- Comment on In Vermont, an ultralocal social network is as popular as Facebook 6 days ago:
The site doesn’t even allow you to “like” posts. “It seemed to us to be a kind of high school popularity contest, a way of creating a dependency on the platform,” said the founder, holding a mug of tea.
On Facebook, Instagram or X, likes are also used to help algorithms identify users. Here, there’s no need: There’s no algorithm. “On Front Porch Forum, content isn’t infinite, so we don’t have to choose what we show,” said Wood-Lewis. Doomscrolling – mindlessly consuming a flood of negative news – is impossible here: Browsing through the posts takes just 10 minutes.
“Sometimes nothing much happens, just like in real life.”
Sounds lovely!
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
I love cats, but I also love my plants, and despise the odor of a used litter box. Therefore, I cannot have cats. It sucks.
- Comment on AI cracks superbug problem in two days that took scientists years 2 weeks ago:
When AI decides to destroy the human virus, it now knows exactly how to create a bug capable of it. Probably more likely than pumping out a bunch of humanoid robots with guns, just create a bug, spread it around, and mess with our ability to communicate in time to stop the spread. BAM. Easy-peasy, humans are now down to a manageable 1 billion or so individuals.
- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 2 weeks ago:
I know they will be there for me when I need it
Here’s the thing, relationships take work. Not just marriages or romantic ones, they all take work. Effort needs to be made by both parties, or else the relationship will die. I had a friend that affectionately called it “friend work,” where they would spend a bit of time each day putting in the effort needed to maintain a healthy friendship, because if she didn’t, then the relationship would suffer for it.
Not wanting to engage in the world right now is very common, and downright reasonable considering the general state of things. If a relationship you have with someone is mentally stressing you, or sapping your energy, consider whether or not that relationship is valuable to you, and act accordingly. If the relationship is important to you, and you want it to continue or grow, then you have to put effort into it. If the relationship is one-sided, and feels draining, and you want it to end, then put forth zero effort into it, and it will naturally go away.
- Comment on my version is better 3 weeks ago:
I cannot hear this song without thinking that the background singers are repeatedly saying “cut your balls off” during the refrain
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 3 weeks ago:
protesting is where you meet these communities and working groups.
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 3 weeks ago:
Same. I was there for the Women’s march, there for BLM, after George Floyd, and most recently for the 50501 (which was surprisingly well attended despite it’s quick set-up). Let me know if there’s another one, and I’ll be there too. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
- Comment on US and UK refuse to sign AI safety declaration at summit 3 weeks ago:
Between this and the asteroid scheduled to (maybe) hit Earth in 2032, I’m beginning to think that we’re in for a rough time.
- Comment on Hi-Rez Studios is laying off further employees and ending development on Smite, Paladins, and Rogue Company 3 weeks ago:
the graphics seem worse somehow
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 4 weeks ago:
This really is the only right answer.
- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 4 weeks ago:
When I was young, myself and a group of friends were being accosted by a disheveled man on our walk home from the bar. We didn’t really understand what he was saying, but we were able to discern one phrase, as he told us to “Put the pussy on a chain wax”
We had no idea what it meant, and thought it was hilarious, so we’d oft repeat it at random.
Thinking about it now, I suddenly realize what he meant. He was referring to the woman in our group, telling us to pimp her out, by putting her up against a chain-link fence that were so plentiful in rough neighborhoods where we grew up.
So now I’m telling you, so that if you ever encounter this gentleman, you’ll know what he’s talking about 😶👍
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
DOTA 2 is my primary time waster, have over 3000+ hours on it. It’s endlessly entertaining, because there is so much variability in the games. You have 4-8 spells depending on the hero, with 6 active item slots, which means once your team has leveled up, team fights can be a burst of seconds, or a 5+ minute long affair, with each tank employing different survival strategies to block damage, heal, or escape, just to heal and get right back in it. There are multiple different game modes, but are a little challenging to find and play. Still, it is the one game I play with the steepest learning curve. I don’t think I saw myself as “good at the game” until I was around 1000 hours in 😶
Smite is the only other game I have 1000+ hours in. I started playing it as a break from DOTA 2, and as a way to connect with my little brother. It’s a lot like DOTA 2, but far more simplistic. Each god has 4 spells, with no active items. Instead of left-clicking for movement on a map, you use WASD to maneuver your god. It’s fun, and you can pick it up after like 30 hours. The different game modes are a lot easier to navigate than in DOTA, but it’s also a lot less engaging. The updates and quests are all very simplistic. I was going to try out the new Smite 2, but after watching some game play, it looks… exactly the same as Smite 1.
