- Comment on Gaming chat platform Discord in early talks with banks about public listing 2 days ago:
The company must have more than 500 equity holders and have more than $10 million in assets. If the company maintains a limited number of owners, they will never be required to go public regardless of their valuation.
- Comment on Gaming chat platform Discord in early talks with banks about public listing 2 days ago:
There is no requirement to ever go public, in the US anyway. I work for a multi-billion dollar company that’s entirely privately held. It just tends to happen because it’s the best way for the equity holders to convert their ownership into cash. It can be hard to sell a whole company because that requires someone to go all in to buy it and they must accept all the risk of maintaining its value. But you can go public and get tons of investment money without having to sell.
- Comment on TikTok goes dark in US as Trump seeks reprieve from ban 1 month ago: still works though?
- Comment on xkcd #3033: Origami Black Hole 2 months ago:
The maximum number of times a piece of paper has ever been folded in half is 11, thanks to my boys Adam and Jamie.…
- Comment on I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone 2 months ago:
And yet my android phone is able to detect what song is playing 24x7 without being a noticeable drain on the battery or using extra data. Doesn’t seem far fetched to be able to do keyword spotting under the same constraints.
Here’s one example of a company getting caught:…/113071827.cms
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
Because believers will listen to Christianity’s divinely inspired interpretation of the Bible that says that. Non-christians won’t listen to that. Therefore anyone who believes the earth is older has rejected Christianity. He did it to help identify the non-believers because he’s a petty bitch.
- Comment on 👣👣👣 5 months ago:
It’s because of anti-discrimination laws. In some US states it can be illegal to hire someone for a position without posting it publicly. The concern is that if you’re not posting the job publicly, it can be because you want to prevent certain people from applying.
When you do post it publicly, the company can demonstrate that they allowed anyone to apply, show records that they considered multiple people for the job, and then decided on the internal candidate the best fit. No room for a discrimination lawsuit.
Source: I’m a hiring manager at a multi-billion dollar company and have actually learned a thing or two from annual compliance training over the years.
- Comment on The TrimUI Brick Takes Inspiration From The Analogue Pocket | Time Extension 5 months ago:
Is there a “real” or primary manufacturer? I looked it up and it looks cool, but it’s an endless sea of knockoffs with very different prices.
- Comment on UN World Food Programme halts Gaza staff movements 6 months ago:
after its team came under fire near an Israeli checkpoint.
Shot at by whom??? Must have been all the Hamas soldiers hanging out at the Israeli checkpoint since they won’t say who it was…
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
It’s not even that simple. If you skip ahead during an ad, the YT servers could just keep streaming you the ad content anyway. Their servers can ensure that the next 30s of packet data you receive is an ad no matter what, so the only way you can skip it is to wait it out and close your ears and eyes. Basically the same concept as ads on broadcast TV. Which means we’ll have to do a TiVo for YT… Gross.
- Comment on Shapez 2 to enter Early Access: August 15 7 months ago:
Sweet! Shapez is a great take on factory games.
- Comment on Kien, the most-delayed video game in history, released after 22 years 7 months ago:
Star Citizen is on track to beat this in only 10 more years! My children will carry on my legacy.
- Comment on noplace, a mashup of Twitter and Myspace for Gen Z, hits No. 1 on the App Store 8 months ago:
It’s pedantic, but you are not your computer. They don’t collect (according to them) PII other than phone numbers.
- Comment on noplace, a mashup of Twitter and Myspace for Gen Z, hits No. 1 on the App Store 8 months ago:
- Your Device’s Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), - absolutely necessary for anti-ddos techniques
- browser type, browser version, - necessary for UX to build a functional website for the browsers that customers actually use
- the pages of our Service that You visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, - critical for determining what is popular and what isn’t to improve how the interface is designed and what parts are pulled forward and what parts are hidden in menus
- unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data. - useful for determining how often you switch devices and the performance and other experience metrics to drive making the app more user friendly
I work on web software professionally and this is a pretty minimal list that is completely justifiable for maintaining operations. If you can’t answer basic questions like “what are users doing with the app?”, you can’t make intelligent decisions about how to improve it.
There’s a lot of the same stuff here:
I don’t know anything about this app or company so I’m not going to defend them, but there aren’t any real red flags here. If this amount of data collection bothers you, you really should stop using the internet in general.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
The audio in this game really seals the deal. You’re just swimming along collecting resources and hear a terrifying roar. But you look around and can’t see where it came from… Do you keep going or nope the fuck outta there and go take a breather in your life pod for 20 mins while your heart rate comes back down?
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
Being able to build vertically makes it a very different experience. Using a hyper tube chain to meet yourself all the way across the map is chef’s kiss.
The blueprints are helpful for mid to late game when you need to set up dozens of the same thing. It’s not a perfect system, but can definitely be a time saver.
The combat is totally different. There’s no raid/defense mechanism. The mobs have a fixed spawn point. They’ll stop respawning once you start building around that point. Once you learn the appropriate attack/dodge maneuver for each type, they’re barely even a nuisance to kill.
- Comment on Looks like something straight from Warhammer 40K 8 months ago:
I’m sure all those bones are legitimate salvage…
- Comment on Economics 8 months ago:
The TI-89 was ~$100 when I bought one 20 years ago. Looked it up on Amazon and they’re $100-$150 depending on the specific model. They haven’t kept up with inflation at all, which means they’ve been getting cheaper this whole time…
- Comment on Coconuts 🥥 8 months ago:
This is nonsense. Coconuts were spread by humans.
Such an origin indicates that the coconuts were not introduced naturally, such as by sea currents. The researchers concluded that it was brought by early Austronesian sailors to the Americas from at least 2,250 BP, and may be proof of pre-Columbian contact between Austronesian cultures and South American cultures.
- Comment on "William Shatner: You Can Call Me Bill" Documentary/Biography in theaters this weekend 11 months ago:
Hopefully it’s a 96 minute reenactment ofRocket Man.
- Comment on mycology 11 months ago:
I used to be a wizard, till I took a mushroom to the knee.
- Comment on mycology 11 months ago:
Not clones, more of a ship of Theseus scenario. A fungal network can be “one thing” because we see it as a single interconnected system. But parts grow and die over time. It doesn’t have individual cells that are infinitely old, but the one wholistic fungal organism, as we define it, can live forever through regrowth. There are types of jellyfish that can also “live forever” in this same way.
- Comment on Coles paper bags have been shrinkflated 11 months ago:
You guys have bags? We don’t have bags in my part of the USA anymore. Plastic got banned and no stores have any paper bags.
- Comment on Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests 11 months ago:
They’re bots
- Comment on This Is Why Tesla’s Stainless Steel Cybertrucks May Be Rusting 1 year ago:
That’s early access selling DLC.
- Comment on "Suggested" Facebook Disinfo (Moon Landing Hoax Page) 1 year ago:
I traveled to North Carolina for work recently. The ads I got on my phone were off the deep end. Gun stores, FJB apparel, and all manner of right wing nonsense. I don’t get any of that stuff when I’m using cell data in my town.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
Our schools do a “spirit night” fundraiser at a business once a month. The business donates a portion of the sales to the school during a specific time frame. Child labor is not involved.
- Comment on Unity bans VLC from Unity Store. 1 year ago:
Epic is just a troll company. They donated to Godot when it served as a jab in the side of their competition (unity). Their entire business model is to inflict Stockholm Syndrome on their users via free games.
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
I think that’s Tom Zendaya from Skibidi Drip Rizz.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Anyone making gender or race based claims about behavior is an idiot, mmmkay?