- Comment on Feds Say You Don’t Have a Right to Check Out Retro Video Games Like Library Books 4 months ago:
I’ve been saying that we need to have a law on the books to require any online components of a game be required to have the source to those features be released upon closure of the online service. I would be fine with them then being except from any security liability for anyone who gets hacked by use of that software and even retaining ownership of the IP, so no one could sell access to the service, but being able to stand up fan-run servers for old Xbox-live games or dead MMOs more easily would be really great. I’m locked out of so many PlayStation trophies simply because online servers have been down for ages now.
- Comment on Feds Say You Don’t Have a Right to Check Out Retro Video Games Like Library Books 4 months ago:
They’re right. I have been using old videos games for recreation. Too bad that they’ve decided to prevent me from paying for the privilege or at least being tracked through library usage and have instead decided it’d be better if I was just an untrackable “criminal”
Either way, I’m enjoying these old games and living my life guilt free.
- Comment on Relationship goals 4 months ago:
No no, he’s right.
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
Yum brands has always been at the forefront of using tech to sell fast food. This was true then and is true now. Taco Bell has pioneered kiosks and in-app ordering as well as KDS in QSR environments.
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 4 months ago:
Yeah all of these are ridiculous but save file editing? lol. That’s insane.
- Comment on new foss adblocker for safari (macOS, ipadOS, iOS) 5 months ago:
For a few years now.
- Comment on Croc: Legend Of The Gobbos Remastered Announced As Argonaut Games Returns After 20-Year Hiatus 5 months ago:
- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
I happen to work for a commercial touch screen and android OEM. In my position, I needed to test a 50” 4K IDS display, and since i work from home it had to be shipped to me and we don’t exactly have a “return” option. It’s now in my bedroom with an Apple TV 4K on it.
You’re right. This is likely the only way to get a “dumb” display and tbh it’s not even the “best” display tech because it’s for commercial use, designed to run for longer hours with higher reliability at the cost of the newer fancier bells and whistles. But i didn’t pay for it and it’d pretty decent. I’m not complaining. And you’re also right that no one will actually sell you one of these. You have to buy it through a distributor at volume. Getting one outside of my weird circumstances as a one-off is basically not possible at all.
- Comment on Video of Eric Schmidt blaming remote work for Google’s woes mysteriously vanishes 6 months ago:
This sounds like we could afford it, we just need to take that money back from the military…
- Comment on Americans Are Sharing The "Normal, Everyday" Aspects About The US That Are Actually Dystopian, And I Can't Believe We Tolerate Some Of These 7 months ago:
This is some garbage. Adoption is NOT buying and selling children. I mean, I guess that happens under the guise of adoption. But tons of kids in foster care need permanent homes and loving families, and their biological family is not an option for any number of reasons. It is a tragedy that this happens, but fuck off with this narrative that adoption is buying and selling kids. Tons of other shit in there was bogus too. Fuck this article.
- Comment on Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO 7 months ago:
Chief marketing officer
- Comment on Make it stop. 7 months ago:
Idk, I got like all the jiggy’s before beating gruntilda
- Comment on Zelda II Has Been Ported To The SNES | Time Extension 7 months ago:
Time extension sucks ass. It’s a usability nightmare. Wish I could block all links to it in my feed.
- Comment on 'SuperSega' FPGA Console Will Play Genesis/Mega Drive, Master System, Saturn And Dreamcast Games | Time Extension 7 months ago:
They might be able to do what Tami did and source the components they’re looking for directly from the manufacturer rather than using existing boards.
I do think this is a big stretch, but things in this market are starting to change.
- Comment on 'SuperSega' FPGA Console Will Play Genesis/Mega Drive, Master System, Saturn And Dreamcast Games | Time Extension 7 months ago:
I doubt this, but the Mars FPGA project supposedly will have a Dreamcast core and it’s being supported by respectable people in the community. The mister cores for everything else could be ported, though without the support of the original developers that might be a bit sketch.
