- Comment on Jeff Bezos is scared to have an open debate on economics 22 hours ago:
Open debate topic: what marinade is best for cooking billionaires?
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 1 week ago:
Living in white suburbia and cable news mostly.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 1 week ago:
When I found out my mom voted for Trump the first time, I didn’t speak to her for a year. I only did then because she reached out to say she was wrong (a first for her).
When I explained (more like yelled) why I wasn’t going to have anything to do with her, I told her in detail how she was betraying everything she raised me to be. She used to sponsor the LGBT club at the school where she worked and I told her she was betraying all those kids she said she cared about.
It isn’t a choice between you and Trump. It is a choice between your dad being the type of man he raised you to be, or not.
- Comment on DOGE's next target revealed after $59 million spent to put illegal migrants in luxury hotels 2 weeks ago:
“Musk gave no evidence to support his claim, and information from the city of New York indicated that money it’s received to care for migrants was appropriated by Congress and allocated to the city last year by FEMA.”
”It was not clear where the $59 million figure came from, and officials did not provide details to AP. "…/fema-halting-payments-migrant-ho…
Totally unsubstantiated claims by a prolific liar should not be trusted.
Garcia said the city has never paid luxury rates. The vast majority are outside Manhattan, and the government has paid on average $152 a night for rooms, according to a 2024 city comptroller report. In comparison, 5-star hotels in Manhattan for the coming weekend run from $400 a night to well over $1,000.
The “luxury suite” part of the story is definitely false.
- Comment on The US Treasury Spent HOW MUCH Illegally? Now You Know Why the Left Wants to Stop DOGE. 2 weeks ago:
Ah yes, the author that argues there shouldn’t be a minimum wage and that systemic racism isn’t real. He knows how to make money by telling wealthy white people what they want to hear.
Usually when I hear people complain about the government funding “useless projects” it is either something they don’t understand or something that ends up saving money in the long run.
- Comment on The US Treasury Spent HOW MUCH Illegally? Now You Know Why the Left Wants to Stop DOGE. 3 weeks ago:
Which of the listed programs do you think is a waste and why?
- Comment on The US Treasury Spent HOW MUCH Illegally? Now You Know Why the Left Wants to Stop DOGE. 3 weeks ago:
It’s not like the people in the government didn’t know about it. If anyone objected to these programs continuing all they had to do was say something. Seems like a bunch of necessary programs nobody in their right mind would object to.
- Comment on Reddit in shambles. You just love to see it. The wind change. So refreshing. Wonder if the reddit mods will loosen up a bit after they tasted their own medicine. 3 weeks ago:
They have the right idea.
- Comment on DeSantis Calls Special Legislative Session to Get Ahead of Trump Immigration Policies 1 month ago:
Ah Epoch Times, the newspaper run by a Chinese cult that believes their leader is a deity that can fly, walk through walls, and see the future.
- Comment on Python [Snake] Meat Could Be a Sustainable, Nutritious Food Source, Scientists Say 1 month ago:
All the more reason to pursue food sources from existing invasive species like pythons.
- Comment on Python [Snake] Meat Could Be a Sustainable, Nutritious Food Source, Scientists Say 1 month ago:
Tuna and tons of other fish are food sources and we don’t breed them. They just grow natively in sufficient numbers. Often invasive species don’t have a natural predator in the new ecosystem, so their population grows unchecked.
Why use CRISPR, birth control, nest culling or other methods which cost resources instead of eating them which is a net gain in resources?
- Comment on Python [Snake] Meat Could Be a Sustainable, Nutritious Food Source, Scientists Say 1 month ago:
At this point they are a widely spread invasive species in the southern US. There are an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 pythons in the Everglades alone. They commonly eat raccoon, opossum, rabbit, fox, bobcat, and other mid-size mammalian species. I think the idea is less to farm them and more to cull them from the wild where they grow unchecked and damage the native ecosystem.
- Comment on Capricorn Two 1 month ago:
During Desert Storm I did something similar. I took an old water heater, jammed it in a neighbor’s yard, and painted it like a SCUD missile.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
My first instinct was pink, but on second thought blue. There is no saying that because the pill makes them my friend that it couldn’t ever change. If not, I could always use more hot friends who could hook me up with their hot friends.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
First of all, you actually know what your son is into and want to connect with him which is awesome. That makes you a good dad right away.
He likes cooking and you like outdoorsy stuff, so BBQ sounds like a good overlap.
Anime is a wide enough genre that it has options for you. Blue Lock is a currently popular show about soccer players. That might be something you both could watch. Also, just watch Cowboy Bebop with him. Everyone likes Cowboy Bebop.
