- Comment on The first quarter is on track for negative GDP growth, Atlanta Fed indicator says 5 days ago:
broader economic concerns
Quite the understatement.
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 1 week ago:
was always full of fun :) - Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 weeks ago:
There is an ongoing attempt to create an equivalence of Trans Persons (and anyone exposing youth to LGBTQ+ ideas in any form, including loving families) to pedophiles through CONSTANT repetition, despite any lack of widespread evidence. There is also a simultaneous attempt to strongly advocate for death penalty for pedophiles. I’m sure you can see where this is heading …
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
Busy with day to day affairs, gotta pay rent/mortgage/medical bills, gotta feed the family, gotta keep working, can’t take risks, …
- Comment on What would happen if USA invades Canada? 3 weeks ago:
It would be the point of no return for the USA, and the conclusive end to the “Pax Americana” . Invading a peaceful neighbor? Unthinkable for a “so-called” stable country. The rest of the world rally to Canada’s side, there would be an effort to ‘contain’ the further damage we could do. (Mexico would finally pay for that wall :-/ ) We would no longer be trusted, and in that vacuum of power the rest of the countries of the world would be thrown into such a frenzy to fill that power, or to align with who they think could.
- Comment on Read-onlys are cancer. Post stuff you want to see. 4 months ago:
Akshually, we’re called lurkers.
- Comment on SpacebarChat - a selfhosted, Discord-compatible communication platform 5 months ago:
Revolt is kinda “centralized”. You can host your own version, but they seem to actively discourage you from doing so.
- Comment on Worker union seem like a type of price fixing 6 months ago:
Price fixing is a problem because of the power imbalance between businesses selling products, and individual consumers that need to buy them.
Worker unions are a solution to that power imbalance.
- Comment on Fast-food chains battle for low-income diners with summer value meals 7 months ago:
They are also using this as an excuse to get customers on their data hoovering apps to get access to any of the best deals.
- Comment on Why do so many people use NGINX? 7 months ago:
At $dayjob I switched from Apache to nginx 15+ years ago. It’s Callback/Event based process model ran circles around Apache’s pre-fork model at the time. It was very carefully developed to be secure, and even early on it had a good track record. Being able to have nginx handle static content without tying up a backend worker process was huge, and let us scale our app pretty well for the investment of time. Since then, Apache implemented threaded + Event based process models, Caddy, traefik, and a bunch of others have entered the scene.
TBH, I think the big thing nowadays is sane defaults, and better configuration, even automatically discovered configuration – traefik is my current favorite for discovering hosts in consul/Kubernetes/simple host definition files, but since traefik can’t directly serve files, I simply proxy from traefik to … nginx :)
- Comment on Sharing music collection easily? 7 months ago:
Navidrome is another server that works pretty well, implements the subsonic protocol ( so all the apps that can cache and stream to your mobile device work). You can have multiple logins, or just share out playlists and albums individually to non-authenticated users.
- Comment on Networking Dilemma 8 months ago:
MoCA is a way to send wired Ethernet up to (300mb/s, at least the version i have) over coax. Verizon fios would provide these devices to send internet to set top boxes over existing coax cabling, but you can get a pair of these devices and send Ethernet in on one side, and Ethernet out the other side.
I have noticed however, it adds a bit of latency to the connection, which may be trouble.
- Comment on Delta Chat Rejects Russian Authorities' Request for User Data 8 months ago:
Delta Chat just a clever chat interface over SMTP/IMAP, and thusly every user can use their own mail server for sending + receiving messages. Any encryption is between the end devices, and to cooperate, they’d have to produce a compromised build that leaks those keys.
- Comment on remote assistance software suggestions 9 months ago:
TacticalRMM is very comprehensive, self hosted, but more geared towards organizations managing a fleet of machines.
- Comment on O365 email local cache 1 year ago:
IMAP on O365 now requires “Modern Auth”, which requires OAuth to authenticate access to mailboxes. Anything that connects via IMAP will need to be approved by the admins at this point (Including Thunderbird). Without the cooperation of your organization’s IT team, you are not going to get far.
- Comment on Microsoft revives aggressive Windows 11 upgrade campaign with intrusive popups for Windows 10 users 1 year ago:
Linux. (ducks)
- Comment on is a new level of Reddit crossposting spam 1 year ago:
I worry too – if this gets any significant uptake, what’s stopping Reddit from shutting off the spigot? Given their reasons for turning the screws on API and other policy changes, they may not take kindly to having “their” content re-posted elsewhere, let alone to a system designed specifically to escape reddit.
- Comment on Extruder clicking 1 year ago:
Could be too much pressure – double check your z-offset/leveling? I had it so bad, and didn’t realize it, … and wore out the original brass gear :(. The nozzle was pushed right up against the bed, so it was trying so hard to push out filament that wasn’t going anywhere.
- Comment on Selfhosted Trello Alternative? 1 year ago:
Planka looks very promising too
- Comment on Google will now make passkeys the default for personal accounts 1 year ago:
There is no implementation right now that enables you to own and manage your own passkey backups without Google it icloud.
Additionally, the attestation feature is one step away from banks and other sites mandating specific implementations, preventing people from using software tokens or OSS managers.
Passkeys is great, and I am eager to recommend it to everyone, but without those items addressed, it’s a trap door, and one bitflip away from very strong lock in.
- Comment on You can no longer activate new Windows 11 builds with Windows 7 or 8 keys; maybe last chance to activate using Windows 7 or 8 keys, for 22H2. 1 year ago:
You can extract the SLIC value from the ACPI table, and then pass it through to QEMU (Example from my Libvirt configuration):
See more details here:…/49bd034d43e054bd1d8d4fec38c305e…
It is my understanding that this can only be used to run the OEM license one one instance in a VM, on the specific hardware that is originally licensed. IE, you virtualize the license if the bootOS is Linux, but you can’t run 2 instances of the same windows license inside each other.
- Comment on Fun fact: With the help of a printer, you can put a picture on paper 1 year ago:
Never give it up, and never let it down.
- Comment on Zoom/discord/twitch self hosted options 1 year ago:
Not only do they not federate, they also seem to suggest they are not making the self hosting option as easy as it could be because they would prefer one instance that everyone connects with.
It seems pretty solid otherwise, and the self hosted option can work if you are willing to spar with it, but that position makes it super easy for one organization to buy or somehow influence all the primary devs and turn the project closed in no time at all.
- Comment on Using systemd-networkd vs ifupdown on Debian 1 year ago:
Personally, I will use both: On servers with fixed network connections I will tend to use ifupdown; but on my linux laptops I’ll use networkmanager or networkd which tend to have nice UI’s for joining various forms of wifi networks. On my laptops for some VPN’s i"ll use the ifupdown configuration, which lets me setup all sorts of exotic configurations (bridges, vlans, vxlan, vpns, namespaces, etc.) The linux command line tooling has a litany of functions to check/test/diagnose/tweak networking settings, and they work across all the distros, AND they can reveal the full details of the network, as the kernel sees it. NetworkManager, networkd, connmann, etc, often omit details in the name of simplifying for the most common scenarios.