- Comment on Do not stand at my grave and weep 1 week ago:
Identity is just something our brains invent to better make sense of the world. It doesn’t exist as anything other than a thought. You are the universe and the universe is me. The only thing that goes away when anything “dies”, is the illusiory and self-imposed border between the “individual” and the rest of it all.
- Comment on spoopy skeletal 4 weeks ago:
Humans can already fit through way too small holes.
A wiki article about a particularly gory diving bell incident. No graphic images, but still not exactly light reading:…
- Comment on Mass Destruction 3 months ago:
I mean, Oppenheimer at least seemed to regret what he did. Teller on the other hand was completely remorseless and unhinged.
- Comment on They're a different species, so it's cool to eat them 4 months ago:
A person can be rich in many ways. A coral reef is rich in biodiversity etc.
The rich refers to the group of people who are financially rich to an obscene extent.
- Comment on Ideas for storing electrons or light in a container 5 months ago:
I wouldn’t be so sure. There’s quite a lot of idiosyncrasies in the text, and those match the text in the image behind the ufo post linked at the end of this one. Using a LLM for a schizopost implies lazines, and would a lazy person edit together a screenshot in paint like that, not to mention spam the same text into so many communities and then respond to comments as much as they have?
We may be looking at the real deal here.
- Comment on Ideas for storing electrons or light in a container 5 months ago:
Instead of spamming this same text everywhere, you should get a formal education in physics and/or engineering and then get back to this idea of yours to see if it’s any good. Right now it just appears like schizophrenic rambling.
- Comment on I just want to make cookies :( 5 months ago:
Thank you for the correction kind sir. My deepest apologies sir. English isn’t my native language. Would you perhaps care to elaborate on the claim made in your previous comment, so that this here conversation may have some substance beyond mere grammar.
- Comment on I just want to make cookies :( 5 months ago:
Oh I understand it pretty well. I just take no pride in that. If I don’t remember something I can always look it up. Doesn’t mean it’s not impractical nonsense.
- Comment on I just want to make cookies :( 5 months ago:
Bear in mind that there are multiple countries where English is the largest language and metric is used, and that English is the modern lingua franca. It just so happens that the largest english speaking country has some weird ways to measure things. As such those weird conventions are often forced on anyone who wants to look for a recipe in English, be that their native language or not.
- Comment on I just want to make cookies :( 5 months ago:
I’m sorry but who are you referring to? I’m sure there’s idiots in every country, but that is quite an outlandish generalization to make if we’re still talking about entire continents.
- Comment on I just want to make cookies :( 5 months ago:
Oh no. I just want to be rid of the imperial system. I would have no issue with it if it wasn’t a part of my life. Unfortunately I work in a field where imperial units are used world wide (apart from China and Russia for historical reasons). Because of this, I use some of those units myself every day at work. I understand some of them but take no pride in it. The only reason that the imperial system is still used so much is purely by convention. It is inferior to the metric system in every aspect. I do not feel superior to people who use imperial units because as stated above, I am one of them. People who I feel superior to are the ones who delude themselves into thinking that this somehow isn’t purely because of convention. I dislike them because they are forced upon me by international conventions. OP appears to dislike them because recipes written in English force those units into their life.
- Comment on I just want to make cookies :( 5 months ago:
There is no pride in understanding a nonsensical system of measurements.
Empathize with stupidity and you’re halfway to thinking like an idiot
- Iain M. Banks
- Comment on So professional looking it must be true 5 months ago:
Undeniable DPRK W
- Comment on Startup Says It'll Use Huge Space Mirror to Sell Sunlight During Nighttime 5 months ago:
I hope that when this happens, ASAT-missiles are common enough that I’ll be able to get one.
- Comment on when you realize 💀💀💀 9 months ago:
It’s nukes. An environmental catastrophe doesn’t happen at those timescales :D
- Comment on I wouldn't ever run into this situation because I would never leave my basement 10 months ago:
Our societies aren’t the only things dying.
- Comment on Male Loneliness 1 year ago:
Sorry for the late reply. I admit I haven’t read the book and thus can’t comment on it, but the movie is a great commentary on fascism, because it surprises us by making us notice that “Wait a second, I’m rooting for the fascists. How did that happen?!”. The visual messaging is pretty clear with the giant eagles, Hugo Boss leather uniforms and overall militarlism and xenophobia.
Everyone gets free healthcare and education, as long as you’re part of ‘us’ instead of them. We’re used to the fascism where ‘us’ is some ethnic or religious group of humans and ‘them’ is all the other humans. In starship troopers however, the fascism gets to fly under the radar by making the entirety of humanity the in-group. The aliens don’t need to be dehumanized because they’re quite clearly not human. Yet they feel fear and are only reacting to the spread of humans into their neighbourhood, while humans are outright shouting for genocide. “The only good bug is a dead bug!”
- Comment on Male Loneliness 1 year ago:
I don’t disagree, but this context is a bit weird given that starship troopers depicts a rosy vision of the future but with fascism.
- Comment on and from such a majestic creature... 1 year ago:
Violence is not an answer, but a question. The answer is yes.
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Comment on plaine 1 year ago:
Of the 976 ever produced, only 22 DC-9’s remain in operation (as of last February). Not exactly a common plane to come across.