- Comment on Day 231 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 3 days ago:
There’s nothing wrong with having different preferences. It doesn’t have to be because someone has a worse or better attention span.
I personally do think the number of enemies that had to be killed should have been decreased. For me, it was mostly because it became comical sometimes that more guys kept coming out of the woodwork. After the fiftieth O’Driscoll you kill, you start to wonder if it’s a gang or a country’s military.
- Comment on Day 231 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 4 days ago:
The gameplay is definitely way exaggerated because it would not be very engaging to get into one gunfight per chapter. I interpret these parts of many games symbolically—the amount of violence is to make a point. The game would be very short or really boring if it was realistic in that regard.
Arthur is a really complicated character who, despite being sometimes sympathetic, is ultimately not a good person. Even if you make only “good honor” choices, his story is still filled with points where he struggles to reconcile his actions with his beliefs. You wouldn’t want to live near a person like Arthur in reality, and he doesn’t like being that person.
RDR2 is ultimately a story about bad people struggling against other bad people. One group represents the lawless banditry that is dying out, while the other is the capitalist yoke that wears a nice suit. Lots of normal people get caught in the middle, and they usually suffer for it.
It succeeds for me because it still keeps the humanity in focus. Bad people are humans too. It does not absolve them, but it underscores the conditions that can manufacture them.
- Comment on Day 231 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 4 days ago:
You spend the entire game moving from place to place because the gang keeps getting into too much trouble.
- Comment on 'Traditional unions struggle to understand tech sector' 1 week ago:
The fragmenting of teams needs more attention. My group uses a follow the sun model that has our team split up across at least seven countries, plus a decent chunk are always contracted through a vendor. Add in remote workers, and it’s very difficult to see an effective way to organize.
- Comment on Interesting Waterfall 2 weeks ago:
So this is what Cardi B was talking about.
- Comment on Fucking hell 4 weeks ago:
It was re-established after Franco.
- Comment on Zero to Hero 3 months ago:
How much parmesan did you grate over the brussel sprouts after they came out of the oven? Whatever amount it was, you didn’t do enough. Also if you forgot lemon zest, add some too.
- Comment on Kill it with fire! 4 months ago:
Never saw any before this year. I don’t get how they survive because they are the slowest, dumbest bugs I’ve ever seen. They just loudly splat onto the ground out of nowhere and flail about while I stomp them into a pulp.
- Comment on Oh fuck no 4 months ago:
Hard agree. It’s like a sweeter burger sauce but in the worst way possible. At least you get stickers.
- Comment on Only clean cars are target 4 months ago:
Cloacal kissing is the actual reproductive act between mates, and it basically works the way it sounds.
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
I was going to say who cares if they’re selling a mount skin, but if on-the-go access to the auction house and mailbox isn’t normally accessible, this seems shitty.
- Comment on Is it normal to feel tired of technological progress? 4 months ago:
It would probably seem less daunting if we knew that these great technological innovations couldn’t be controlled and hoarded by a small group, but were instead widely available for the public to use on equal ground. And further, if we would all equally share in the efficiency benefits, rather than just a small group.
Like, if my boss told me half my job was being automated by ai, but I’d still get the same salary and only have to work 2.5 days per week, I certainly wouldn’t complain.
- Comment on OpenAI is now valued at $157 billion 5 months ago:
Maybe if you have a super low cap, high fees, and they automatically close your position at a pretty conservative point. But that’d hardly be worth any broker’s time with that risk/reward, unless they are hosing the borrower with insane fees. Though if that’s the case, putting up collateral would be cheaper (even if you have to borrow it from somewhere).
- Comment on OpenAI is now valued at $157 billion 5 months ago:
You definitely do need money. No broker is going to let you short without collateral, and you’re going to be paying interest for the duration of your short position beside any fees/commission.
- Comment on New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It. 5 months ago:
If you are a homeowner, property transaction records are public information in the US. Plenty of data brokers collate from the numerous city/county databases for those who only know your name.
- Comment on Ghost of Yōtei - Announce Trailer | PS5 Games 5 months ago:
If they put the same love into this one as Tsushima, I will be very happy.
- Comment on If Bethesda released Skyrim today, they would have made it woke 5 months ago:
Also, every race in the elder scrolls has had a space program. The khajiit space program was literally just them standing on each other’s shoulders to reach space.
Are there any pictures of this? I can’t stop laughing at the image in my head. This is phenomenal world building.
- Comment on Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy 5 months ago:
Amazon literally did this with diapers.com that led to them acquiring the company and shutting it down. I’m sure they’ve done it in hundreds of other product spaces as well.
- Comment on Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy 5 months ago:
Many monopolies form by first using a dominant market position to sell at a price no competitor can afford to match. Choice has already been removed before the “competition” folds or pulls out of the market. The consequences don’t happen overnight; you feel the squeeze before the “true” monopoly emerges. Amazon isn’t going to sell at a cheaper price once their competitors go out of business out of the kindness of their hearts.
Further, high consumer price is just one form monopoly power takes. Reduced labor power, wages, and worse working conditions are other important concerns, in addition to removing product variety and innovation incentive.
- Comment on Yep 10 months ago:
I’m pretty sure this is a Demetri Martin joke.
- Comment on Uncle brian... I get you now 10 months ago:
It was the inverse in my family. The uncle who extricated himself from most of the family was actually a huge piece of garbage and did everyone a favor by cutting us off. I don’t think he expected that nobody would make an effort to re-establish contact.
- Comment on Duolingo is wild 11 months ago:
Nothing beats Junior talking about his job or children.
- Comment on Study featuring AI-generated giant rat penis retracted entirely, journal apologizes 1 year ago:
Check out their controversies section on Wikipedia. This doesn’t seem out of character for this publication. It’s more likely incompetence than malice.
- Comment on Google Bard is dead, long live Google Gemini 1 year ago:
Especially with certain accents. You really want your voice commands to be quite distinct. There’s virtually no extra labor is saying two or three extra syllables.
- Comment on Mothers know that this is a wholesome combination. 1 year ago:
Pepsi just does international distribution of it. Keurig Dr Pepper owns it.
- Comment on AI-Generated George Carlin Drops Comedy Special That Daughter Speaks Out Against: ‘No Machine Will Ever Replace His Genius’ 1 year ago:
As someone who’s consumed every album and special George Carlin produced, it felt like someone retelling their memory of some of his bits. Like regurgitation. It’d be impressive if your nephew performed this at his thirteenth birthday party after becoming obsessed with Carlin.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
I tried it a few times when it came to my area after hearing people rave for years, and I feel the same. It’s good, but that’s it. On par with KFC.
Popeye’s is way better in my opinion. It’s also cheaper, and the staff tend to be pretty entertaining in an unintentional and chaotic way. It’s the only fast food restaurant where employees are consistently very honest. Like, if they don’t have red beans because somebody fucked them up, I have been told exactly that.
- Comment on The New York Times sues OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement 1 year ago:
The physical limitations are an important difference. A human can only read and remember so much material. With AI, you can scale that exponentially with more compute resources. Frankly, IP law was not written with this possibility in mind and needs to be updated to find a balance.
- Comment on Hyperloop One to Shut Down After Failing to Reinvent Transit 1 year ago:
Ave! True to Caesar.
- Comment on Hyperloop One to Shut Down After Failing to Reinvent Transit 1 year ago:
Vegas already has a poorly implemented monorail.