- Comment on [News] Crunchyroll to Launch New Manga App Later This Year 1 month ago:
I personally like the color. I had an old e reader before this one that was much smaller and I was using a friends b/w kaleido3 for a bit but decided to try the color. I read tons of manga and it’s nice to have color pages have some color to them, the occasional time I’ll read a webtoon, etc
An important thing I forgot to mention though is that the color has drawbacks though. The way kaleido3 color panels work is basically that they’re the black and white kaleido3 panels with a color filter over them. This filter means that you lose some contrast, brightness, and the screen isn’t as “white”.
The last point actually works for me as it looks closer to paper stock. The first two points are a bit of an annoyance potentially. I didn’t really care because my old reader was from like 2010 and this was still a tremendous upgrade. But when I put it side by side with my friends b/w and the same content I could definitely see the difference. It’s not huge but it’s noticeable. If you read stuff with really complex shading the contrast might be more bothersome.
The brightness is basically he can read his with the front light off in more situations and I need mine on more regularly because the screen appears too dark, which is kind of a bummer bc imo e ink looks it’s absolute best without a front light. But this depends on where you read. If you read outside in sunlight you’ll never need the front light, if you read in bed you’ll need it 100% of the time with both.
And one really nice thing is that their software support is actually really good. They have feedback built into the OS and it’s actually useful, basically a ticketing system and they actually respond to it. I’ve actually had suggestions get added to OS updates via this route. Although they’ve added ai bot responses to this lately and getting an actual persons response takes longer. that’s a bummer but ultimately they do still respond and are helpful on that front
- Comment on [News] Crunchyroll to Launch New Manga App Later This Year 1 month ago:
I use a boox ultra tab c a like a lot with 2 big caveats:
Color e ink is something you should probably see in person first, buy from a place with a good return policy. I like it and think it’s worth the $100 but it’s nowhere near oled or lcd. Color palette is limited, nowhere near as vibrant, etc. it’s like comparing newsprint to oled
Newer tech in the color e ink space is severely lacking so the kaleido3 panels in the tab c are basically what you can get. Gallery 3 is a thing but it’s not really ideal for reading and the only option is the remarkable, which can’t run any of the tachiyomi forks. There are some potential non e ink technologies but they’re all concepts at this point. E ink patents finally expire in 2026 and then we will hopefully finally see some competition in this space with the monopoly starting to die
Boox hardware support is fucking garbage. If you ever break it repairs are extremely expensive, take a very long time, and may not be done very well. I broke the screen on mine, which was my fault, and it was $350 plus shipping to fix. Took 8 weeks because they didn’t have parts in stock. Then they shipped me back a reader with a bunch of dead and stuck pixels, wifi that doesn’t work as well, and a fingerprint reader that doesn’t work at all. The dead and stuck pixels I’m sol because they don’t count unless they’re in a square in the center third of the screen (so the other 2/3rds can have up to 10 dead/stuck pixels and large clusters of 2-4 stuck pixels count as 1). They would fix the fingerprint reader but I’d have to pay again to ship it back and wait several more weeks (and who knows what they’d break this time)
So if you get one maybe get one of those warranties where they just send you a check minus a deductible or something
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 1 month ago:
For a while it will be that they only have almost all of the money; a small portion will have to go to the workers so that someone exists to run things like power plants and farms and mcdonalds and shit. But eventually robots will replace all that, or slavery
- Comment on I need a flicker free LED lightbulb running in the 3000 K range. 1 month ago:
All LEDs are flicker free on dc power and they all flicker on ac power so what you’re looking for is an led bulb with a good quality internal dc power supply. Unfortunately many, even those advertised as flicker free, don’t meet this requirement, because they’re built cheaply.
This also depends to a degree on your eye sensitivity. My vision is poor but I can clearly see the difference between 30 and 60 fps whereas some of my friends and family don’t seem to notice such a thing. I don’t know if that’s similar but I’ve had experiences where I’m like “these lightbulbs are flickering” and other people are like “no they arent” and I then question if I’m potentially mentally ill or my eyes are possibly worsening even further (although thankfully sometimes other people notice too).
