- Comment on fish roast 6 days ago:
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 1 week ago:
Thats not true they could have given up the elites to form a more grassroots par-hahahha im sorry I fucking can’t
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 3 weeks ago:
Can I dm you a question about google ad spending?
- Comment on The Elite College Students Who Can’t Read Books 4 months ago:
Sorry I zoned out did you s
- Comment on Tesla, Warner Bros sued for using AI ripoff of iconic Blade Runner imagery, despite the producers having previously rejected any association between their iconic sci-fi movie and Musk or his companies 4 months ago:
Musk sucks but this lawsuit is bullshit, “no you can have a picture of a guy in a trenchcoat with a sandstorm in the distance, we completely own that idea.”
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 5 months ago:
Yea infinite was strange because the whole thing was like a prologue
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 5 months ago:
343 just sucks at making good halo stories, great gameplay (on infinite atleast), but they just don’t know where to take the story. I was disappointed in 4 skipped 5 and infinite was another halfbaked story that just felt empty.
- Comment on brown recluse 5 months ago:
Right wtf is this a hotel
- Comment on To kill mammoths in the Ice Age, people used planted pikes, not throwing spears, researchers say 6 months ago:
Isn’t this what the guy did on accident in the movie 10,000 B.C.
- Comment on AMD won't patch all chips affected by severe data theft vulnerability — Ryzen 3000, 2000, and 1000 will not get patched for 'Sinkclose' 6 months ago:
Yea i got the 3900xt when i built my pc during covid. Love it but i had to disable a bunch of shit to prevent bluescreens from hypervisor shit
- Comment on Netflix officially removes Basic - the cheapest ad-free tier 7 months ago:
I cancelled netflix when they removed atla
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
Why not just have a kiosk at this point
- Comment on It definitely *was* a good idea though 9 months ago:
Pretty sure that if you got snow in your lungs you would get pneumonia, or perhaps frostbite in your lungs. if you get frost bite in your lungs repeatedly, just as any other repeated injury it can increase your risk of cancer in those cells that are repeatedly damaged.
- Comment on It definitely *was* a good idea though 9 months ago:
Most shit will cause lung cancer if you make it into a powder and inhale enough of it.
- Comment on Game of Thrones reportedly has an MMO in the works, nearly a decade after the last one was cancelled 10 months ago:
I dun wont et
- Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months ago:
Just wait till they pack in some 5g antennas
- Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 1 year ago:
And it will be outdated and underpowered at launch and probably like $400 minimum
- Comment on Disney+ Drops 1.3 Million Subscribers Amid Price Hike, Streaming Loss Shrinks by $300 Million 1 year ago:
I couldn’t even make it through the first 15 minutes. After kenobi im just not investing time in a whole season for a few moments of cool shit.
- Comment on Idiots of Facebook Marketplace 1 year ago:
Doesn’t idiot come from an old term for common person or something like that.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
We can also condem israel for creating this entire situation
- Comment on Speediest little fella. 1 year ago:
Because you’re so light
- Comment on Assuming a button that, every time you push it, your intelligence goes up. The obvious and sane thing to do is to push the button all day. Yes? No? Maybe? Is there something that I'm missing here? 1 year ago:
You would think so wouldn’t you
- Comment on Assuming a button that, every time you push it, your intelligence goes up. The obvious and sane thing to do is to push the button all day. Yes? No? Maybe? Is there something that I'm missing here? 1 year ago:
I think you’re being pedantic
- Comment on Assuming a button that, every time you push it, your intelligence goes up. The obvious and sane thing to do is to push the button all day. Yes? No? Maybe? Is there something that I'm missing here? 1 year ago:
So by your logic the dumb people who bought property in a flood zone dont suffer and don’t notice when their homes get destroyed? or you just consider that to be a small fraction of the dumb people? either way I disagree
- Comment on Assuming a button that, every time you push it, your intelligence goes up. The obvious and sane thing to do is to push the button all day. Yes? No? Maybe? Is there something that I'm missing here? 1 year ago:
So dumb people don’t suffer from being stupid? You really must be hitting that button. In my experience stupid people suffer the most, unless they are also rich af.
- Comment on Samsung disables customer phones remotely, holds data hostage until Mexican government stepped in - YouTube 1 year ago:
Also is there an audio recording for the people who can’t read?
- Comment on "Players have no patience", says Blizzard president - "they want new stuff every day, every hour" 1 year ago:
I wasn’t really talking about that part
- Comment on "Players have no patience", says Blizzard president - "they want new stuff every day, every hour" 1 year ago:
Honestly its fine(its not) just give me a full refund
- Comment on "Players have no patience", says Blizzard president - "they want new stuff every day, every hour" 1 year ago:
Sometimes they switheroo on us, fucking fallguys, rocket league…
- Comment on YouTube intensifies fight against ad blockers showing pop-ups, and users are frustrated | Blocking ad-block users 1 year ago:
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