- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 4 months ago:
Have my main server back home, while I’m traveling I have a script to reencode to av1 onto my local machine, works beautifully and the quality drop isn’t too bad (colors look weird but think that’s the Intel xe encoder)
- Comment on A tiny town (Spruce Pine North Carolina) just got slammed by Helene. It could massively disrupt the tech industry 5 months ago:
Posted from my iphone…
- Comment on How do you use only ipv6 server? 5 months ago:
Used to have miredo, which worked pretty well, but think they killed that.
Should still have old 6to4 protocols, they use ipv4 address tricks to get everything working.
- Comment on Square Enix Unveils Die-Cast Miniatures of Retro Consoles 5 months ago:
That’s fair, I’d want a remaster at the very least, fix the textures etc.
But I love the FF7 remake, I think they could do a beautiful CT remake if they actually put in the heart and soul.
- Comment on Square Enix Unveils Die-Cast Miniatures of Retro Consoles 5 months ago:
Anything to delay working on a chrono trigger or ff6 remake.
- Comment on Man-in-the-Middle PCB Unlocks HP Ink Cartridges 5 months ago:
They died when inkjet ink became their core business the rest of the company revolved around.
Also Carly fiorina, she ruined it for women ceos for a while.
- Comment on Possible Linux Severe CVSS 9.9/10 Unauthenticated RCE Flaw 5 months ago:
Cups was due, too much functionality on too many systems, it needed to be more limited and secure by default.
- Comment on Dark Matter Black Holes Could Fly through the Solar System Once a Decade 5 months ago:
I’m guessing you’ve seen as many lorentz attractor simulations as I have, what always happens is something like tidal effects or angular momentum means 90% slow down while a few particles get shot out of hell at ludicrous speed.
The effect is similar to drag.
- Comment on Dark Matter Black Holes Could Fly through the Solar System Once a Decade 5 months ago:
Then it should also coelescce, particularly since it doesn’t have the em force to keep it repelled, the universe should be dominated by massive dark matter black holes.
Yes, there’s math that explains part of the distribution, but also there is 0 force opposing any collapse we’d have a lot more neutron stars and other degenerate matter catalyzed by dark matter.
We have hypotheses like this when our observations don’t make sense and we need to explain them, it’s definitely a possibility but we still have room to understand the large scale physics at play.
- Comment on Dark Matter Black Holes Could Fly through the Solar System Once a Decade 5 months ago:
Yes, it would just be surprising because, gravity should make them not be evenly distributed.
The whole thing with dark matter is that it’s this magic stuff that causes gravity but isn’t affected by it, which… is not how gravity normally works.
Though there is still room for it, we just need a better framework other than “I added 3 and 5 and got 12, so obviously I must mean to add 3 and 5 and 4 too”.
- Comment on Dark Matter Black Holes Could Fly through the Solar System Once a Decade 5 months ago:
The main way you’d see that kind of microlensing is if they aggregated.
But given the way gravity works, they should aggregate, otherwise why call them black holes?
- Comment on Grid-scale batteries: They’re not just lithium 5 months ago:
For larger applications you don’t use agm, you often go back to flooded batteries with even replaceable, high cycle cqthodes:…/B9781782420132000030
- Comment on XPipe - A connection hub for all your servers - Status update for the v11 release 5 months ago:
This is something I’ve felt we’ve needed for a long time, but cloudscalers have their own environments that include resource management and beyond dev, if anything goes wrong they either reboot the net image or offline it for maintenance.
This is something I’ve wanted to throw together, will give it a try soon, could even be useful for development.
- Comment on Qualcomm Reportedly Taps Intel With An Acquisition Offer 5 months ago:
It won’t, the market share is generally complementary, not competitive, the sectors tend to be different (more or less until recently).
Mostly, if people are really scared into might fold (unlikely, but we don’t know everything) then the ftc will roll out the red carpet for a player like Intel.
Doubt it will happen, qcomm is too smart, but it’s not unthinkable, and it would give qcomm domination over US cpus, save hyperscalers.
It only happens if people are truly terrified.
- Comment on What’s the most overhyped tech trend right now? 5 months ago:
Molten salt sounds like a terrible design for modular, the whole problem is if it loses power it freezes solid, you’d want a huge one with tons of backup imho.
I’d imagine a tiny pebble bed or traveling wave, something fairly inert and safe.
- Comment on What’s the most overhyped tech trend right now? 5 months ago:
Basically you save money on tech/support because of scale.
So you triple and quadruple your sales and marketing spend to get more business.
In the end it just doesn’t work, except the smaller guys and a lot of them are just hanging on as the stacks get more complicated.
Aws and gcloud are thickening the stack and driving everyone else out of business.
- Comment on California governor signs law to protect children from social media addiction. 5 months ago:
We really need them for boomers, for the world’s sake.
- Comment on Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it? 5 months ago:
Nobody wants it, they just want brighter lights for themselves to compensate for being blinded by the brighter lights of others.
We’d need regulations for this, which we’d never get, especially after the Chevron doctrine was reversed.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
He’s more ginger now than man; twisted and evil.
- Comment on Ford Chairman & CEO Jim Farley Wakes After Decade-long Nap, Shocked By China's EVs - CleanTechnica 5 months ago:
Yeah, so we’re still what, 10k behind China this year?
- Comment on Qualcomm Approached Intel About a Takeover in Recent Days 5 months ago:
As someone who’s in the space and has been around Qcomm and their deals before.
