- Comment on Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos 1 week ago:
I didn’t have it in my app drawer but once I went to this link, it showed as installed. I un-installed it ASAP.
- Comment on Anotha one 3 months ago:
Nice try internet poster.
- Comment on Oh fuck no 4 months ago:
It’s just the sauce that’s different and it’s not that good. You’re paying more for a worse off burger.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 5 months ago:
They really know how to cull their player base.
- Comment on 1337 5 months ago:
I recently got to experience this glorious moment, and I feel this is the appropriate post to share it in.
- Comment on What are your favorite Nintendo 64 games? 7 months ago:
Jet Force Gemini was my top go to game quickly followed by Conkers Bad Fur Day. Cruisi’n USA deserves an honorable mention as well!
- Comment on I'm sorry for all the horse memes, here's some certified gamer food instead 9 months ago:
If the chicken breast was boiled, I believe it could get whiter.
- Comment on PSA: Nova Launcher has been owned by analytics company Branch since 2022 10 months ago:
Going to take the moment to plug Action Launcher! I’ve been using it for years and it’s fantastic!
- Comment on Or we could do metric time 10 months ago:
You’ll also need plan for timezones as well.
- Comment on Why do 3D printer manufacturers not get the details right? e.g. rotation indicator on bed levelling wheels 10 months ago:
My best tip for anyone using manual level knobs like these is to remove them full and replace the nut inside with a nylon lock nut. It will be a little bit harder to get back on but once it’s on, you’ll be able to turn it normally, albeit with a little more resistance. The lock nuts will allow you to go MUCH longer between leveling the bed. I maybe relevel the bed on my printer 2-3 times a year and it’s only a minor tweak to get it back to level.
- Comment on Larian Studios Won't Make Baldur's Gate 3 DLC, Expansions, or Baldur's Gate 4 11 months ago:
I’d laugh so hard if they went all in on Daggerheart.
- Comment on Employees Say ‘Sizable Portion’ Of Gearbox-Owned Studio Has Been Laid Off 1 year ago:
Sorry you’re getting downvoted for being correct. I went to school for game design and decided to change career paths when I found out everything is contract work. Once a game is finished, you’re out of a job and need to search for another studio to work for.
- Comment on Android users could soon replace Google Assistant with ChatGPT 1 year ago:
To be honest, I’m not too sure. I’m not really asking questions that requires me to verify the source. Next time I have a question, I’ll check if it can link the sources that were used based on the information given. I’ve mainly been using it recently to update the verbiage for my wife’s resume or how many days it’s been from a specific date so I can track the progress of my plants.
- Comment on Android users could soon replace Google Assistant with ChatGPT 1 year ago:
I already have for most things I used to use Google search for. Now days there’s about a 10% chance I’ll get the actual results I’m looking for with Google. Most time I start with Google because of my former habits, give up and chatgpt gives me the exact answer I was looking for.
- Comment on Is it time for 6G already? Traffic analysis says yep 1 year ago:
If they’re going to skip anything, it’s going to be 8… Because 7, 8, 9!
- Comment on They're perfectly good brownies, Karen. What is your problem? 1 year ago:
Brownie roulette!
- Comment on Belt organizer 1 year ago:
Buy a decoy belt that only gets used when you’re wearing one of the real belts. The decoy belt can get a wall mounted hook so it’s out of the way when no belts are being warn.
- Comment on Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft | First Look | Netflix 1 year ago:
First thing I thought of when I saw the thumbnail.
- Comment on Microsoft's mobile keyboard app SwiftKey gains new AI-powered features | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
I believe it’s based on your personal keyboard predictions.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 Will Release on Mac on September 21, Alongside the 3rd Major Patch 1 year ago:
I’ll give this a try. I don’t want to quit the game because it’s so fun but I get a crash every 15 minutes or so. I’m only in the underdark and I already have almost 450 quicksaves!
- Comment on [Discussion] What is your go-to movie that you will never turn down? 1 year ago:
Empire Records.
Damn the man! Save the empire!
- Comment on what's a reasonable sort for lemmy? 1 year ago:
I’ve been browsing All -> New
I’ve been blocking communities or instances I don’t want to see. It took a day or two but now I’m discovering some great communities all the time. As my community list grows, I’ll eventually swap to my subscribed feed.