- Comment on A funny thing in Iran is how they repackage old PlayStation consoles 2 days ago:
I’ve never heard of PortMaster, I still haven’t got bored of all the tiny best set games yet!
I think I played half life (maybe 2?) when I was a kid and it scared the crap out of me!
- Comment on A funny thing in Iran is how they repackage old PlayStation consoles 2 days ago:
Aliexpress. I bought from a UK website first time and it was double the price but still shipped from China, making it a bit pointless. This is the aliexpress link I used, I have no connection to the seller and only bought from them once, but it arrived in good condition and I’ve tested it works as expected. The unit I received was a “v5”, or “screen panel v4”, I paid £25:
- Comment on A funny thing in Iran is how they repackage old PlayStation consoles 2 days ago:
Yeah it’s great, my daughter has been enjoying all the old games as well so i bought her one too for her birthday. It’s much easier as a parent to give her the R36s and the retro games because they are all self contained offline things unlike a lot of modern games.
Some things I’d say to consider before buying:
- Factor in the cost of a good quality SD card (or two, one for the system and one for ROMs) to replace the one that comes with it. There are loads of warnings in forums etc about the cards that are supplied, but even so I was shocked when the card that came with mine broke after 2 days. Get a decent card like Samsung Evo Plus 128GB.
- It’s easier to start fresh when you get a new card than it would be to clone the one that comes with the device. Get the OS from here:
- For ROMs, search for “tiny best set go”
- Comment on A funny thing in Iran is how they repackage old PlayStation consoles 3 days ago:
I’ve been playing Crash Bandicoot on an R36s recently, it’ such a nostalgic game. Amazing that you can play it on a ~£35 handheld! You can’t beat the gameplay in some of the old classics.
- Comment on The upside of the cyberpunk dystopia 4 days ago:
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
Agreed. And alternatives exist, like Kobo
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
He’d probably like today’s politics, it seems fashionable to just lean into anything bad someone says about you.
- Comment on "It seems likely Elon Musk has lost over half of the UK twitter daily audience by now" 1 month ago:
I agree it’s improbable, I wouldn’t be surprised if it has accelerated though as Musk has been becoming increasingly obnoxious in UK and European politics. I’m sure there’s something like a 30% floor of people who actually like his shit.
- Comment on Go into debt if you have to 1 month ago:
by 2040 no metric ton of fossil fuels will be transported anymore
I seriously doubt it. Many countries are decarbonising like the UK has by getting rid of coal fired power stations and switching to renewables plus gas, because gas is a good way to solve the intermittency issues you get with many renewables. 2040 is not very far away, on that timescale the demand for LNG may actually go up.
- Comment on MPs back proposals to legalise assisted dying 2 months ago:
The legal protection in this case being a literal high court judge having to check the person is not being coerced and sign it off. That’s a pretty high bar in my opinion!
- Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 2 months ago:
It’s not possible for that to happen in the UK without a further bill in Parliament. I believe in Canada the law has changed as a result of decisions by the courts.
- Comment on If tomorrow it was announced that aliens were real, highly intelligent, and in communication with our governments, no one would be talking about it by Halloween 5 months ago:
It could go that way, but on the other hand they could be more like MorningLightMountain in Peter Hamilton’s Pandora’s Star, i.e. fascists who exterminate every other organism that competes with them for resources.
Great book if you haven’t read it!
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
Yeah we have that meaning too :D
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
Makes a great lightweight dutch oven as well (especially when hard anodised). Non stick, doesn’t rust, still distributes and holds heat really well, and about 1/3 of the weight.
- Comment on Unofficial Reddit API 7 months ago:
Redreader uses the official API, they have an exception from paying (for now) because they have accessibility features that most apps including the official one lack.
- Comment on epidemiology 10 months ago:
The TV show Fortitude has a similar plotline. Would recommend!
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Aren’t they implementing manifest v3 for addons soon, which will cripple adblockers on chrome?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Same, deliberately avoided Nvidia and I’ve had zero issues
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Breasts are often measured in cups
- Comment on Rough days 10 months ago:
I like to chat people up and get their number then disappoint them by sending a deluge of maymays
- Comment on Rough days 10 months ago:
Like memes?
- Comment on Britain developing new, sovereign nuclear warhead 11 months ago:
It’s really an agreement to work towards disarmament, not to just unilaterally disarm regardless of what everyone else is doing.
Article VI: Each party “undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control”.
I can’t see how for example Russia could be disarmed under strict and effective international control in the current climate.
We’re not increasing the number of our warheads in service, just replacing old ones with a new design.
- Comment on Trans youth will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England says 11 months ago:
The one thing AI LLMs seem to be actually quite good at is generating lots of quite ‘real’/‘genuine’ sounding comments and replies, so it really could be bots. It probably doesn’t actually take that much effort either in relative terms, if you decide you want to AstroTurf an online space.
It’s a shame because it could basically kill discussion on the internet as we know it. It’s mad to think it, but in a few years we could be telling younger generations of a time when we wrote words to each other online and it was reasonable to assume that we were talking to a real person…
- Comment on Trans youth will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England says 11 months ago:
Are they real though, or bots? It’s increasingly difficult to tell these days.
- Comment on Controversial benchmarking website goes behind paywall — Userbenchmark now requires a $10 monthly subscription 1 year ago:
The 5800X3D has the same core architecture as the 5800X but it runs at 11% lower base and 4% lower boost clocks. The lower clocks are in exchange for an extra 64MB of cache (96MB up from 32MB) and around 40% more money. For most real-world tasks performance is comparable to the 5800X. Cache sensitive scenarios such as low res. canned game benchmarks with a 3090-Ti ($2,000 USD) benefit at the cost of everything else. Be wary of sponsored reviews with cherry picked games that showcase the wins, conveniently ignore frame drops and gloss over the losses. Also watch out for AMD’s army of Neanderthal social media accounts on reddit, forums and youtube, they will be singing their own praises as usual. Instead of focusing on real-world performance, AMD’s marketers aim to dupe consumers with bankrolled headlines. The same tactics were used with the Radeon 5000 series GPUs. Zen 4 needs to bring substantial IPC improvements for all workloads, rather than overpriced “3D” marketing gimmicks. New PC builders have little reason to look further than the $260 12600K which, at a fraction of the price, offers better all round performance in gaming, desktop and workstation applications. Users with an existing AM4 build should wait just a few more months for better performance at lower prices with Raptor Lake or even Zen 4. The marketers selling expensive “3D” upgrades today will quickly move onto Zen 4 (3D) leaving unfortunate buyers stuck on an overpriced, 6 year old, dead-end, platform. [Mar '22 CPUPro]
- Comment on Mozilla CEO quits, org pivots, but what about Firefox? 1 year ago:
Will it though? Seems like the kind of task that requires a huge amount of effort, way beyond the kind of capacity you get from casual contributions in peoples’ spare time…might be difficult to maintain feature parity and implement new standards without a full time team on it.
- Comment on Ehat are the legal implications of this? 1 year ago:
Free in the UK
- Comment on Help me remember a "back-to-back chaise longue" from TV or film 1 year ago:
Huh, TIL!
I’ve never seen/heard anyone call it a chaise lounge in the UK. Or maybe I’ve seen it written like that and just assumed it was autocorrect.
- Comment on Help me remember a "back-to-back chaise longue" from TV or film 1 year ago:
I think it was a joke? Difficult to tell on the internet!