It won’t happen.
They will flirt like you can’t imagine, they will propose, make offers, etc.
But closing the deal? No.
They are very smart, and Intel is too big for them to dismantle and exploit with value.
Their interest is not in Intel belonging to them, but in a large, Intel shaped hole in the market that they can attack, and their discussions are more likely about Intel’s roadmaps so they can understand how they could best exploit Intel’s fall.
They are unlikely to even hire some of Intel’s spoils, maybe a few strategic VPs, but… they’re just smart and ruthless and Intel is the dregs and bloated nowl.
- Comment on Firebrick thermal energy storage could reach 170 GW in the U.S. by 2050 5 months ago:
Oh, my bad. That makes perfect sense and I have no objections for purely thermal storage.
- Comment on Firebrick thermal energy storage could reach 170 GW in the U.S. by 2050 5 months ago:
I can buy all of it, near perfect heating, but 2% for their forced air circulation combined with turbine and generation losses? Seems too good to be true.
Chatgpt (because we’re all lazy) :
Total Thermal to Electrical Efficiency
The overall thermal-to-electrical efficiency of a power plant, often referred to as plant efficiency, is the product of the steam turbine efficiency and the generator efficiency. Typical overall efficiencies for fossil-fuel-based steam turbine power plants (e.g., coal, natural gas) range from 33% to 40%.
In more advanced configurations like combined cycle power plants, which recover waste heat from the steam turbine exhaust to generate additional electricity, efficiencies can reach 50% to 60%.
Calculation Example:
If the steam turbine has an efficiency of 40%, and the generator has an efficiency of 98%, the total thermal-to-electrical efficiency would be:
\text{Total Efficiency} = 0.40 \times 0.98 = 0.392 \text{ or } 39.2%
So, for every 100 units of thermal energy input, 39.2 units are converted into electrical energy.
- Comment on Firebrick thermal energy storage could reach 170 GW in the U.S. by 2050 5 months ago:
They use hot air warmed by gas burners.
Since we’re using electricity here, and this was mentioned in the study linked elsewhere, they used ceramic heaters.
- Comment on Firebrick thermal energy storage could reach 170 GW in the U.S. by 2050 5 months ago:
Fine, but given … everything, it seems like you could do some smaller system with channels in the bricks for conduction, it’s the hot air that bothers me, that’s not great to try to use for conducting energy everywhere, you get turbulent effects.
- Comment on Firebrick thermal energy storage could reach 170 GW in the U.S. by 2050 5 months ago:
Ok, they’re claiming 98% rt efficiency.
I don’t think we have 98% rt efficiency in anything, ever. That’s miraculous. Batteries are around 92% at best? Pumped hydro is 85% or so.
That even sounds high for raw carnot efficiency.
I mean, if so, wow, that’s awesome, and I don’t really doubt their 1% daily decay, that seems attainable.
But 98% rt? I’m still skeptical.
- Comment on Firebrick thermal energy storage could reach 170 GW in the U.S. by 2050 5 months ago:
I would think molten metal would be more effective for this, molten sodium or lead or something? Maybe some kind of Tin/Lead eutectic like old solder?
Firebricks just seem inefficient somehow, particularly since the heat isn’t going to be uniform, while molten metals or salts can circulate and convect the heat more efficiently than… air.
- Comment on Ford Chairman & CEO Jim Farley Wakes After Decade-long Nap, Shocked By China's EVs - CleanTechnica 5 months ago:
They also have 100x we many executions as we have, probably closer to 1000x.
- Comment on Tor anonymity infiltrated: Law enforcement monitors servers successfully 5 months ago:
2 things:
- This seems to be a specific attack for their IM protocol if the entry node was compromised, and could be placed nearby the client. To make this much easier, you’d want to compromise both the entry and exit nodes (in this case exit node is TOR native, so it’s more like internal node).
This has never been unknown, this is one of the fundamental attack vectors against TOR, the IM protocol seemed to make correlation easier due to its real time nature.
They added a protection layer called Vanguard, to ensure the internal exit nodes were fixed to reduce the likelihood that you could track a circuit with a small number of compromised internal exit nodes. This seems like it would help due to reducing likelihood of sampling.
- TOR has always been vulnerable, the issue is the resources needed are large, and specifically, the more competition for compromising nodes the more secure it is. Basically now the NSA is probably able to compromise most connections, and they wouldn’t announce this and risk their intelligence advantage unless there was an extremely valuable reason. They definitely wouldn’t do so because a drug dealer was trying to make a sale. Telling normal law enforcement basically ends their advantage, so they won’t.
Other state actors might try, but they’re not in the same league in terms of resources, IIRC there are a LOT of exit nodes in Virginia.
tl;dr - The protocol is mostly safe, it doesn’t matter if people try to compromise it, the nature of TOR means multiple parties trying to compromise nodes make the network more secure as each faction hides a portion of data from the others, and only by sharing can the network be truly broken. Good luck with that.
- Comment on Some basic info about USB 5 months ago:
Nobody uses that, they use the spec number because that’s what they’ve been taught, and they identify with it more than the incredibly stupid ‘full/high/super/duper/ultramegahyperspeed’ convention which the idiots at the siig decided to break again in 3.2.
Everybody literally on the planet agrees the system is moronic, you’re literally the only person who dissents, congratulations on that.