- Comment on Is this massive difference to be expected? 5 hours ago:
Looking at openspeedtests github page, this immediately sticks out to me:
Warning! If you run it behind a Reverse Proxy, you should increase the post-body content length to 35 megabytes.
- Comment on which softwares can I self host without public IP? 5 days ago:
Should check which ports.
Mine blocks 80 inbound and 24 outbound, but everything else I’ve tried works.
I only really want 443 for simplicity, everything else can be random ports.
- Comment on which softwares can I self host without public IP? 5 days ago:
Public IPV4 here. It’s not static, but very rarely rotates. DDNS ftw.
Telus Residential in Canada.
- Comment on Pi-Hole question regarding unbound and cloudflared 5 days ago:
DoH on the lan between devices is completely pointless; I’m talking about DoH between the lan and external dns which unbound does NOT do.
- Comment on How do I point a reverse proxy to a VPN client on my VPS? 6 days ago:
This part always confuses me, so I won’t be able to give specifics; just a general direction. Most guides explain how to route traffic from a vpn client to the lan of the vpn host. You need to route traffic from the vpn host/lan to a client of the vpn.
You need to change the routing table on the VPS, add8ng a static route to route traffic for your VPNs subnet to the VPN network interface instead of the default gateway.
How exactly to do that I’ll have to leave to someone else unfortunately. Network config confuses the hell out of me.
- Comment on Pi-Hole question regarding unbound and cloudflared 6 days ago:
I prefer cloudflared myself.
While unbound requests its answers from the authoritative servers for each domain; it does so using regular DNS queries, so it’s susceptible to monitoring and modification like any other DNS request. While adding latency by extending that request to several servers, instead of a single trusted provider.
That doesn’t really seem beneficial to me. I’d rather use DOH.
- Comment on Pi-Hole question regarding unbound and cloudflared 6 days ago:
Many people advocate for Cloudflared as a tunneling solution, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all tool. Personally, I avoid it. Your VPS already functions as a firewall for your connection. Using Tailscale is also self-host and avoids reliance on third-party services like Cloudflare while maintaining security and the same functionality.
OPs not using cloudflareds tunneling or services at all; in this application, it’s purely a local tool for translating regular DNS to DOH using the chosen DOH provider. Mullvad in this case.
- Comment on Immich: opinion revised 6 days ago:
How well does it do with text in images?
I often find searching for things like ‘horse’ will do a decent job bringing up images of horses, but will often miss images containing the word ‘horse’.
- Comment on Immich: opinion revised 6 days ago:
I’m curious;
Which ML CLIP model did you go with, and how accurate are you finding the search results?
I found the default kinda sub-par, particularly when it came to text in images.
Switched to “immich-app/XLM-Roberta-Large-Vit-B-16Plus” and it’s improved a bit; but I still find the search somewhat lacking.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I guess protestors should stop using their voices and start using their hands then.
- Comment on Raspberry Pi4 continuous selfhosted server operations 1 week ago:
That is one beefy fan for a rpi.
I’ve just got a case similar to this; but all snap together, no screws: Image
The fan runs off the pin headers. Meant for 5v, but I use the 3.3v line to run it a little quieter/slower.
Even that makes a good 10°c difference.
- Comment on Docker Hub limiting unauthenticated users to 10 pulls per hour 1 week ago:
I’m running ~30 containers, but they don’t typically all get new updates at the same time.
Updates are grabbed nightly, and I think the most I’ve seen update at once is like 6 containers.
Could be a problem for setting up a new system, or experimenting with new toys.
- Comment on Need some help setting up gethomepage in my server 1 week ago:
What is the api error (click on the red box)?
Likely unable to reach the host provided.
In paperless’ docker compose, set ‘container_name:’ to ‘paperless’ or similar, then use that same name as the host given to homepage:
widget: type: paperlessngx url: "http://paperless:8000/" key: [key]
- Comment on Need some help setting up gethomepage in my server 1 week ago:
“code”: “ETIMEDOUT”
Homepage is unable to reach the host you gave it. IP/hostname changed.
- Comment on Email provider for home server alerts 1 week ago:
I’ve been pretty lazy with this.
I used to use my hotmail account, but they disabled password auth for smtp and many programs dont support 0auth2.
With that change, I just moved to using gmail. You’ve gotta create an App Password for smtp, but other wise works fine.
I’ve just been too lazy to move out of gmail+hotmail. Maybe one day
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 1 week ago:
Yeah; rising heat, plus the extra insulation of neighbours sharing walls. It’s uniform enough that the walls/floor doesn’t feel any warmer than usual, but it makes a difference.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 1 week ago:
Are you in a house or an apartment?
I’m on the fifth floor and pretty much never have to run my heat.
- Comment on Introducing Pi-hole v6 1 week ago:
Little of column A little of column B.
I use pihole on the LAN, then upstream is cloudflared translating DNS to DOH using NextDNS as the primary and Quad9 as the fallback.
