- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 2 weeks ago:
My theory is that they try to push the line on what is acceptable. For example, if you want something say you want 11 but what is acceptable is between 1 and 10. Then a 11 is not possible. But if you normalize 15 and keep pushing that, then 11 doesn’t seem so unreasonable after a while.
I see this being done constantly. Say that your plan is to do something extreme (take Canada), everyone panics and then get what you actually wanted. If nobody reacts, do the extreme thing.
- Comment on Apple Pulls Encrypted iCloud Security Feature in UK Amid Government Backdoor Demands 2 weeks ago:
Or don’t use someone’s encryption if you don’t have the private encryption key. Encrypt it yourself. But still then, it is only a matter of time when the encryption of your data is cracked. Could take years but if it is data someone really wants, one day it can be decrypten.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I also invest to make money but I will not invest in something I can’t stand for. I used to have most in S&P 500 but moved it out because I will not invest in Tesla or Amazon.
- Comment on Why do we put our hands on our heads when something makes us also want to yell "NO!" 4 weeks ago:
Good point. Would there be cultures that don’t do this?
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Yes, sure,the war will end if Ukraine’s money and weapons will be taken away. It’s basically saying: if Ukraine will surrender, the war is over… The problem is that the costs of Ukraine surrender is higher than the destruction of the war.
- Comment on Internet Archive breached again through stolen access tokens 4 months ago:
Something like torrents. Split the whole thing in small 5gb torrents.
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
What is reddit? Never heard of it.
- Comment on How do I block all meme communities on lemmy? 11 months ago:
What I do is two things
- Go to the All view and block each community that has memes.
- subscribe to commutes that you like.
This ways, all your views are meme-free.
Bonus tip for finding new commuties: create a new account and go to your All view. Every post you see, check if you like the community. If you like it, subscribe to it on your normal account and then block it on your new account. The new account works kind of like check off system. Each community that you made a decision on (subscribe or don’t care) will no longer be visible on the new account. This way, other communities that are smaller will also be revealed.
- Comment on Instagram finds that AI Mr beast scams do not go against community guidelines. 1 year ago:
Same with YouTube ads. Lots of scam’s and reporting it always ends in my report getting denied…
- Comment on I wrote a program for my boss. How legal is to to write the program again and make it FOSS? 1 year ago:
It depends in the country you are.
If you want to show of your skills, why not write an article about it. This way you don’t publish company property (maybe only snippets of code) and the viewer can read your reasons on why you made certain decisions.
But do not do this without consent of the company. If the company likes it, you could even start your article something along the lines of “here at %company% we like to write good code…”. Than it is a win-win. I see this a lot on sites like
- Comment on Can anyone tell me what PC will draw more power? 1 year ago:
You are absolutely right. Assuming the home server is probably not serving thousands requests every minute or mining bitcoin but just a file server or something that is idle most of the time.
- Comment on Can anyone tell me what PC will draw more power? 1 year ago:
I do not agree with that.
A PSU is the maximum what all the components combined are allowed to use. No more power than that is possible. If a system needs more than it’s PSU can deliver, it will become unstable (data loss, random restarts, etc.)
The 2x750 is a redundant setup that servers have. Servers need to be able to run 24/7. With redundant PSU if one PSU has a failure, the other PSU will take over. Without any restarts. You can just pull the plug out of one of the PSU and all is just fine.
I do agree with you that the max wattage is under load. Most home servers are running idle most of the time anyway.
- Comment on Can anyone tell me what PC will draw more power? 1 year ago:
Why not check online for each component for its max watt?
AMD FX8350 is 125W max Xeon E5645 is 80W max
Then the only difference is the motherboard, right?
And also, the Xeon has integrated graphics but the amd does not. If you will let the amd do a lot of things with video, it needs a video card or else the cpu will need to do all of that. On the other hand, if the machine main task is to for example render videos, an integrated GPU in the Cpu will not get you far either…
- Comment on What are some of the best optimizations you applied to your code? 1 year ago:
That was a good read. Thanks for the link.
- Comment on Soundproofing a Ceiling 1 year ago:
What kind of sound do you want to soundproof? Is it the walking sounds or voices/music/TV?
Sounds like walking will travel through beams, walls etc and are best to be taken care of on the floors in the room above.
- Comment on Metal anchors in wood 1 year ago:
If the wood will be painted it might work with a ‘hole saw’. Saw a rond hole removing the anchor and then saw the same size hole in a different piece of wood giving you a wooden disc. Glue the disc in the hole and sand it is completely until you can’t feel it anymore. Paint it so it is also not visible.
Do be aware that this is very hard to do and it might not look as nice. Try it on some scrap first.
- Comment on Why is the Node ecosystem so demanding? 1 year ago:
I wonder if it has something to do with the framework you pick. There are probably frameworks that aim to be as stable as possible but lack the cutting edge.
- Comment on Brands that don't buy enough Twitter ads will lose verification 1 year ago:
But why? If Twitter is something he and his friends do not like it would be a better move to censor everything instead of pushing the users to other Twitter alternatives and spread the same message over there. Controlling is more valuable than pushing the users away.
- Comment on is gone [update from the team] 1 year ago:
Does this have anything to do with the whole email thing from the American military? According to the financial times, there are about 117.000 emails send to .ML addresses instead of .MIL…
Translated page: ……/nederlander-die-ml-voor-mali-be…