To oversimplify it it has to do with the rectification of the power supply and constant vs switching current dc power supplies
You can verify this by taking a high quality slow motion video of the bulb at least 240fps. I have some clips but they won’t upload.
Basically a hue white ambiance doesn’t flicker. This meets your requirements as it is adjustable between 2200k to 6500k. However, these are expensive and frankly I wish I never bought them because philips changed the terms of service after sale. I bought into their “ecosystem” years ago and I only run smarthome stuff on my local network but they are pressuring users to move to “philips security” which will require your lighting to be connected to their servers 24/7. This is apparently going to be necessary in a future update. A workaround is the bulbs do work with z wave but that requires additional hardware/software, plus why support a company that pulls such bullshit
A second video I have shows that as hue bulbs age they do begin to flicker though it is hard to see/perceive for some time. This is not a criticism of hue and more just something to be aware of with led lighting, the power supplies will begin to weaken and fail over time. Thankfully this takes quite some time, the bulb I have is approaching 8-9 years of life. But considering the price that’s not necessarily a great price per year (although keep in mind they’re regularly on sale). The flicker is mild
A third video shows a cheaper no name bulb that was marketed as flicker free. My partner says they are not bothered by it so it’s in their office but I can’t stand it. The video shows a much more dramatic flicker.
There is this website which verifies this for you, bulbs listed are either truly flicker free (category a) or imperceptible flicker (category b):
This post is brought to you by autism
- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 1 month ago:
Moving to a rack is nice, I love my rack. If you’re in or near a city I suggest keeping an eye on Craigslist and ebay (search by distance nearest and lowball ones that have been sitting for months) because it’s not uncommon for nice racks to go real cheap as long as you come get them. I got my rack realllll cheap ($40, 42u, fully enclosed with massive pdu) because it’s a 90s ibm rack and it’s welded steel so it’s like 450lbs. Moving it was a nightmare but it’s real sturdy and I’m never moving it again now that it’s in my basement
For my goals in the short term I have to replace a sas cable that caused a crc error on one drive, it only happened once per smart data but still want to get that done asap. I also have another drive that’s beginning to show some smart issues; it’s on the same sas cable so it may be related because the errors didn’t increase (they all were related to an unclean shutdown, confusing things) but it’s old anyway so better safe than sorry I guess.
Medium term I want to finally upgrade my ups. The one I have now is not a rack mount which is part of what led to the unclean shutdown. It’s also a bit undersized. I have a generator for my house so I don’t need something massive but the one I have is 450va and several years old so with the tired battery I only can get about 5m of runtime. It’s more than enough to cover the transfer from power cutting out to generator power but I want something that’s a bit more reliable in case of generator failure. This is pricey though because my array is pretty huge so it’ll probably be held off unless I find a good deal on a dead one that has cheap batteries available
I also want to put the rack on its own circuit. This is something I should do asap because it’s cheap, just gotta find time and rearrange my panel a bit because it’s pretty full. This would be the other part of the unclean shutdown as the outlet would be in a much better location and I could also install a locking outlet
Would also be nice to pick up a super cheap monitor locally, like something for $15-20 from a pawn shop or Craigslist or something for the rack. Earlier this year I had nginx crash on my server and the webui became inaccessible, I had to drag my nice and kind of large desktop monitor down to the basement to solve the issue, would be nice to just have a shitty small monitor on the rack for that
Speaking of nginx I keep meaning to setup some kind of reverse proxy or mdns for all my dockers so that I can just do whatever.whatever instead ipaddress:3993 which makes my password managers barf but I’ll probably just be lazy and edit my hosts file
Longer term I want to add a secondary low power server that can run something like pfsense to handle my routing, then turn my current wireless routers into access points because they kind of suck as routers.