Looking at the last 24hrs; the whole network has made 91k DNS requests, 14.5% of that being passed to the upstream (the rest is locally cached responses or blocked) so ~12.7k served by NextDNS. When/if that 300k limit is reached, cloudflared will just fallback to Quad9.
With this I get the blocking from NextDNS as well as whatever additional lists I want to use; plus pihole serves local only records for self-hosted services and fixed names for LAN devices (I find standard broadcasted hostnames unreliable at best).
- Comment on Introducing Pi-hole v6 1 week ago:
It’s really nice for random browsing/apps. Games, free tools, general web browsing; none of it loads ads.
Some mobile games will even attempt to load ads, fail, then give you the reward for ‘watching’ the ad.
It also stops devices from phoning home to upload telemetry and blocks known malware domains. (depends on the lists you use, heres a source for some lists)
- Comment on How often do you run backups on your system? 1 week ago:
I run Borg nightly, backing up the majority of the data on my boot disk, incl docker volumes and config + a few extra folders.
Each individual archive is around 375gb, but because of the de-duplication and compression it’s only ~600mb of new data each day taking around 3min to complete the backup.
Borgs de-duplication is honestly incredible. I keep 7 daily backups, 3 weekly, 11 monthly, then one for each year beyond that. The 21 historical backups I have right now RAW would be 10.98tb of data. After de-duplication and compression it only takes up 407.98gb on disk.
With that kind of space savings, I see no reason not to keep such frequent backups. Hell, the whole archive takes up less space than one copy of the original data.
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 1 week ago:
ACME.sh? I love that little tool.
Cert renewal via DNS-01, independent of any other services or ports. Set it up like 7 years ago and haven’t had to touch it since.
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
I’m having some crazy deja vu reading this 5 comment thread…
It’s been a few months since I visited one of these general “how’s everyone’s week been” threads, but the last time I did someome else was talking about just having setup paperless, struggling to get their scanner to print to ftp, thinking about email, someone had suggested wireshark; it feels like I just re-read that exact conversion again, but they’re new comments…
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
I set it up a couple weeks ago. It’s alright; facial recognition works pretty well, the files are easy to manage, and setup was pretty straightforward (using docker).
Searching for images works fairly well, as long as you’re searching for content and not text. Searching ‘horse’ for example does a pretty good job showing you your pictures of horses, but often misses images containing the word horse. Not always, but it’s noticeable to me.
The mobile apps work well too; syncing files in the background as they appear, optionally creating albums based on folders. Two things I find missing though are the ability to edit faces/people in an image (you’ve gotta do that from a browser), and the ability to see what albums an image is in and quickly navigate to one.
It’s a developing project that’s well on it’s way. A good choice imo.
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
System updates have been a faff. I’m 'ssh’ing over tailscale. When tailscale updates it kicks me out, naturally. Which interrupts the session, naturally. Which stops the update, naturally.
Have a look at Screen. You can create a persistent terminal to start your update in, disconnect (manually or by connection loss), and resume the session when you reconnect, with it having completed the update while you were gone.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Both Android and IOS usually assign a single random MAC address per network, reusing that MAC each time it connects.
I have found this to a bit unreliable, with some devices changing their MAC after around 6 months. I tend to disable random MAC for my devices on home networks; mostly because I assign every known device on my network a fixed IP via DHCP reservations.
- Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 2 weeks ago:
I agree; only one good way to find out.
- Comment on Are You Ready to Let an AI Agent Use Your Computer? AI agents from OpenAI, Anthropic, and Google want to lighten your load. 2 weeks ago:
Fuck no; it’s a part of why I finally abandoned Microsoft and went full Linux, even though I’ve got no experience with Linux.
It’s been a fun ride; thanks for the push Microsoft.
- Comment on Landing page for all my services 2 weeks ago:
Yeah; the lack of authentication options is a bit of a bummer if you’re going to expose/share this page. There is always basic_auth in nginx or whatever proxy you’re using if you really want.
- Comment on Landing page for all my services 2 weeks ago:
I used to feel much the same way. I had a pike of bookmarks and a couple permanent browser tab groups.
That changed when I tried out Homepage
On top of just putting all the links in one place; it was really nice to combine a bunch of information from each service to view in one place.
Now I can look at a single page and see with a quick glance; what+how many items are queued in Rad/Son/Lid-arr, what’s queued or errored in Tdarr, item count/time/speed in SabNZBD/Qbit, who’s streaming what in Emby, and even CPU/RAM usage across multiple systems.
I’d recommend exploring it, I didn’t think something like this was worth it until I actually tried it myself.
- Comment on Landing page for all my services 2 weeks ago:
Gives you a nice dashboard that you can configure however you like. It includes integration with a ton of existing services, as well as docker.
My setup:
Clicking on each service will open it’s respective url. Image
The ‘healthy’ indicator at the top right of each service is it’s container health. Clicking on that will expand to show cpu, ram and network usage;