- Comment on Later virgins 😎 1 hour ago:
Not me! I got the hook up to a Nigerian prince now!!!
- Comment on First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control. 1 day ago:
Government in this case is forcing sites to collect PII to verify age not blocking content not blocking content themselves.
I am working under the knowledge that these age verifications are not theoretical (Its the end game of all the KYC startups from last decade)
If you are in the south in much of the US these ID checks are already forced and will only expand
A browser header gives the result without building a Database of people who like porn
Browser headers also put the responsibility on sites that promote dangerous things to kids (its in your best interest as a site that can deliver porn, things not suitable for kids to check and respect the header from a liability perspective)
- Comment on First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control. 1 day ago:
Sites and services today that we are considering forcing to collect PII (driver’s license) for age verification would be compelled to check the header as it would provide what these laws are chasing in a way more respectful towards privacy
As far as exploiting children online. My point has been clear that is already happening, TikTok, Youtube, Instagram ALL exploit children online today. They do not face consequences because they can hide behind their TOS this would put responsibility with regards to not breaking our already existing laws back into their hands
I trust parets. I have kids myself the plethora of tools and systems available to invade you kids’ privacy is great… and those are also even way worse than a header (especially when you consider what they do to work)
- Comment on First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control. 1 day ago:
I am actually in full agreement.
A header would put the setting on the device and only indicate “Minor” or “Not Minor” which would allow to restrict or allow porn without having to collect everyone’s PII just so they can crank their hog.
If you read previous things though such an indicator would put a lot more responsibility onto Social Media platforms to not show harmful content with minors. Today they get away with it because “TOS says only 18 year olds are allowed to us this service”
South Park kind of nailed the attitude…/South_Park_(Not_Suitable_for_C…
- Comment on First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control. 2 days ago:
The laws around advertising are fucked to begin with but the should actually be used in advertising 100%
The minor flag would actually remove the LARGE gray area that platforms take advantage of to push harmful ADs and content to kids (Today they just get to play dumb)
This would actually create a framework to enforce existing advertising laws as well as data collection laws with regards to minors.
Examples: Minors should not see ads for holsters, knives, ammo, ED medications, Diet drugs, muscle building drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco products, Online Gambling
These are all things I have seen advertised on YouTube to me; Granted I am not a minor but I am also just using Youtube by going to the site with no account.
- Comment on First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control. 2 days ago:
I have to agree with PornHub’s concept.
A device should be able it indicate in hits header whether its primary user is an adult or a minor and the service can react accordingly.
It won’t protect all the children but children of parents who can’t be assed to setup a device properly will have problems no matter how much we increase the surveillance state.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 2 weeks ago:
LLNL has achieved positive power output with their experiments.…/shot-ages-fusion-ignition-breakthrough…
No fusion reactor today is actually going to generate power in the useful sense.
These are more about understanding how Fusion works so that a reactor that is purpose built to generate power can be developed in the future.
Unlike the movies real development is the culmination of MANY small steps.
Today we are holding reactions for 20 minutes. 20 years ago getting a reaction to self sustain in the first place seemed impossible.
- Comment on FFmpeg devs boast of up to 94x performance boost after implementing handwritten AVX-512 assembly code 3 months ago:
Yeah, but Intel charges you $200 more for the -K sku so you can find out the same applies to Intel :)
- Comment on FFmpeg devs boast of up to 94x performance boost after implementing handwritten AVX-512 assembly code 3 months ago:
Then this is your reminder that ALL AMD CPUs are Unlocked and support overclocking…
- Comment on Bike Manufacturers Are Making Bikes Less Repairable 4 months ago:
Cheap E-Bikes seem more easy if you are willing to get into the wiring. A lot of them use very similar parts in terms of Hub Motor, Controller, Battery
- Comment on How much current can I safely pull from an ESP8266? 6 months ago:
5V will be pulled directly from 5V supply
The chip you are concerned about getting warm I believe is your 3.3V regulator.
I would ensure your transistor has some resistors to ensure you are not drawing more current than required from the 3.3V supply
If that is all good then I will remind you of a few things
- The board you have is a clone (I use them… but they can be dubious)
- The ESP8266 requires a certain amount of current to run which will cause the chip in question to generate heat all on its own
- The chip in question appears to be an LDO which will mean going from 5v to 3.3v is done by turning the excess voltage into heat.
I couldn’t find an exact Datasheet but I am led to believe that the chip is a clone of this
Which I found on this store page…/rt9193-33gb-rt9193-33pb-sot23-5-300m…
And here is a wiki entry incase you are curious about Voltage Regulators and the such
- Comment on Minecraft. Family guy, even. 6 months ago:
Old school YouTubers started and sold Maker Studios. I think ShayCarl, Lisa Nova and Kassam G are some that were part of that.
- Comment on Google Chrome ships a default, hidden extension that allows code on * access to private APIs, including your current CPU usage 7 months ago:
Google does a lot of standards breaking things.
Like allowing a link on Google Apps Marketplace to open a new window (like popup) with POST instead of GET. (This pretty much ensures that buying an app will fail for browsers that follow the spec)
- Comment on The problem with standalone VR and "spatial computing" 1 year ago:
I was hoping for free :( BUT $150 for Zeiss lenses is pretty ok price wise. (especially when we are complaining about $150 onto of a $3500 device)
- Comment on Is this Retrocomputing? 1 year ago:
Looks like I would need a newer Palm Device but it does have Tetris
- Comment on Is this Retrocomputing? 1 year ago:
Good eye!! I tried to make it clear but that was the best I was going to get.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Ubiquiti Users Somehow Being Fed Access to Strangers' Security Cameras 1 year ago:
Best place to start if you’re taking security seriously; Implementing file encryption for example has to start with “I would rather that I myself potentially lose access to this data than for it to possibly fall into another person’s hands.”
- Comment on YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers 1 year ago:
I have stopthemadness setup in my safari browser to redirect all YouTube links to invidious…. I watch less YouTube that way