily having better tech. Sign deals with game developers to implement Nvidia-exclusive stuff rather than have to tamper with DLLs and such.