- Comment on New report skewers Coalition’s contentious nuclear plan – and reignites Australia’s energy debate 2 days ago:
Not anymore. They hit peak coal already it looks and trending cleaner everyday
- Comment on John Oliver promoted alternatives to big tech in last night's episode, including Mastodon and Pixelfed 5 days ago:
You don’t just trade 1 powerful ceo for another when you get the chance to leave. Ridiculous.
- Comment on Browse and watch videos in FreshRSS like it's YouTube: "Youlag theme/extension" (v3.0.2) 1 week ago:
Is there something that runs in the browser / displays a webpage to keep the browser experience that you know of?
- Comment on Docker Hub limiting unauthenticated users to 10 pulls per hour 1 week ago:
Pull through Cache / proxy is what you’re looking for.
- Comment on Economists reveal the truth behind Musk’s ‘DOGE dividends’ 1 week ago:
Daily beast as a source for economics? No.
- Comment on What does the 3-2-1 rule look like for you? 1 week ago:
2x 2TB with rsync 2X 500GB with rsync. 1x 1TB cloud drive via rsync
The 2TB has a 500GB dir that gets cloned to the other 2 500GB drives and the cloud.
4 drives, 2 locations (1 offsite)
I could spare 500gb portion somewhere I guess but it’s just easy atm that the important 500GB gets copied around 1x a week.
- Comment on Flohmarkt - a Fediverse replacement for Facebook Marketplace 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on We need faster speed limits in Australia - and I'm not saying that because I'm a hoon | Opinion - Car News 5 weeks ago:
Agree with the economic points.
Yes wombats etc would not be able to reach autobahns in most cases.
10 times the size of Germany
Germany is incredibly dense with roads and I’d say would have more paved highway KMs than Australia.
Thing is with the unpaved stuff in Aus you can often already do your 130+ cos nobody is around.
- Comment on We need faster speed limits in Australia - and I'm not saying that because I'm a hoon | Opinion - Car News 5 weeks ago:
I’ve lived in Germany for 10 years and been 250ish on the autobahn.
Australian roads are no where near the quality, smoothness, curvature and undulation specs needed for 150+
I could see maybe some places the roads could be 130ish. But only for minute stretches.
But as for driving standards, no fucking way. Eg you cannot have people in the far right lane “I’m going the speed limit” so sit behind me.
Stay left unless overtaking for a good 5 years first, then can think about increasing speed limits.
PS this only works on separated direction freeways.
- Comment on California just debunked a big myth about renewable energy 5 weeks ago:
Sure is. Tells me a lot more than just the total energy produced.
- Comment on Tomorrow, When the War Began author John Marsden dies aged 74 2 months ago:
Thanks Johnny boy, was good stuff!
- Comment on An unwritten 'country code' is putting Rob's life at risk on the road, and all he's doing is turning right 2 months ago:
Just gonna say, ive said thanks out loud in the car and given the truck the thumbs up after he just gave one or two clicks of the right-hand blinker saying we could pass (after being on their arse for a few kms). Multiple times.
But if it was stuck on and still blinking then I would not pass.
Just saying… Cos they’re not gonna write an article like this and it not existing.
- Comment on The fierce reaction to Australia’s new Future Fund mandate reflects how much has changed since 2006 | John Quiggin 2 months ago:
But before when it wasn’t it was left leaning or no? (Twitter)
- Comment on The fierce reaction to Australia’s new Future Fund mandate reflects how much has changed since 2006 | John Quiggin 3 months ago:
That wasn’t my question. But I think I got the answer now, “Most posters are left leaning.”
- Comment on The fierce reaction to Australia’s new Future Fund mandate reflects how much has changed since 2006 | John Quiggin 3 months ago:
All sources…
Sounds like you only want to read leftist opinions, and centrist and right are not allowed in here?
- Comment on The fierce reaction to Australia’s new Future Fund mandate reflects how much has changed since 2006 | John Quiggin 3 months ago:
Why is it really only guardian articles posted here?
- Comment on I made a spreadsheet on info and pricing for every mobile plan in Australia (that I could find) 3 months ago:
CSV to .MD build job on merge to main?
All I know is I’m not downloading a file to open it each time for updates.
- Comment on I made a spreadsheet on info and pricing for every mobile plan in Australia (that I could find) 3 months ago:
You can try a markdown formatted table!
Works good in github readme, and here in Voyager/lemmy, not sure about codeberg.
ChatGPT would make quick work of creating it from your data, then just copy and paste. Should render in rich text mode like this
markdown table x y |markdown|table| |--|---| |x|y|
Not hugely Scalable but is easily readable
- Comment on I made a spreadsheet on info and pricing for every mobile plan in Australia (that I could find) 3 months ago:
Web readabke format and link would be good!
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Fire’s waste is just all particulates in the air which we all share.
- Comment on It took 68 years for the world to reach 1 terawatt of solar PV capacity. It took just two years to double it | RenewEconomy 3 months ago:
Electrification is good.
- Comment on No-fault evictions banned and break-lease fees capped under sweeping reforms in Victoria 3 months ago:
Theres a nice LawTech company in Berlin operating currently where they will take the case for you, in trying to get your rent back to market level, and in Berlin they backpay the difference.
The company Conny.De/en upon a win, take 3months of the rent per month they save you going forward (and in retrospect ).
Plenty of people with wins in my friendship group
- Comment on Australia's prime minister rejects China's claims that his country is rife with 'racism and hate crimes' 4 months ago:
From chatgpt after I gave it your comment…
The phenomenon you’re describing is often referred to as “ethnic succession” or “the ladder of social mobility” in the context of racial and immigrant integration.
This process has been observed historically in the U.S., Canada, and the UK as well, with each generation gradually shifting its identity and aligning with majority cultural values, while still carrying the trauma or prejudice they once faced.
- Comment on Origin snaps up pioneering Solar Quotes business, exits rooftop PV installation 4 months ago:
Sold out?
- Comment on New car buyers driven to white or grey, with bright colours rarer than ever, data shows 4 months ago:
Not that I can think of…
- Comment on New car buyers driven to white or grey, with bright colours rarer than ever, data shows 4 months ago:
The rents needed a new roof lately, I showed them the stats for surfmist compared to dark colourbond (which they wanted initially)
But they settled on zinc-alum which is not quite as good as surf mist for the heat, but much cheaper and still good. They’re in North West Victoria, hits 45 all the time in summer and weeks of 35+ easy.
- Comment on New car buyers driven to white or grey, with bright colours rarer than ever, data shows 4 months ago:
Don’t buy blue in the aussie sun, it cracks and weathers faster than even black.
Now why we have so many dark coloured colourbond roofs for the crazy heat is beyond me.
- Comment on Tupperware has filed for bankruptcy – is multi-level marketing in trouble? 5 months ago:
Those with silicone breasts are gonna have some trouble then…
- Comment on Tupperware has filed for bankruptcy – is multi-level marketing in trouble? 5 months ago:
Dont microwave them, that’s for sure
- Comment on Japan boosts ties with ‘like-minded’ Australia in face of regional threats 5 months ago:
Is it euphoria? I watched it but it hurt too much. (: