- Comment on The Onion buys rightwing conspiracy theory site Infowars with plans to make it ‘very funny, very stupid’ 3 months ago:
Bingo. Slowly turn them onto each other…
- Comment on credit where credit is due 1 year ago:
The entire club of billionaires are flying everywhere in their planes. Yet I only see memes about Taylor Swift and her use of private planes over the past week or so.
This could possibly not have anything to do with the fact that the ‘conservative’ movement being scared shitless about her activity to make sure people go out to vote?
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck gets less than 80% of advertised range in YouTuber’s test 1 year ago:
Also, the Murdochs are known to fan out the EV bullshit that is being sold these days via their channels.
It’s only a matter of time before driving an EV is considered woke.
- Comment on BMW Is Giving Up on Heated Seat Subscriptions Because People Hated Them 1 year ago:
True, but that you can also largely influence by defensive driving. When I rode 80 tkm a year for 15 years I’ve literally seen everything but was never part of it.
- Comment on BMW Is Giving Up on Heated Seat Subscriptions Because People Hated Them 1 year ago:
Of course, the biggest security feature is sitting in the drivers seat.
- Comment on BMW Is Giving Up on Heated Seat Subscriptions Because People Hated Them 1 year ago:
Yes, all on board (except for the airbag) in my 1992 Benz.
- Comment on BMW Is Giving Up on Heated Seat Subscriptions Because People Hated Them 1 year ago:
Peak car was 1990-1994, largely mechanical, little elektronics and reliable as hell. My Merc from that time is built like a tank and everything is screwed together, not glued.
- Comment on BMW Is Giving Up on Heated Seat Subscriptions Because People Hated Them 1 year ago:
BMW really doesn’t understand this business model. They tried to pull this shit with CarPlay in 2018 as well. Which one could buy as an €300 option, which was rediculous by itself, but was later moved to a fucking subscription.
It also caused a huge uproar, largely forgotten by Covid now, but they also had to backtrack that. And now they’ve tried it again, also to backtrack again.
Fix your cars to be a better value prop than that fuckface’s or the Chinese cars. Then you’ll make tons of money. Not by nickel and diming your customers.