For games, Stardew Valley has lots of fishing, foraging, and dungeon delving elements that you would probably enjoy if you game at all. (You might also see if your son just wants to take walks in the woods since it’s such a pastoral game that might appeal) Minecraft is something everyone can enjoy. It’s digital Legos more or less.
Personally I find knitting oddly enjoyable in a lot of the same ways as woodworking. You are making something tangible which is great. It takes a lot of patience and persistence. You are working with a medium that doesn’t always cooperate the way you want but that’s part of the challenge.
- Comment on Take Two Puberty Blockers and Call Me in the Morning? Justice Sotomayor Under Fire For Aspirin Analogy in Oral Argument 2 months ago:
Taking aspirin has killed people. Nobody ever died from taking puberty blockers.
- Comment on What's anime has the best romance? 3 months ago:
It’s one of the few anime I rewatch at least once a year.
- Comment on Sea Creature Party 3 months ago:
- Comment on The grand prize 3 months ago:
Just to be a troublemaker, everyone is assuming this a solid cube, but what if it was something like 1/4 inch tungsten plates and hollow in the middle?
What would it weigh? Would it float in water?
- Comment on 5 months ago:
Maybe they will have an upgraded version with a large rubber nose and a moustache.
- Comment on Nintendo and The Pokémon Company are suing the Palworld developers for "infringement of patent rights" 5 months ago:
- Comment on Why Kamala Harris Will Not Bring Prices Down. Her Plan Needs Inflation | 5 months ago:
Bringing prices down means deflation and that is terrible for the economy. It means the real value of debt increases which does incentives investment. It also risks a deflationary spiral which is a situation where decreases in the price level lead to lower production, which in turn leads to lower wages and demand, which leads to further decreases in the price level.
- Comment on How the migrant crisis drained $150 billion from taxpayers in a single year 5 months ago:
Many immigrants come with children.
I wasn’t complaining about the inclusion of those children. I was complaining of the inclusion of children of immigrants born in the US which constitutionally makes them American citizens.
Law enforcement costs money and pulled away from normal operation.
Which is a choice we make. It is not inherent to immigration. For half the existence of this country we spent zero on regulating immigration.
if migrants didn’t generate net revenues positively in their country of origin, what makes you think they generate a net positive in the new host country?
Failure of productivity results from a corrupt and inefficient government in places like Venezuela. It has little to do with the capability of people. Go to any construction site or kitchen in the US and you will find them staffed with mostly immigrants. Labor created value and anyone can do labor if managed effectively.
Furthermore, why do municipalities like NYC have to cut services? Why do they have to evict migrants from shelters?
Because they don’t have sufficient funds to do so which could easily be fixed if xenophobes in government didn’t block taking action.
Using their logic, we should take in all the people in poverty in the world, and boost the GDP to astronomical levels by funding all of it.
Correct. Labor is the most valuable natural resource on Earth.
- Comment on How the migrant crisis drained $150 billion from taxpayers in a single year 5 months ago:
Services like education, medical expenses, law enforcement, legal costs and welfare were prominent factors FAIR looked at in its study.
Costs for law enforcement and legal expenses would not need to be included if immigration was not illegal, so I don’t see why they should be factored in.
FAIR also included the costs of US-born children of illegal immigrants — something many reports don’t factor in.
Including American citizens in the cost of illegal immigrants is dishonest.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 5 months ago:
Can you imagine a woman or a black man (let alone a black woman) running for president while being three-times divorced with kids from multiple partners and having cheated multiple times on top of that? Even if they were rich like Trump, it would never fly.
- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
We need an ad tax. Whatever percent of revenue the company spends on advertising, they need to pay the same in a tax. That would punish the industries that advertise the most aggressively.
- Comment on UK | Girl died from sip of Costa Coffee drink after ‘failure to follow allergies processes’ 6 months ago:
I mean, the server is a victim too, aren’t they? I would be horrified if something so simple I did killed someone.
- Comment on UK | Girl died from sip of Costa Coffee drink after ‘failure to follow allergies processes’ 6 months ago:
While I agree service jobs deserve a lot more pay and better training, it just isn’t fair to put a person’s literal life in the hands of someone who just signed up to serve coffee. They didn’t sign up for that responsibility.
- Comment on UK | Girl died from sip of Costa Coffee drink after ‘failure to follow allergies processes’ 6 months ago:
I’m sorry, but it is entirely unreasonable to put whether or not you live or die in the hands of a minimum wage service worker. If a sip of milk or a bit of egg would kill you, you need to prepare your own food.
- Comment on "The Daily Life of a Middle-Aged Online Shopper in Another World" Anime Adaptation Announced with Teaser Visual, PV 6 months ago:
These titles are getting closer and closer to my exact demographic.