And of course the array could always be bigger, especially if drive prices fall
I will probably realistically only do the drive and cable replacement, the circuit thing since that’ll be like $40 and a half hour of work, the monitor if I can find one, and maybe the hosts file thing. If I run into cash (unlikely) or a crazy deal (you never know) the ups would be my next priority but there’s a million other things going in life (deductibles just reset for health insurance, hooray)
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
your son sounds badass, read some shoujo and meet tom nook while spinning brat
- Comment on 79% of Americans feel burned out as they put most vacation time toward errands, doctor visits, and family care 1 month ago:
Even just taking time off to sit around and relax is difficult. I can’t remember the last time I did that for more than a “mental health day” because I was completely overwhelmed. Let alone actually traveling the country or world
- Comment on Magnus Carlsen: Chess champion quits FIDE tournament after being told to change jeans 2 months ago:
The difference is you need ice skates to skate on ice, you need baseball gloves to protect your hands, and while you don’t explicitly need running shoes you generally benefit from wearing a proper shoe for running if you are competing at a certain level. There is a function behind every one of your other examples.
What fucking pants you wear during chess is utterly meaningless unless you specifically want to create an air of superiority over people who do not dress “formally” (whatever that means). It is merely a means to exclude people who do not meet an arbitrary standard of appearance, which historically has just been a way to oppress lower socioeconomic classes and minorities. Fuck meaningless dress codes and props to him for standing his ground
- Comment on What are your most played games? 2 months ago:
oh my god Pokémon! For sure. This is just making me think of more: the games from when i was really young, like leisure suit Larry, police quest, day of the tentacle, sam and max, the dig, grim fandango, that are ultimately like 1-2 hours if you know what to do but in the absence of a walkthrough take like 600 hours of trial and error with endless save hopping
Those old adventure games used to be punishingly difficult
- Comment on Shinobi Undercover Volume 1 Cover 2 months ago:
I’ve found this series pretty solid so far
- Comment on What are your most played games? 2 months ago:
Red dead 2, persona 5/royal, sekiro, Elden ring, Stardew, Skyrim, tekken 7 and 8, botw and totk, animal crossing games in general going back to the gamecube one. Sank a lot of hours into taiko no tatsujin too
That also makes me think of all the games that didn’t track playtime or where my saves are long gone. Like really that’s just modern era stuff. The snes and psx final fantasy games, chrono trigger, secret of mana, earthbound, parasite eve, etc are all fairly long and I’ve played through them multiple times. Then there’s games like streets of rage and sonic 2 that aren’t terribly long but i played them to death. Oh and stuff like street fighter 2 and tekken, mario 64, so many hours of my youth that I probably should’ve been studying
- Comment on [Discussion] 【Oshi no Ko】 - Ch. 166.5 - Volume 16 Extras 2 months ago:
- Comment on What games did you complete in 2024? 2 months ago:
Every game for the year?? That’s crazy
Tears of the kingdom: amazing game, sunk an absurd amount of hours into this
Like a dragon: infinite wealth: so good, favorite franchise, rgg consistently puts out quality and is the only studio ill bother to buy full price games from
Tales of arise: really good
Hi fi rush: extremely good, but no jet set radio
Bomb rush cyberfunk: not as good, much closer though. actually felt like next gen jet set radio. just wish they bothered to improve the formula at all from 2000 or whenever
Dead space remake: I found myself having to push through the end of this, got very tedious
Silent hill free game on psn (I forget the name, the suicide one): so heavy handed, awful writing, awful voice acting, but it was free so whatever
Silent hill 2: pretty great remake but wish I waited for a price drop.
Persona 3 reload: basically same as above
Ff7: solid overall, really liked it
Spider-Man 2: not as good as the first one but decent
Unicorn overlord: really good
Forspoken: not amazing but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be based on the initial reactions
Tekken 8: love it even though I fucking suck
Smt: vengeance: great
Dave the diver: played on a whim without knowing anything about it, sucked me in
I know there weee more but that’s what I can remember off the top of my head
Excited to play metaphor, hellblade 2, Indiana jones, riven remake, erdtree dlc for Elden ring, cyberpunk dlc, Alan wake 2, god of war ragnarok dlc, new taiko no tatsujin, armored core vi, like a billion more
- Comment on Hunter X Hunter Manga To Go On A Hiatus After Release Of Chapter 410 2 months ago:
The last few chapters were SO good. Ending on a high note, at least
- Comment on [Discussion] The Moon on a Rainy Night - Ch. 28 3 months ago:
Sounds like the scanlation team might drop? bummer, they’ve done a good job and are miles ahead of the official
- Comment on [DISC] Girl meets Rock! Ch 46 3 months ago:
I’m not a lawyer but I would imagine there’s all kinds of bullshit with licensing for international use of the songs. Probably why we will never ever see an authorized translation of the shiori experience either
- Comment on [DISC] Girl meets Rock! Ch 46 3 months ago:
I was wondering why it got dropped as it seemed popular. Copyright bullshit strikes again!
