I am a person online.
- Comment on I gotta start using folders or at least labeling these somehow 2 days ago:
I classified my memes and sorted them in folders and sub folders (like, the “wojak” folder is a subfolder of “rage”). I might have a slightly different problem.
- Comment on Childhood memories 6 days ago:
Are you a wombat?
- Comment on Is it normal for high sugar contents like in cake icing to make my uvula tickle? 1 week ago:
Understandable, u and v are originally the same letter, so the words are really “vvvla” and “vvlva”, just a small permutation…
- Comment on Life goals 1 week ago:
- Comment on The internet...was certainly something lmao 3 weeks ago:
Wow, thanks. Mystery solved and to trauma.
- Comment on The internet...was certainly something lmao 3 weeks ago:
I’ve been hearing about it for years, but I’ve always been afraid to look up what it actually was.
- Comment on A bit rubbery... 3 weeks ago:
I don’t think putting something in a freezer would disinfect it. Stop the microbes from breading while it’s inside, but they start again quickly as soon as it gets out.
- Comment on May I offer you a Big Chungus in these trying times? 3 weeks ago:
I am the globglogabgalab the shwabble-gobble shwivel-shwavle glibbliglaglaglab
- Comment on FARMAGIA - Episode 2 discussion 1 month ago:
Looks like discount Fairy Tail
- Comment on Have you watched/read/played anything in the Fate franchise? 1 month ago:
I’ve personally only watched Fate/Zero. Which was pretty good.
- Comment on Awkward 1 month ago:
Oh, you just made me understand the joke. I thought he was gonna put the condom on the shiver and use it as a dildo, but makes more sense this way.
- Comment on And because you deserve it, here's one from the top shelf 1 month ago:
Once a relative was prescribed antidepressants but decided not to get them because they figured they’d rather cope in their own way than use a potentially addictive psychoactive substance to mask their symptoms without fixing the main cause. It made perfect sense until it turned out “their own way” involved frequently drinking alcohol.
- Comment on New social experiment 1 month ago:
- Comment on Is it normal that I get wet water all over myself when taking a shower? 1 month ago:
No, you’re only supposed to get covered in earth, wind and fire. To send something crashing against your body is antagonistic, and water no get enemy. Be like water, my friend.
- Comment on Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? V • Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen - Episode 8 discussion 3 months ago:
Already 5 seasons? I remember watching season 1 when I was in highschool. Strangely, I enjoyed it enough to finish it within one night, but didn’t find it memorable. Then years past before another season came out, but when I checked it out I found it boring and left after one episode. And to me it feels like there was a decade between season 1 and 2 and a few months between to and 5.
- Comment on rip frend 3 months ago:
But I can change, I can change!
I can learn to keep my promises I swear it! - Comment on They're called leaves for a reason. 3 months ago:
Since HOAs were mentioned, I assume the previous comment was about the US (unless there are countries in the Old World where they are as prevalent, but I know of none). Domestic honey bees aren’t native to the US, and many native bees are endangered for many different reasons. In the rest of the world as well, honey bees aren’t the only bees, or the only pollinating insects, and each pollinator has their plants of predilections, some species of plants depend entirely on some species of insect, so insect bioiversity is very important. Protecting native bees in the Americas has particular stakes, because they’re the most adept at pollinating the native plants which are the cornerstones of several ecosystems.
- Comment on The official "BLEACH: Thousand Year Blood War" Original Soundtrack Volume 2 OST album releases on December 18 3 months ago:
Oh, Shiro Sagisu, the one who made the soundtrack for Evangelion ! Very good.
- Comment on To deter predators... 3 months ago:
Mint is a pretty sturdy plant, it can grow in a variety of climates and even get a bit invasive at times. Among the domesticated plants, it might be one of those with the best chance to still strive after humans disappear.
- Comment on He protecc 3 months ago:
Does he attac tho? Whom? How? Does he have widdle weapons for assolt ?
- Comment on Problem? 3 months ago:
Yep, except that in fundamental science, proving that things are more complex than previously thought can be an exciting outcome!
- Comment on The Mighty Hummingbird 3 months ago:
Unless the ornithoscelida hypothesis turned out true…
- Comment on Penguins 🐧 3 months ago:
In French, the “correct” word for “penguin” is “manchot” /mãʃ/ , and “pingouin” /pɛ̃ɡwɛ̃/ stayed the word for “great auk” for longer… But translating “penguin” as “pingouin” has grown more and more common. First as a mistake, but at that point it’s not clear anymore what is correct or not. Someone a bit pedantic might correct you if you say “pingouin” ok instead of “manchot”, but is a linguistic mistake still a mistake when it’s understood by the majority?
- Comment on Be a rebel, pick up trash. 3 months ago:
The point is that they’ll sell the bottles to the turtles. The turtles are gonna have to work to earn it. For dozens of millions of years they’ve been freeloading, receiving handouts from the sea. They’re finally gonna contribute to the economy.
- Comment on Colours of Blood 3 months ago:
Chill, they’re called that because they kinda look like penises, they’re not penis parasites. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priapulida?wprov=sfla1
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
- Comment on Rap Video rule 4 months ago:
- Comment on Click here? 4 months ago:
- Comment on Should've got it from the Dwarves... 4 months ago:
Tbf, the Guy kept Nanni’s letter of complaint intact in his home, he might’ve been kind of a troll. He might laugh at the idea that people millenias from then laugh at Nanni’s frustration as he perhaps did himself. As to whether our perseption of himself would bother him… Well, he might be the worst copper trader we’ve ever heard off… But we’ve heard of him!
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
Roaches can transmit diseases, they’re an actual biohazard. This doesn’t change that they’re living animals, but this does mean killing them when they’re invading a home is legitimate defense. You may shun someone who goes tiger-hunting, but if a tiger comes into town, threateningly approaches people and get shot, you’d think this was necessary, although regrettable. You might want to investigate the cause for the tiger’s unusual town venture, maybe blame deforestation, but the one who ends up shooting is likely not the one to blame. Same for roaches. Yes, they’re animals; and certainly fascinating ones in some regards, but if they start proliferating in our homes, bringing bacteria and molds everywhere… At some point it’s us or them.