- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News #2 1 week ago:
Awesome, thanks!
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News #2 1 week ago:
This is a pretty good writeup, would you consider cross-posting it to !steamdeck@sopuli.xyz?
- Comment on All 50 States Have Now Introduced Right to Repair Legislation 1 week ago:
Haha that explains where you got the number from, but still have no idea how you remember it. I suppose they do provide a helpful jingle.
- Comment on All 50 States Have Now Introduced Right to Repair Legislation 1 week ago:
How did you come up with that username?
- Comment on All 50 States Have Now Introduced Right to Repair Legislation 1 week ago:
This is also nice because every state doesn’t have to pass this kind of law for it to help everyone else. Companies are often willing to have california specific models of their products to comply with California specific laws, but if enough states have right to repair laws it will hopefully be easier for companies to just have all their products be compliant.
- Comment on All of Humane's AI pins will stop working in 10 days 2 weeks ago:
That still seems like a wildly high buyout.
- Comment on Why I am not impressed by A.I. 4 weeks ago:
I asked mistral/brave AI and got this response:
How Many Rs in Strawberry
The word “strawberry” contains three "r"s. This simple question has highlighted a limitation in large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4 and Claude, which often incorrectly count the number of "r"s as two. The error stems from the way these models process text through a process called tokenization, where text is broken down into smaller units called tokens. These tokens do not always correspond directly to individual letters, leading to errors in counting specific letters within words.
- Comment on Why I am not impressed by A.I. 4 weeks ago:
There’s also a “r” in the first half of the word, “straw”, so it was completely skipping over that r and just focusing on the r’s in the word “berry”
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search Google.com 1 month ago:
I was installing chrome on a work computer, and windows defender was automatically flagging the chrome installer (official, directly from google) as malware and deleting it automatically as soon as it was downloaded. It wasn’t blacklisted for very long, I was able to download it without issues the next day, but I always have wondered if that was something they were testing out on purpose or not.
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search Google.com 1 month ago:
I feel like Microsoft is way more shameless about their shady stuff. They’ve been messing around with impersonating google/chrome for awhile now, they recently had that thing where they would copy all your open chrome tabs, and then when you started your computer it would open edge with all your chrome tabs to trick people into using edge instead.
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search Google.com 1 month ago:
Yeah that would be it:
Previously, we were limited in how we could apply our 3rd-Party Tracker Loading Protection on Microsoft tracking scripts due to a policy requirement related to our use of Bing as a source for our private search results
I couldn’t remember the details exactly, but basically up until then they were allowing Microsoft tracking despite all their advertising claiming they wouldn’t track users.
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search Google.com 1 month ago:
Microsoft does so many scammy things when it comes to trying to prevent people from using Chrome/Google. Even though Edge/Bing hasn’t caught on, I really think them abusing windows dominate OS position this way should be enough for an antitrust lawsuit.
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search Google.com 1 month ago:
DDG was letting Bing track users. They may have stopped now that they got in trouble for it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Cursing frequently seems like a sign of immaturity honestly.
- Comment on Former PlayStation Executive Says Its Time To Dial Back Game Lengths 2 months ago:
AAA games are clearly too expensive to be sustainable. Every new big games has so much money behind it that it can’t afford to fail, leading to a bunch of highly risk-adverse design decisions. With a few exceptions, players are increasingly having to turn to indie games and AA games for unique experiences because AAA games are getting bland.
I’m not convinced that game length is the main issue though. There’s a ton of game mechanic bloat, and far too many games are open world when they would probably be better as a more focused experience. Graphical improvements are also getting increasingly less important, with it getting harder and harder to see new improvements. Switch/indies/AA/etc clearly show that you can have great looking games without spending a huge amount of money on chasing realism in graphics.
- Comment on Huge win for Internet freedom: Google must sell its Chrome browser 3 months ago:
Yeah, for all people here complain about every web browser being chrome, the average web browser experience is so much better now than it was when Microsoft controlled the typical web browser.
Google is far from perfect, but the chromium project has resulted in a generally good browser. But I have serious doubts about the future of the chromium project in the hands of Meta or some other tech giant.