- Comment on Frog's Gift 3 months ago:
This is a regularly done conservative tactic. Attack research because it’s frequently stupid sounding. But sometimes stupid sounding research leads to incredible things.
Sometimes you research the mating habits of red eyed tree frogs and you learn a lot for conservation efforts and stuff about the species. Conservatives love this because they can hand wave and go “who cares about this thing I personally don’t care about”
But those science nerds sometimes do stuff like researching gila venom in the 70s which eventually led to ozempic now, one of the potential major treatments for t2 diabetes, a scourge of our morbidly obese modern society. This has gigantic positive implications for public health and financial benefits
- Comment on 4 months ago:
pfsense running on whatever hardware that doesn’t use too much power
- Comment on Google is purging ad-blocking extension uBlock Origin from the Chrome Web Store 4 months ago:
The problem is proprietary systems that are mandatory to interface with. I have chrome installed for these stupid bullshit situations and as a result it’s constantly so far out of date that I just end up having to reinstall it the once or twice a year I am forced to use it.
Government interfaces are the one I run into the most. I recently had to log into nppes, the us government database for updating information attached to the national provider identifier number for healthcare practitioners. Super important thing, literally necessary to bill every single insurance in America and to join basically any practice. Locked out of the site unless you use edge or chrome. Like scripting on the page that makes the page blanked out for any other browser (including older versions)
Similarly I just had to pay the local tax bill in my county and their website had the same deal although they also supported safari. The website is blocked out with Firefox. but the website didn’t work right even trying all 3 of their “supported browsers” on 2 different computers and a vm lmao except I still have to figure out how to pay my taxes
- Comment on Look Back Anime Expands North American Release After Major Box Office Success 4 months ago:
This was pretty decent imo. Much better adaptation of fujimoto than chainsaw man in terms of art style. The 4 komas were great. I have high hopes for goodbye eri, which I think is the overall better story
- Comment on Anime Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion Thread [2024, Week 41] 4 months ago:
Not part of the season but I saw look back today and would recommend
- Comment on there's now more ads in "legit" sites (YouTube, amazon) than in piracy sites 4 months ago:
Depends on the piracy site. If you go to some of the pirate streaming sites or the blogs that host tons of pirated software with 30 rapidgator links that die after a month (instead of just using a torrent like a normal sensible person trying to share a 2-30+gb file that is begging to be taken down) without Adblock it’s absolutely comical how many ads there are. Even with Adblock those are the sites that manage to still have ads because they’re on the cutting edge of sketchy shit. It’s like seeing a late 90s to early 2000s website with how much random bullshit is pasted everywhere
Despite that I’m pretty sure that Amazon, google, etc do far more nefarious shit behind the scenes in terms of tracking/fingerprinting you and collecting data to sell
- Comment on Paralyzed Man Unable to Walk After Maker of His Powered Exoskeleton Tells Him It's Now Obsolete 4 months ago:
It’s a trivial repair assuming that’s the extent of the damage and there’s not any quirks associated with an extremely complex medical device that has no documentation whatsoever. Like maybe after not having the controller’s power supply connected for such a length of time there needs to be a calibration process upon bringing it back to life that can only be done with proprietary software
The biggest thing though is that by going in and fixing it yourself you open yourself to the possibility that the company will now say “oh this was worked on by someone else and that’s why it’s broken, we won’t work on it now”. That’s the state of repair rights in America, vendors are openly hostile to people who fix their own things even if they do it sufficiently. We used to have political representation that gave us regulations to allow us to work on and even modify our cars without impacting the warranty but that’s been eroded and there’s not really anything of that nature for tech stuff (other than judgements saying broken warranty seals don’t count for anything)
