- Comment on Gotta love moms 9 months ago:
Most of the time.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Fluid dynamic?
- Comment on efficiency 1 year ago:
Yes yes! But wasn’t there some limit, like if you had a 1Mbit cartridge you still had to shuffle the data around? Or was it just a penalty to map a different chunk of memory?
My memory is sure not that fast or reliable:-)
- Comment on We are in Brave's search results! 1 year ago:
I don’t know as the (cURL http) API I’m using is confusing for messages so I only have the servers & communities.
If I get it up and running I’ll tell :-D
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
480.000$ cancer treatment enters the chat.
- Comment on Data contamination expert 👌 1 year ago:
They’ll just find the signal in what you’re doing. Sorry but checkmate, mate.
- Comment on efficiency 1 year ago:
Use png and IDK I don’t remember which cmd line soft but it stripped out unused colors and compressed images like that one hard.
That, without the red lines and circles, and without jpeg jitter should be like 1kb. Or less less.
Now, as an oldtimer, when you load that 1kb image up, it will still take like 640x320 bytes (it was all 8bit) so 200KB of RAM. But back in the day I guess it was more like the original GB 160x144 so 22.5KB RAM needed to show that image.
Did it work like that?
No, because cartridges didn’t have a lot of space, and the consoles didn’t have much RAM, so you used tiles. You had a tile map image, each tile was 8x8 pixels pointing to a palette (so you could use 4-bits for the color. More or less so, there were a lot of ‘modes’). Each tile had a number and your screen was some 20x18 tiles x 1 byte numbers, designing the ‘tile’ to be shown at that particular position of the screen.
All done by hardware so way fast!
To make the scrolling run you had a ‘delta’ pixels to slightly move the “screen” around.
Fun times.
Time to go to bed 😪😴
- Comment on We are in Brave's search results! 1 year ago:
I made a crude lemmy scanner, but as I’m using the “http api” I’m a bit stuck at servers and instances. Almost 1800 servers and IIRC (I’m on my phone) some 40.000 communities. Yay!
I know the official api docs, but I don’t know how to really use it, just send a json to some server? Would love to have an easy example and I’ll go from there (family, work, art, and other gets in the way).
The goal would be to figure out how to make a search engine without storing the whole lemmyverse locally.
FOSS obviously.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I thought it was someone making a bunch of bot accounts for the future…
- Comment on Give me Options or give me death 1 year ago:
“Nah, only when working…”
- Comment on Taylor Swift getting the airplane delivered that will fly her to her airplane on which she'll fly from one side to the other on an airplane, eating food delivered by airplane 1 year ago:
The plane.
- Comment on Give me Options or give me death 1 year ago:
Whoah, that seems like you’d flesh out code elsewhere, you know when you throw stuff together to make it work, and then fix it up to standards.
Feels like you should have to make git commits perfectly well before being able to compile…
Put that overwhelmingly intrusive thing in a hook checking out your commits instead (when you push your branch ofc).
- Comment on Sort by New 1 year ago:
The screen is already modded lol
- Comment on Which one of you nutcases is going to call? 1 year ago:
Might this be our first Lemmy hug of death 😚🥳?!!
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
Yeah back in the day we were bored most of the time, news was in a paper or in 1 hour of TV in rhe evening.
Off course everyone was hyped up on any kind of weird news or other, 7-11 was just bigger than the classical ones like ghosts or murders etc.
- Comment on [Politics] Have phobia, will travel 1 year ago:
What about 2024?
- Comment on fat time 1 year ago:
I have the same but without the workout…
- Comment on fat time 1 year ago:
Yeah wild times, those cigarette commercials too man, “doesn’t take your breath away” with two tennisplayer girls smoking…
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
Thanks for the link, and yeah I devoured the books back in the day but wouldn’t recommend them or talk well about them today because the writer went apeshit pro TERF and more. I mean WTF.
- Comment on Reason for high refresh rates? 1 year ago:
Maybe so it won’t flicker when filmed?
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
I second that, happy to hear Gabe is still around, gotta head over there!
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
Thanks I’d look it up, guess CNIL might be a start.
- Comment on Markets will surely do 1 year ago:
The market will regulate the market.
- Comment on Why do we use average instead of mode? 1 year ago:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 45, 98, 100, 100 => 100
1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 45, 98, 99, 100 => 3
1, 2.999, 3, 4, 5, 45, 98, 99.999, 100 => ?
It will only work on datasets where you have few very distincts values but also lots of values.
I guess we don’t like it eather because shitty headlines would have a field day if people even knew “mode” might be about in statistics (or am I thinking too french?). Thank god for that naming BTW.
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
Aargh triggering shit yeah it’s horrendous what funneling everyone on the internet through a single (or so) “research portal”
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
But made its best to make you stay on the page over the 12 second watermark or some SEO bullshit.
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
Be fair, it’s not always working but more often then not IMO.
I’d love somewhere to reporh those assholish designed (so illegal in the EU) ones, like the French CNIL or something?
- Comment on Anti-racism be like 1 year ago:
Let’s stop making “racial” (there is only one human race) stereotypes then.
- Comment on Anti-racism be like 1 year ago:
As a European (we had slavery, made more wars than you can imagine and have probably the worst history you can’t even imagine) nice try locking people up in “black” vs “white”.
- Comment on Unexpected 1 year ago:
This no shit posting, this correct posting.