- Comment on How is Arcane the series based upon League of Legends, a tower defense game? 1 week ago:
It’s also not a tower defense game, it’s a moba. There are towers and some defending of them, but you’re not placing and upgrading towers to stop enemies, you’re controlling one individual character from a large roster. The towers play a pretty minor role.
- Comment on If political agendas were released, or summarized, like patch notes would people better understand what they are signup for? for? 2 weeks ago:
They do. Nobody reads them
- Comment on I'm tired boss 2 weeks ago:
I know this is the least important one on there, but I don’t get this thing lately where people talk about “staying hydrated” like it’s some big challenge they have to put effort towards. Like… get thirsty, drink water?
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Asking a bunch of random Internet posters on Lemmy, who know nothing about property speculation, land management, investment in general, or especially your country, while providing very few specifics about your plan, is not going to yield useful advice.
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 4 weeks ago:
Uh. Okay.
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 4 weeks ago:
And George Soros being some kind of secret mastermind is also a right wing fever dream
- Comment on Because we are knitted into the fabric of the universe a global change to the nature of universe could change the entire consequence of out lives. 4 weeks ago:
This is so vague it means literally nothing at all
- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
There’s no rack mount server there. I see a UPS, switch (network and Nintendo varieties), PS5 and mini PC
- Comment on If reality worked the way hiring managers and job interviews thought it did companies would have to fire everyone when they purchased new software since no one would have any experience using it. 4 months ago:
It happens pretty frequently in tech job listings, to have a requirement listed for more years experience in some technology than that technology has existed
- Comment on How do decide what language you speak living on a countries border. 5 months ago:
I mean… Babies and small children don’t “choose” what language to learn, they just pick up whatever’s spoken regularly around them. So whatever their families and community speak, same as everyone else?
- Comment on Future generations will think we are quite peculiar for the habit of putting "Noob" after our gamer names 5 months ago:
Any concept this was ever a thing will be buried beneath the sands of time within your lifetime. You, too, will forget it completely. Nobody will ever think it peculiar because nobody will ever think of it at all.
it’s also not that weird
- Comment on How is Open Source developed paid? 6 months ago:
Like others have mentioned, there are various options (donations/sponsorships/grants) that larger projects will generally have some of, but for smaller projects (99% of what’s out there, by project count if not usage), the answer is simply “they don’t.” It’s done as a hobby, as a resume booster, or with the hope of eventually becoming big enough to hit one of those revenue streams.
- Comment on Looking for games that feel like a summer adventure 7 months ago:
Psychonauts 1/2. The first game literally takes place at a summer camp. Second one has basically the same vibe.
- Comment on If global warming is a biproduct of humans, wouldn't the logical answer be to kill 2/3rds of the humans? 7 months ago:
I almost hesitate to bring up the other problems with your plan since, obviously the total monstrosity of it. But that’s anyway pretty well covered so I’ll just throw in that blowing enough nukes to kill that many people would create considerably worse environmental disaster
- Comment on Why can't people make ai's by making a neuron sim and then scaling it up with a supercomputer to the point where it has a humans number of neurons and then raise it like a human? 10 months ago:
Sure, but now you’re talking about running a physical simulation of neurons. Real neurons aren’t just electrical circuits. Not only do they evolve rapidly over time, they’re powerfully influenced by their chemical environment, which is controlled by your body’s other systems, and so on. These aren’t just minor factors, they’re central parts of how your brain works.
Yes, in principle, we can (and have, to some extent) run physical simulations of neurons down to the molecular resolution necessary to accomplish this. But the computational power required to do that is massively, like millions of times, more expensive than the “neural networks” we have today, which is really just us anthropomorphizing a bunch of matrix multiplication.
It’s simply not feasible to do this at a scale large enough to be useful, even with all the computation on Earth.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
“allowed” by who?
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
“uncommon” is an overstatement, you can get them pretty much anywhere that has pots. It’s uncommon in that most people don’t bother owning one, not that they’re hard to get
- Comment on why did the eclipse not darken proportionally? 10 months ago:
In addition to what others said, the way you perceive light intensity is not linear. Between your eye adjusting to changing light levels and just the way your brains visual centers work, it’s closer to logarithmic. Indoor lighting at night probably feels like, what, 10% of the brightness of daylight? In reality it’s less than 1%, sometimes closer to 0.1%.
- Comment on With AI looming, is there still space for new coders? 1 year ago:
Other than maybe a few very rote, boilerplate types of development, all this shit about replacing coders is almost entirely noise made by either the wishful thinking of oligarchs or credulous repetition of that wishful thinking by clueless journalists.
But it’s still a pretty rough time to be just getting into tech, just because of the state of the job market.
- Comment on When somebody tells you something, sometimes it's something they personally experienced and sometimes it's something they heard from somebody else. How do you tell the difference? 1 year ago:
Uh… Ask, I guess?
- Comment on We live in a post scarcity information society and we still haven't moved on from capitalism. 1 year ago:
Your premise is wrong in like… A bunch of ways. We sure as shit do not live in a post-scarcity society lol
- Comment on What was the original use of the ‘☠️’ emoji 1 year ago:
I don’t really know what “original use” would mean – most emojis aren’t really made with some specific usage in mind, they’re just programs. The use is to be able to show a skull when you wanna
- Comment on Is there a number limit on the blocked items in lemmy? 1 year ago:
I’ve blocked multiple hundreds of communities, so if there is it’s high enough to not matter much
- Comment on Can you easily communicate in your country (business/private life) without being involuntarily forced to use whatsapp? 1 year ago:
+1, in the US Whatsapp is the thing you download when you’re traveling abroad, and has no other presence at all