- Comment on Make sure he is a real Bear 3 months ago:
Honestly, if it was any other kind of car, I would have been impressed at their ingenuity and railed against the wildlife expert who outed them. But people who waste money on expensive luxury cars don’t get sympathy from me. A fuckin Rolls Royce? You thought you could get an insurance company to write off a fuckin rolls royce? If you already have the money to obtain that kind of car, you get no sympathy from me.
- Comment on Why is the price of real estate rising so dramatically? 4 months ago:
Here’s the nested article, i.e. the article your article is talking about: October 23, 2024, By Blair Fix; The American Housing Crisis: A Theft, Not a Shortage
- Comment on Russian court fines Google $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 4 months ago:
Why does the article keep referring to Google as “The Chocolate Factory?”
- Comment on YSK that there's a better index than the BMI to measure obesity called the Body Roundness Index 4 months ago:
yeah, been weightlifting for years, and the only time the BMI chart says I’m “healthy” is when I’m at my absolute shreddiest. Looking like I’m starving myself to shoot a nude scene in a movie. And I hate that. I know that when I’m at that weight, I may look great, but I’m also at my weakest. So I hate that this chart subconsciously bullies me into trying to maintain some ridiculous 9-12% body fat range, when that’s more of a body building competition range.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Wow, someone has actually died as a result of this McDiddles E. Coli outbreak? Imagine living your whole ass life, doing regular shit, being a regular ass person, and then dying to a mcdouble. WTF. Just another reason I rarely let other people cook my food.
- Comment on 2 in 3 People Often Encounter Hate Speech Online. 4 months ago:
Ounce of prevention worth a pound of not being subjected to an endless stream of racist hate-filled trolls!
- Comment on 2 in 3 People Often Encounter Hate Speech Online. 4 months ago:
Great list of websites to never visit 👍
I get enough hate-speech during on-line video games. By not using any of those apps, I successfully save myself from multitudes more, while also foregoing any potentially addictive status-seeking site-based-compulsions. I used to play Clash of Clans on my phone because it was a good way to waste a couple minutes while taking a shit. I quit when I began to play too much. I feel like Facebook, twitter, instagram, they’re all just sites to waste time on. Which begs the question, why waste time on them at all? Why waste time?
I know not every moment can be spent fruitfully, but when something you do to waste a bit of time in between/during mundane tasks becomes something that now demands attention outside of that, then it’s time to stop wasting time on it.
- Comment on The worst feeling of my life:My vacation is ending tomorrow 4 months ago:
Same. Tonight is the last evening I could conceivably go out. I tried to get myself to go out last night, but after my workout I just wanted to put on my warm comfy house clothes and overeat while watching science fiction.
Now I have a new decision. Do I force myself to go out tonight? I’d love to go out dancing, but driving into the city in the dark (and having to drive back) is such a bummer.
- Comment on This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little. The US government just hired a researcher who thinks we can beat aging with fresh cloned bodies and brain updates. 5 months ago:
There are two reasons he believes the neocortex could be replaced, albeit only slowly. The first is evidence from rare cases of benign brain tumors, like a man described in the medical literature who developed a growth the size of an orange. Yet because it grew very slowly, the man’s brain was able to adjust, shifting memories elsewhere, and his behavior and speech never seemed to change—even when the tumor was removed.
That’s proof, Hébert thinks, that replacing the neocortex little by little could be achieved “without losing the information encoded in it” such as a person’s self-identity.
