- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 19 hours ago:
I know Jordan Peterson has a lot of followers. He says it’s the women’s fault men are lonely
Peterson has a habit of saying things that might technically be true in isolation but will then disagree with you when you try and make a conclusion from it. In this case he has also said it’s men’s fault for not making women a good enough ‘offer’.
- Comment on Why is it considered sexist to ask women to smile? 2 days ago:
Because men are “allowed” to look however they want, grouchy, happy or ‘keep the fuck away from me’. If a women does it she’s got “resting bitch face” or gets told to smile. It’s just a subtle way of saying “you don’t look right here let me change you”. If you kept saying it to guys they’d tell you to fuck off.
- Comment on New social experiment 3 days ago:
Program Files
- Comment on New social experiment 3 days ago:
- Comment on Hospital admissions for lack of vitamins soaring in England, NHS figures show 3 days ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Kindly refrain from posting utter shite
- Comment on Does the southern hemisphere get colder farther from the pole? Why? 4 days ago:
Bit of an urban legend apparently. Despite the gulf stream transporting warm water it is nowhere near enough to explain the difference. Richard Seager et al quantitatively put its contribution at around 30% of the difference. The bulk cause is actually air currents and the different topography between Europe and N America. In other words, if there were no gulf stream the ‘warm Europe’ phenomena would still be very much noticeable.
Sources:…/Is_the_Gulf_Stream_responsible_for… (free) (free after registration)
Discussion here: ……/why-is-europe-warmer-than-no…
- Comment on Does the southern hemisphere get colder farther from the pole? Why? 4 days ago:
My vaguely nonsense way of remembering this is “latitude” is one letter swap away from “altitude” which is how far up and down something is. And longitude lines are long because they go round and round without ever meeting at a point
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 5 days ago:
Your use of punctuation reminds people of when they’ve seen posts by 11-14 year olds. Do you not notice that adults in general don’t do that?
I expect if you’re unaware of something like that so immediately apparent to everyone in this thread that you may have other quirks and behaviours that strike people as childish.
If you sincerely want to change that you’re going to need to ask the frank opinion of someone who knows you in person…
- Comment on Of Mice and Men taken off Wales' GCSE syllabus because of racial slurs - Wales Online 1 week ago:
Another failure of anyone with any kind of responsibility to have a spine
- Comment on Nigel Farage Helps to Launch U.S. Climate Denial Group in UK 2 weeks ago:
Here’s a video by Sabine Hossenfelder articulating the issues with current climate data that’s nearly never acknowledged. I think human activity is driving climate change, as does she, but it’s interesting to hear how in the inadequacies of the current models are big enough for climate change deniers to drive a bus through. (And also room enough for them to cry “conspiracy” when they discover how problematic some of these models are like it’s a secret. It’s not a secret, but it is true that mainstream media - and even popular science publications - gloss over these in order to solidify the need to take action)
- Comment on If "more money=more problems," why doesn't "no money=no problems"? 4 weeks ago:
Yes, this represents that age where we had the optimal balance of being fully financed by parents yet getting a small allowance we didn’t have to spend on anything. I.e. no problems. Anything else = more problems
- Comment on If "more money=more problems," why doesn't "no money=no problems"? 4 weeks ago:
Problems Vs money looks more like y = (x - 5)^2 + 2
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 4 weeks ago:
Trinity: what is he doing?
Morpheus: he’s beginning to believe…
- Comment on Vegan drink Oatly can’t call itself ‘milk’, judges rule 4 weeks ago:
I don’t like oat milk but it’s more “milky” than skimmed UHT milk. But I guess the line had to get drawn somewhere…
- Comment on GCSEs and A-level exams in most subjects set to go onscreen by 2030 4 weeks ago:
Can’t wait for the relaxing sound of 100 keyboards under exam conditions…
- Comment on Is the UK shut down during easter? 5 weeks ago:
4 day weekend
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 5 weeks ago:
Well that seems like a bad idea
Person,: “I’m paranoid that the state is out to get me and want to end my life!”
The state: “well, we’ll be happy to help…”
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 5 weeks ago:
Wow, unexpected. Finally some boldness to be humane about end-of-life situations.