- Comment on Brazilian Wandering Spider 4 months ago:
Alternative wording is gives you an erection for the rest of your life.
- Comment on ZOOM Platform store announces new tool to run Windows games on Linux with Proton 4 months ago:
It’s based on top of the new Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher (UMU) that recently had a first release, along with protonfixes to ensure everything works as well as possible.
Cool to see UMU starting to show up in the wild. And since it plans on using a compatibility list for games to automatically set up games correctly, the more UMU gets used the better it will become.
- Comment on Microsoft Edge gets "unfair advantage", browser makers claim 5 months ago:
Windows is absolutely abusing their position as the dominant OS to push their other products. The number of “no don’t do that” messages and pop ups when trying to install chrome on a windows computer is clearly anti-competitive, and the only reason microsoft has been getting away with it is because Edge/etc hasn’t achieved enough market share.
- Comment on New Map Shows Community Broadband Networks Are Exploding In U.S. 5 months ago:
Do you live off grid?
- Comment on New Map Shows Community Broadband Networks Are Exploding In U.S. 5 months ago:
Definitely seeing that where I live. One of the local electric companies started offering gigabit fiber for $75, where most people were paying a lot more than that for DSL or low quality satellite (which were the only choices before). It’s been a huge improvement for those people, and it’s forced some of the long stagnant Telco companies to actually compete and start rolling out fiber of their own.
- Comment on What can be the reasons for self-sabotaging behaviours when it comes to relationships? 5 months ago:
I think some people sabotage relationships for the same reason they throw video games. They have fears/suspicions that it’s going to not work out, and rather than be a victim they want to have some control over the outcome. A loss or failed relationship doesn’t hurt as bad if they caused it to end the way it did.
However in your case, it sounds more like a fear of something different. It’s a lot easier to keep things like they are, when a relationship gets too serious or life impacting it can be easy to be scared of the change, and instead subconsciously decide you want to keep things like they are.
- Comment on Shadows of Doubt Review Thread [~70 avg, ~70% recommend] 5 months ago:
These scores are lower than expected, possibly due to issues with the console port.
I can vouch for the PC version being incredible though, I highly recommend it.
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
I’m not a lawyer: Many companies are updating their terms requiring that disputes are settled through arbitration, usually where a 3rd party selected by the company rules on the disagreement.
It’s meant to protect them from excessive lawsuit payments that can happen when you go to court.
Valve went the other way, and is saying that all legal disputes should go to court instead.
- Comment on I have no idea how to react to this. 5 months ago:
Came across a truck in a southern town covered in stickers of anime traps (some were borderline hentai), gay pride stickers, and a whole lot of gun stickers. They had a bumper sticker that said something like “the only thing straight about me is my shooting”.
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok PC port suffers review bombing on Steam due to PlayStation Network account requirement 5 months ago:
People are buying it, unable to play because of PlayStation account requirement (the PlayStation servers are having issues and not letting people log in or create an account), and then leaving an angry review and refunding it.
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok PC port suffers review bombing on Steam due to PlayStation Network account requirement 5 months ago:
Also weird, the game includes the unnecessary PlayStation overlay, which makes it unable to run on Linux. The devs were nice enough to specifically disable the overlay on Steam Deck, but all other Linux players have to set a special launch option to fake being a steam deck in order to get the game to run.
- Comment on Sony’s Concord reportedly cost $400M to develop | VGC 5 months ago:
From what I understand, it actually started concept development 10 years ago, with 8 years of active development.
- Comment on Sony’s Concord reportedly cost $400M to develop | VGC 5 months ago:
8 years of development under multiple publishers will bleed a lot of money. They also hired on a lot of “experienced devs” from different game studios to head the different departments, and presumably paid them well enough to get them to leave their original companies.
- Comment on Secret calculator hack brings ChatGPT to the TI-84, enabling easy cheating 5 months ago:
They added wifi with a extra circuit board hidden inside the calculator case. It’s connected to the calculators communication port, and pretends to be another calculator. So they can use the calculator’s built in “send” function to send variables/text/etc to the hidden card, which then uses it’s internet connection to look up answers and send the results back.