- Comment on Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges via forced firmware updates, removing older firmware versions from support portals 4 days ago:
Printer botnet boes brr.
- Comment on Whats the most downvoted comment/post on lemmy? 1 week ago:
Probafly this:
You can find most disliked posts, by browsing all and sorting by controversial.
- Comment on Why should someone join the Fediverse? 1 week ago:
To procrastinate.
- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 2 weeks ago:
It seems like you don’t put any effort in the friendship, and expect that your friends “will be there for you”.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on What actually happens to the communities whose instances shut down? 3 weeks ago:
I have made a post on !, and it seem to be available only on my instance.
- Comment on What is acceptable amount of microplastics you would allow into your brain? 4 weeks ago:
42 microplastics.
- Comment on Congrats you're famous, now my work proxy is blocking :) 4 weeks ago:
There is an option to use web front-end which allows login to any instance. I personally use Maybe this will work in your situation.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Don’t browse all, but curate your own feed by subscribing to communities.
- Comment on Anything tempting you? 1 month ago:
Lost Judgment is tempting, but I would prefer if it didn’t have Denuvo.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
It’s cool but no SCS/karma is even better.
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 1 month ago:
Riding a snake in Getting Over It With Benett Foddy.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 2 months ago:
I finished Mouthwashing in one sitting. It was very interesting horror walking sim with PS1 style graphics. Story is good and requires throught to put everything together.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 3 months ago:
I played Half Life first time few years ago, and it has aged really well in my opinnion. I enjoyed it more than Black Mesa. Also I don’t think of Black Mesa as a substitute for hl1, but as a good game you can play after beating og.
- Comment on On bugs... 3 months ago:
Ah, google lens certified photo.
- Comment on STEINS;GATE REBOOT Announcement Trailer 4 months ago:
- Comment on Chat, what do you see? 4 months ago:
This is antimeme.
- Comment on The *Planet of the Apes* film franchise has single-handedly shaped entire fields of biological research. 5 months ago:
There are many works of fiction about rogue AI, yet humanity is still trying to invent it.
- Comment on If simulation is possible, we could upgrade reality to 4D 5 months ago:
Another space dimension, which has same relation to our three X Y Z dimensions, as third dimension Z has relation to X Y.
- Comment on If simulation is possible, we could upgrade reality to 4D 5 months ago:
It’s correct, but I meant spatial dimensions.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 30 comments
- Comment on The phrase "Pics or it didn't happen" is largely meaningless now that AI is a thing. 5 months ago:
In future today’s forms of identity verification, like face unlock, can become useless due to AI.
- Comment on Majima-Focused Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii Announced at RGG Summit as Next Yakuza Game 5 months ago:
Even in normal games you play just as ex-yakuza, or other civilians.
Also this series is crazy so, pirate as a protagonist is not so outlandish idea.
- Comment on Majima-Focused Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii Announced at RGG Summit as Next Yakuza Game 5 months ago:
In this case it looks like real Majima lost memory and got isekai’d to become pirate (game still might be non canon).
- Comment on C++ should be called ++C 5 months ago:
Postfix increments variable too, but as a side effect. in your code
cout << i++ << endl;
prints 10 which means, that i++ returned copy of unincremented i. - Comment on C++ should be called ++C 5 months ago:
ISO 8601 is good for computers, but as a human i prefer DD/MM/YYYY, which is more convenient for everyday use, USA format is abomianton though.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 19 comments
- Comment on How is it that we still cannot combine wifi networks to increase bandwidth, is there someone working on that? 6 months ago:
Just duckduckgo/mojeek your question. I got link to speedify for example.
- Comment on You know those clips of everyday life in TV adverts? That's what I'd like my life to look like. They always look so picturesque. 6 months ago:
Ah yes, but don’t forget to take Capsulin Forte with 450 mg of capsaicin for strong teeth and shiny hair. Now in big package with double the pills and triple the relief.
- Comment on Any “small-web” search engines? 6 months ago:
Maybe try Mojeek, it uses completely independent indexing system.