I just hope it comes with sensible checks and balances.
- Comment on First UK arrest made over filming of women on nights out without consent 5 weeks ago:
Bad title. He was arrested for harassing them, which included videoing without their consent. Filming in public remains completely legal and consent isn’t required.
- Comment on Another offensive pub name 5 weeks ago:
Pub owner should have said that they were exercising their religious freedom and quoting Jesus in Luke 13:32-34. And then sue PETA on the grounds of religiously motivated harassment.
- Comment on Cheshire mother who kept her baby hidden in a drawer for three years jailed 5 weeks ago:
So many questions
- Comment on Not disparaging the dead or anything. But why does it seem in the US we are expected to feel sorry for a person who overdoses on illegal drugs? Didn't they make the choice knowing the outcome? 1 month ago:
It’s worth continually highlighting that drug use led to death, deliberate or accidental because people have a tendency to overestimate how safe occasional use is or how glamorous the lifestyle is. Reporting the truth now and then is important, this isn’t even “anti drug” propaganda. It’s just what happened.
- Comment on The world's first foldable phone maker is now out of business 1 month ago:
So… they folded?
- Comment on Thames Water supply ‘on knife-edge’ with £23bn repairs needed 1 month ago:
That’s because you seem to be assuming nationalization has neither an actual nor political cost. It has both.
Chancellor’s budget had been under a microscope with people wondering how on earth they’ll balance the books without raising taxes on people (as they promised). Chucking in the nationalization of the country’s biggest water supplier like its spare change is nuts.
Private investment is fine, even preferable, so long as it’s regulated properly. That’s Ofwat’s job. If you don’t think Ofwat can do that job properly then I’m not sure why you’d think similar people would do better running the entirety of TW…
- Comment on How To Compress A Video Without Losing Quality 1 month ago:
Poorly written “advice” columns that exist only to hawk you some product is everything that’s wrong with the way interactions over the internet work nowadays. It’s ghoulish.
- Comment on Thames Water supply ‘on knife-edge’ with £23bn repairs needed 1 month ago:
You realize that when a business is privatized they don’t give it to the civil service right?
Of course.
Though what’s happening here is that Thames Water can no longer issue dividends to investors without permission from the regulator Ofwat given things are in such a mess. The government doesn’t want the service to collapse because it doesn’t want the cost of nationalising it. So some balance has to be stuck, allowing Thames Water to issue some return to private investors, (they’d previously not received dividend on their investment for 7 years) so that they don’t withdraw their investment altogether. Additional private investment that was in the pipeline was withdrawn when it was seen that Thames Water wasn’t able to offer a return from its profits, which has what’s made its cash situation worse.
But this is the nature of private investment. It has to be courted, motivated. The government is trying at all costs to avoid the huge cost of nationalising TW. And to do that it has to be allowed to issue plans where it’s both delivering its service obligations but also distributing profit.
It is being heavily scrutinized and the regulator has already put in controls over what it can do financially. My point (although I was being flippant) is that you need genuine good business experience and leadership to sail a group as large as TW away from being this close to collapse. A lot of it involves showing a credible plan for making it work within budget and delivering some return to investors so that vitally needed investment can be secured. This is really difficult to do but from reading their interim report, they’re just about managing it.
I think calls from various MPs for them to revise their compensation / dividend schemes are a type of virtue signalling. There is a huge amount of attention on this. They’re paying compensation packages comesurate with what it costs to buy leadership skill from the business world to be able to handle the complexity of the operation. MPs all know that, they just also want to make suitable noises so that when voters look at the numbers and go “how much?!” that they’ve looked like theyre right along side them tutting and shaking their head.
But in reality anyone in parliament knows they need to buy in leadership from the business world. It’s just political view much they publicly acknowledge that fact.
- Comment on As AI and megaplatforms take over, the hyperlinks that built the web may face extinction 1 month ago:
Interesting. Is that because it blocks JavaScript, ads etc?
- Comment on Thames Water supply ‘on knife-edge’ with £23bn repairs needed 1 month ago:
While that’s obviously gross, I’m not sure some budget public service pleb who wouldn’t last 5 mins in a real business wouldn’t simply make things worse