I still doubt it, but I don’t think it’s impossible
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Are you trying to convince them they’re wrong? Or just get them to leave you alone? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just tell them you’re a believer (in whatever thing they’re preaching to you) and then wish them a blessed day or whatever? That would surely get them off your back.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
i don’t think it’s reasonable to say “most of the people are happy with that”. Most people in the US are definitely NOT happy with how the medical industry or insurance works. But i do think it’s fair to say that most people don’t understand that voting for the guy that says they will prevent higher taxes is also working to keep the insurance system in place OR they would rather have lower taxes than better insurance (and are too dumb to realize that would be a net gain) OR they don’t vote at all.
- Comment on Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer 1 year ago:
I work for an Android OEM; i am quite familiar with GMS and AOSP versions of Android. I was unclear what i meant - software choices on Android are highly limited when trying to avoid adware and trackerware apks. It’s just unfortunately a platform where the value extracted from it is way more often from provide free but not great software that also mines your life. not too many options for great software that also doesn’t mine you, free or paid.
- Comment on Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer 1 year ago:
I’m an iPhone user, and i’ll probably stay that way, but I’ve tried to de-google my life as much as possible and I’d consider de-appleing if there was an alternative that wasn’t google’d up. What do anti-google self-host folks do about smartphones? Android is “open” i guess, but it’s crammed full of adware and trackers and all sorts of garbage.
Linux for desktop is and easy-peasy transition; linux for mobile, no so much
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
“we’re children! we’re children! we’re children!”
- Comment on A Novel Approach to Yotube Ads 1 year ago:
How would getting rid of ads work? Like logistically? Is a fancy box for your product an ad? Is eye-level placement of a product on a shelf an ad? Is the make and model branding in a vehicle an ad?
I would love to see less ads, or no ads, I’ve done all I can to remove them from my life entirely, but the magic wish kind of removal of them seems… impossible
- Comment on Largest Study of its Kind Shows Outdated Password Practices are Widespread 1 year ago:
Nah fuck that. Sites need to adopt this passkeys instead. It’s an impossible task for people to have unique credentials for every site, even if they are “memorable”. This is a design issue not a personal responsibility one. When designing for large volumes of people, you have to assume that the majority will do something easy and stupid over difficult and smart.
- Comment on Stereotypical religious nutjobs in the 80s and 90s were all "The end is nigh!" Now that science supports them, they're all "Everything is A-OK!" 1 year ago:
I’m watching them now! Get off my back about it!
- Comment on The gauntlet (Nes) seems to have some glitches on the retron 2 1 year ago:
Hyperkin’s products, especially the retron line, are generally considered sub-par for this reason. They’re usually just android-based systems that run emulation from a rom they dump from the cart at runtime. Since they’re low-spec and emulation focused without some of the refinements that come to those emulators over time, they have glitches on some games.
- Comment on Review of Aftermarket VMU for Sega Dreamcast - VM2 by Dreamware Enterprises 1 year ago:
Nice dude, I’ve got the first gen DCDigital and don’t think I’ll be upgrading because it’s good enough for me and I think I’ll use an external scaler instead with it and other devices.
I’ve spent way too much on my Dreamcast. It’s got a MODE, DCdigital, and now this VM2. It’s an awesome system, I love it! I only wish there were more minigames for the VMU that had more features. I’m sure it’s hard to do with only 128kb though so I get it.
- Comment on Nintendo handhelds ranked by their game libraries 1 year ago:
There’s some awesome mods to restore headphone jacks in the SP, but I myself prefer the original GBA form factor anyway.
Actually, my preferred ways to play GBA are in the following order of preference:
Analogue Pocket GameCube GameBoy Player (with a SNES controller using an adapter I intended to link but the Etsy shop appears to be gone now) MiSTer GBA core OG GBA with a screen mod
- Submitted 1 year ago to retrogaming@lemmy.world | 2 comments
- Comment on Mazda’s DMCA takedown kills a hobbyist’s smart car API tool 1 year ago:
I supported the disruptor to cable so hard they became the thing they disrupted and now I don’t have netflix
- Comment on Analogue announced their 4K N64 FPGA console to be released in 2024 1 year ago:
That’s actually how the pocket works. It uses separate fpga’s for the cores and display modes.
- Comment on Analogue announced their 4K N64 FPGA console to be released in 2024 1 year ago:
I’m definitely interested in hearing more about it. No openFPGA is a shame. Since it’ll have a bigger fpga than they’d been using, it’d be nice to see what else you could do with it as a platform like the pocket.