- Comment on LG TVs start showing ads on screensavers | LG's TV business is heightening focus on selling ads and tracking 5 months ago:
What kind of tv? For webos it’s potentially a bit complicated but also potentially stupid easy depending on which version of webos your tv has
I would strongly suggest avoiding nvm even if it’s supported unless you’re very comfortable with hardware hacks. The others are all software and fairly easy to do if you’re capable with following instructions. The most recent, dejavuln, is fairly simple but can be a bit finicky (you may have to try a bunch of times) but lg is also rolling out patches for it so if your tv is updated you may be out of luck. It’s hard to say because the patches aren’t rolled out unilaterally. Webos is a bit confusing and there are many “branches” that all have similar features but wildly different numbering. If your tv is patched block updates by either disconnecting from the internet or blocking the above sites in your router and watch the webos homebrew discord (linked on that site). There are people actively researching new exploits and if one pops up it’ll be discussed in the discord first (and if it’s a big deal, like they expect it to be patched, they usually ping everyone to let them know to do it asap)
- Comment on LG TVs start showing ads on screensavers | LG's TV business is heightening focus on selling ads and tracking 5 months ago:
As if android tv isn’t also loaded to hell with ads and reliant on streaming networks that basically all have increasingly obtrusive ads
Either only buy physical or pirate all of your media, set up a jellyfin server, set up a dns server that blocks ads (adguard, pihole) and point any device that can connect to the internet at it. Cancel all of your streaming subscriptions and use a coreelec box to watch your media from your jellyfin server. There are literally no other ways to not get obtrusive advertising.
If you have an lg webos tv like me you can keep it connected to the internet but root it, block updates in homebrew channel, install YouTube with adblocking and sponsor block, and then again make sure it’s getting dns from your ad block server. Add in custom rules for
us.ad.lgsmartad.com us.info.lgsmartad.com ngfts.lge.com lgad.cjpowercast.com edgesuite.net us.rdx2.lgtvsdp.com us.info.lgsmartad.com us.ibs.lgappstv.com us.lgtvsdp.com ad.lgappstv.com smartshare.lgtvsdp.com ibis.lgappstv.com us.ad.lgsmartad.com lgad.cjpowercast.com.edgesuite.net ngfts.lge.com yumenetworks.com smartclip.net smartclip.com
snu.lge.com su.lge.com lgtvonline.lge.com
These block ads and the last three block the update servers. The update blocking isn’t strictly necessary if you have rooted and blocked updates in homebrew channel but it will get rid of the annoying “new version” nag that pops up when you turn on the tv. You may have to clear caches on the tv
- Comment on How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years? 5 months ago:
That’s good to hear. I have a zigbee stick but haven’t found the time to repair them that way yet. I definitely agree they’re good products, it just left a real bad taste in my mouth when after years of using them I got a notification in the app that soon I’ll be required to put them online, which is nonsense
- Comment on How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years? 5 months ago:
Just fyi for anyone who would care about this: while hue bulbs are built well they are moving towards a model that requires you to put them on “the cloud”, even though they were sold for years and years without that requirement. The update will be mandatory whether you want it or not as part of Philips security being integrated into the app. It’s unclear what will happen if you don’t create an account and sign in at that point
So if you’re like me and put all your iot shit on an isolated vlan without internet access they may not be the best option for you. Or if you just don’t want to support a company that wildly changes the tos years after purchasing their (expensive) product. I don’t want my home shit on the internet, I don’t trust Philips to put enough cash or effort into securing their servers, etc.
The bulbs do work with zigbee though and that seems to be a viable alternative to using their hub/app although I haven’t tested it fully. This also means if you’re using them via HomeKit you’ll need some kind of bridge like home assistant
- Comment on Mental hell 5 months ago:
Depends on the program. Diploma mills for graduate degrees absolutely exist but many are extremely competitive.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Bleed in my ass
those bass drum hertas tho