The second source of hope, he says, is experiments showing that fetal-stage cells can survive, and even function, when transplanted into the brains of adults. For instance, medical tests underway are showing that young neurons can integrate into the brains of people who have epilepsy and stop their seizures.
“It was these two things together—the plastic nature of brains and the ability to add new tissue—that, to me, were like, ‘Ah, now there has got to be a way,’” says Hébert.
Very interesting. I’ve also seen research suggesting that the application of stem cells to damaged neural tissue within the spinal cord could repair it, so the idea that you could use a similar approach to actual brain health isn’t such a big leap. But still, wow. I wonder how long it would take for the immature cells to develop into “adult mode” that’s fully integrated into the patients cortex. In order to replace the entire brain, you’d have to do it in like, 8 parts, with years of recovery time in between each surgery. Also there would exist the potential for the new cells to develop into like, a second, smaller brain, if the connections sour or if the new material isn’t stimulated the “right” way.
- Comment on College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time 5 months ago:
Snowcrash, such a good book
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 5 months ago:
“The men came over to the car again and stood in front of it for a few minutes. Finally when they left, the car was still stalled but I clicked the ‘in car support’ on the screen and they seemed to be aware of the issue,” Amina said. “They asked if I was OK and the car began to drive towards my location. They asked if I needed police support and I said no.”
When she was almost to her destination, Waymo support called her again to ask if she was ok, she said. “I assured him that I was fine and he told me I would be given a free ride after,” she said. “After many hours I was called one last time by their support team. They asked if I was OK and told me that they have 24/7 support available. They also said I would get the next ride or next two rides (uncertain) free.”
While scary, I’m left kinda impressed by Waymo’s support.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
I’m a pretty heavily freckled person, but damn if I don’t have a pronounced, solitary freckle precisely at this location on my left arm.
I bet it’s related to driving with my left arm hanging out the window. In the US at least, people who do that have their left arm over-exposed to sun damage.
- Comment on shag carpet 5 months ago:
This planet is so beautiful and wonderful. And underneath it’s waters is an entirely different world, full of wild and majestic creatures just like the Tasselled Wobbegong here. I pray that we act quick enough on our climate initiatives to save these things for the future.
- Comment on Does the GOP Stick Together so tightly to hide the fact that a large majority of them are involved in Pedophilia? 5 months ago:
The same cognitive dissonance that allows them to both act on, and excuse instances of molestation in their community/family, is the very same driver of their wanton disregard of the people harmed by republican policies. They see any instances of pedophilia in their ranks as “just a bad apple,” while they identify an entire race of people as rapists if a single news report shows a member of that race/minority group committing such an act. It’s entirely predicated on their belief that they are superior, and it is because of something inherent within them, that does not exist in others. They judge themselves not by their actions (and consequences of said actions) but by their intentions, while they have no such qualms demonizing any number of minority groups for the actions of a single member.
so, short answer, yes. Long answer, yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 5 months ago:
because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects
That’s some A+ victim blaming right there. E. Jean Carroll didn’t do shit
- Comment on When PSAs go too far 5 months ago:
I’ve seen this image a number of times, and it always reinforces just how dangerous electricity can be. It’s like those signs that warn “Not only will this kill you, it will hurt the whole time!”
I do a lot of DIY, but I do not mess with electricity. The idea of Alternating current is something I cannot grok, and so I choose not to try.
- Comment on the goggles, they do nothing 6 months ago:
yeah, wow, those hands look awful. Looks like he’s wearing mom’s dish gloves that don’t fit right
- Comment on Ex-bank CEO gets 24 years after falling for crypto scam, causing bank collapse 6 months ago:
Because the bank was insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the FDIC “absorbed the $47.1 million loss” after "Hanes’ fraudulent actions caused HTSB to fail and the bank investors to lose $9 million.
his sentence of more than 24 years is 29 months longer than prosecutors had requested, NBC News reported.
Here, the only reason he’s seeing jail time. Not because he stole, but he stole from the rich. Tanking a bank and losing poor peoples money won’t get you anything. But lose rich peoples money, and you’re going down. There are two justice systems in america, and you don’t have access to the one that works.