- Comment on Why We Love to Get Lost in Games: The Enduring Appeal of Metroidvanias 1 week ago:
I’m never sure where to draw the line with metroidvanias. Does Dark Souls count as metroidvania? or Link’s Awakening? Cave Story?
- Comment on [Disc]What is/are your must watch anime/s? 1 month ago:
Hibike! Euphonium was directed by Ishihara Tatsuya, who has also done a bunch of other must-watch anime.
Kanon 2006, Clannad, Haruhi Suzumiya, Nichijou, Dragon Maid S, and of course Hibike! Euphonium. - Submitted 1 month ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on What anime is in your PTW but haven't gotten a chance to watch it? 1 month ago:
Mushishi is awesome and is one thing that I think you can recommend to any age group-- 5 years old or 105 years old.
- Comment on What anime is in your PTW but haven't gotten a chance to watch it? 1 month ago:
The Evangelion rebuild movies have been untouched on my PTW for maybe 5 years now.
- Comment on Favorite Manga? 4 months ago:
I also love Yotsubato! :) sometimes it blows my mind that’s it’s the same author as Azumanga Daioh
My #1 favorite is Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, it’s several times longer and more complex than the movie.10/10: Nausicaa, Girls’ Last Tour
Almost 10/10: Himegoto: Juukyuusai no Seifuku
9/10: B-gata H-kei, Genjitsu Touhi shitetara Boroboro ni Natta Hanashi (the Nagata Kabi alcoholism memoir), Mata Onaji Yume wo Miteita
Other favorites: Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Nichijou, Onimai, Melancholia & Nickelodeon, March comes in like a lion, Onanie Master Kurosawa, Gakkougurashi. Maybe parts 6 and 7 of Jojo’s - Comment on "CITY" announced for 2025! (あらゐけいいち x Kyoani) 5 months ago:
If anybody hasn’t heard of CITY, it’s essentially Nichijou 2. So excited that it’s getting an adaptation :)
- Comment on Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc. 5 months ago:
I’ve never heard of TemTem before and plugging it into Google Trends, it looks like it’s not even comparable to Palworld. It’s still somewhat big, looks like 500,000 copies sold. But still doesn’t really compare to what appears to be nearly 20 million Palworld players.
Companies lose rights to protect their IP if they don’t protect it themselves, so it may be in their best interest to go after the big competitors and pretend they’ve never heard of TemTem. - Comment on "Momentary Lily" Original Anime New Key Visual, PV 8 months ago:
リリィ is a common way to write it, although I’m not sure why it’s more common than リリー (perhaps just cause the ィ is more of a phonetic addition rather than a semantic one). Here’s a list of fictional characters whose name is spelled リリィ. It’s probably supposed to be a less obvious way to evoke the idea of yuri. There seem to be a couple other series that have had similar titles like “Comicリリィ” or “アサルトリリィ Bouquet”.
Anyway, the “Lily” isn’t the only remarkable part of the title, what does “Momentary” mean here? Leave it to Japanese pop media to take random English words to make titles that kinda work? but wouldn’t really work well in English. Shoutouts to “Battle Tendency” and “Delicious in Dungeon”.
But yeah, it’s definitely not a localization of yuri/ユリ/百合 because the title doesn’t say that at all. - Comment on I think it's extremely invasive that amazon is telling me this 9 months ago:
I mostly agree but it’s a different time. People can find you online using your name and face (not everybody is as anonymous as I’m sure many of you lemmites are) and it’s not likely that anything bad would happen but I can see it as a privacy concern.
It’s still just first name though so I don’t see it as super invasive but it’s still not exactly the same thing as a pizza guy wearing a name tag that says “Rambo” (or whatever it says in the image you uploaded) - Comment on Legend of Zelda 10 months ago:
Phantom Hourglass was my first but Spirit Tracks is my favorite. I actually really like the stylus DS controls (and it’s not even that bad using a mouse on an emulator either) but the main thing I like is the music and story. Music and story I would say are both better in Spirit Tracks than any other game in the series. It also is one of the few games in the series that you can really call a legend of Zelda. She’s there the whole time and the main story focuses on her character arc.
Just overall an amazing experience with some really dramatic moments, if I had to summarize what I like about it more than the other games in the series I’d say it’s the most “cinematic & dramatic” - Comment on 1 year ago:
tl;dr, yes If you want to watch a 20 minute video about it instead of 1 word answers,
- Comment on Everyone makes incest jokes about Adam and Eve and their children but they never mention that there was another woman named Lilith (Adam's first wife) who would have added variance to the gene pool. 1 year ago:
Correct copies are also mutations, for what it’s worth.
- Comment on Women STEM students up to twice as likely as non-STEM students to have experienced sexism 1 year ago:
They do include the effect size of including non-binary students when they write “(nb. Non-binary students account for 0.3% of this total)” etc. so the impact on the actual data is shown, if you’re concerned about the statistical analysis. It also does make sense to group them together in this context as they are both minorities in STEM. However the way the article is written makes it clear that including non-binary students was an afterthought; if it was clear in all the data and headings that the data is for both non-binary and female students with the interpretation that they are looking at just “students who aren’t men” then it would have been a lot better.
- Comment on 20(23) Games You Should Have Played 1 year ago:
I played Pseudoregalia and beat it in a couple hours and though it was kinda meh. Then the next day I was kinda bored so I played it again start to finish. And then I played it like four more times that week. It very quickly became one of my favorite games of all time; not perfect on a first playthrough but one of the best games ever to replay.
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
What in the world is Rob actually tangibly observing? The inside of Bob’s brain? Is Bob wearing a sign that says “my current emotion: happy & content”? The point stands that Rob does not see everything and isn’t necessarily correct about what he thinks he sees.
- Comment on How would you explain the need for three writing systems in Japanese to a person who only has had experience with one? 1 year ago:
About the homophones, it’s also worth noting that English does the same thing. It’s why we have “to, two, too” and “right rite wright write”.
Just instead of having inconsistent memorized spellings, Japanese has memorized symbols. 同, 銅, 道, 動, 堂, 胴, 洞, etc. all being pronounced the same way = way more need for complexity in order to tell them apart. - Comment on What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs 1 year ago:
Golden Sun is probably one of my favorite RPGs, very deep combat system where in the lategame you will be modifying your character class in the middle of battles to change your movesets and other cool mechanics. Fairly interesting story as well. It has great GBA pixel art and it does have random encounters.
Persona 5 is a turn-based RPG that lots of people who aren’t usually into turn-based RPGs tend to like. Simple but satisfying battles, and a story that would have seemed mediocre if it wasn’t for great music and some cool moments which make it really stand out. No pixel art and also no random encounters.
OMORI is pretty good and has a really good art style. The story is also very good with some very memorable characters and moments, and pretty good music. The combat is simple and probably best described as “not bad”. The biggest downside of the game imo is that despite not being very long (<20 hours) it felt like it dragged on close to the end. It might have random encounters? I don’t really remember.
Overall I recommend Golden Sun if you are able to emulate it or something (not on steam or switch)
- Comment on With the advances of medicine in the coming millennium casual conversations might be like "I'm 245", "Oh, I'm 332", "Damn, I'm just 119" 1 year ago:
I think OP means they are talking about their ages