- Comment on Walmart to buy TV maker Vizio for $2.3 billion in move to grow its ad business 1 year ago:
Why wouldn’t we include a server call on every button press? We need usage data to optimize the experience!
- Comment on State your music taste chat 1 year ago:
Kink shaming is HIS kink, don’t be judgy
- Comment on Unnamed island 1 year ago:
Lesser Britain?
- Comment on Over 2 percent of the US’s electricity generation now goes to bitcoin 1 year ago:
Oh I think that’s probably true, but the question assumed it taking place
- Comment on Over 2 percent of the US’s electricity generation now goes to bitcoin 1 year ago:
If governments started regulating bitcoin because it was proof of work based then people aren’t going to pump real money into another proof of work scheme to replace it - why would they take the risk of it happening again when there are alternatives? the mining profit margins would disappear and so would they.
- Comment on Shitty railing 1 year ago:
Railing held up fine. Railing mountson the other hand…
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 Has Been Completed by 1.3 Million Players, Shadowheart is Most Popular Love Interest 1 year ago:
Don’t forget flings with Octopus Face and A Literal Demon.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
Not a terrible play, but it has a BIG downside you might not be considering.
99.99% of the corn grown first world, and a lot of other food crops, are sterile hybrid varieties that don’t readily reseed themselves (Monsanto and company HATE when farmers don’t have to buy seed every year).
Once there is no more harvesting or maintenance on stockpile equipment, that supply will dwindle faster than you might expect.
- Comment on Be a better pirate. 1 year ago:
I don’t think divvying up the booty is really the same as sharing, albeit much more fun to say.
- Comment on Be a better pirate. 1 year ago:
My son has a children’s book with the line “Pirates always pay their share”. Literally the opposite of what pirates do, drives me nuts.
I love you Neil Gaiman, but you’re better than that.
- Comment on Pavlov's conditioning 1 year ago:
I seem to remember reading that domesticated dogs evolved more expressive eyebrows that proved to be a survival advantage in this process.
- Comment on Sonic Shower Thought: Someone has probably used holodeck technology to feel like they're pooping at home. 1 year ago:
A whole new spin on a “transporter buffer overflow”.
- Comment on It shouldn't matter if people work multiple jobs. The former VP of HR at Microsoft shares how to react to double dippers — 'get over it.' 1 year ago:
I manage a decent sized team of salaried people and I am 100% behind this.
If I were to have a criticism it would be of management hiring more people than they really need, not paying good wages, and/or not recognizing when one of their people is ready for a bigger role.
It’s never happened on my team that I know of, but if I were to run into that case and my guy was getting his job done properly then zero fucks would be given.
- Comment on this is the fediverse, and we are the federation 1 year ago:
No mention of salted pork or second breakfast, obviously. Obviously propoganda from a Big Trek shill
- Comment on Political Compass Fetishes 1 year ago:
It is the “sharing is caring” ideology after all. Can’t fault em for inconsistency.
- Comment on Don't make this embarrassing faux pas when traveling abroad 1 year ago:
I really want to know what the other four things are. Not enough to go look, but enough to complain here.
- Comment on 'PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie' Beats 'Saw X,' 'The Creator' To Top Domestic Box Office 1 year ago:
I was JUST thinking about taking my son to see it for his first theater film. Guess that settles it
- Comment on Scientists regenerate neurons that restore walking in mice after paralysis from spinal cord injury 1 year ago:
The only ideal that type of company has at its heart is the pursuit of profit. If they see a real cure that costs less than the long term “maintenance” care they would be all over it. If not, then not.
Novel cancer treatments aren’t a terribly good comparison in my opinion. Rarely does a single one in isolation offer a clear and permanent cure - though with any categorization that broad there are of course exceptions.
Hell, when scientists identify care that is likely enough to prevent the need of reactive treatment insurance companies often make it free to lower their overall costs - teeth cleaning and flu shots for example. That’s not altruism on their part, it’s economics.
- Comment on What to play after experiencing Chrono Trigger? 1 year ago:
Oh totally, and one player can readily dip in and dip out if you’ve got differing interest levels.
- Comment on Scientists regenerate neurons that restore walking in mice after paralysis from spinal cord injury 1 year ago:
This is actually one case insurance companies would be ALL OVER a real fix. People with spinal injuries have tons of medical complications that cost throughout their entire life. An insurance company would definitely be interested in unloading persistent fiscal drains like that.
Don’t get me wrong, the medical insurance industry is a fucking terror, especially in the US with the degree of regulatory capture involved. In this one case though, a real cure would serve their interests at anything less than a massive cost on their part.
- Comment on call the doctor, the CS doctor 1 year ago:
I’ve tried this a few times and my fingers always get really Fucking confused after about four bits.
- Comment on What to play after experiencing Chrono Trigger? 1 year ago:
Better? Never. I will say it is the by far the best real multi player rpg I’ve played.
- Comment on What to play after experiencing Chrono Trigger? 1 year ago:
The only answer
- Comment on Lina Khan: The most feared person in Silicon Valley is a 34-year-old in DC 1 year ago:
When a gerontocracy puts a 30-something in charge of a problem, it means they do not give a fuck about said problem.