Comment on What games did you complete in 2024? 2 months ago
Every game for the year?? That’s crazy
Tears of the kingdom: amazing game, sunk an absurd amount of hours into this
Like a dragon: infinite wealth: so good, favorite franchise, rgg consistently puts out quality and is the only studio ill bother to buy full price games from
Tales of arise: really good
Hi fi rush: extremely good, but no jet set radio
Bomb rush cyberfunk: not as good, much closer though. actually felt like next gen jet set radio. just wish they bothered to improve the formula at all from 2000 or whenever
Dead space remake: I found myself having to push through the end of this, got very tedious
Silent hill free game on psn (I forget the name, the suicide one): so heavy handed, awful writing, awful voice acting, but it was free so whatever
Silent hill 2: pretty great remake but wish I waited for a price drop.
Persona 3 reload: basically same as above
Ff7: solid overall, really liked it
Spider-Man 2: not as good as the first one but decent
Unicorn overlord: really good
Forspoken: not amazing but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be based on the initial reactions
Tekken 8: love it even though I fucking suck
Smt: vengeance: great
Dave the diver: played on a whim without knowing anything about it, sucked me in
I know there weee more but that’s what I can remember off the top of my head
Excited to play metaphor, hellblade 2, Indiana jones, riven remake, erdtree dlc for Elden ring, cyberpunk dlc, Alan wake 2, god of war ragnarok dlc, new taiko no tatsujin, armored core vi, like a billion more