- Comment on xkcd #3054: Scream Cipher 1 week ago:
- Comment on Microsoft is struggling to get Windows Recall out the door — delays releasing first public preview. 3 months ago:
you don’t have to use it.
On windows, that phrase means somthing diffrent than on linux.
On linux a feature like this is just a command or a toggle switch in the settings.
On windows concent will be aquired in dubious ways and non-concent will be made hard.
- Comment on [Cory Doctorow] With An Audacious Plan To Halt The Internet’s Enshittification And Throw It Into Reverse 4 months ago:
My favorate quote about the language is, “it feels like rust was made by people who hate uncertan behavor.” Languages with manual memory management are harder. On top of that, Rust demands you prove your memory management is “correct”.
- Comment on Social media is becoming infested with climate change denial and misinformation 5 months ago:
arent they refrencing the famous quote from some guy who had influence. about how school is for training people to be a part of the working class.
- Comment on A Twitter-like app where you are the only actual user and every other "user" is an AI bot. 5 months ago:
this feels like the social media equivlant of West World pre meltdown. That is to say, It’s a tourist atraction full of robots where an unseen actor is allowing you to live out a fantacy using their living dolls. The thing that makes it worse is unlike the film, We (now) know the money value of emotionally minipulating people (caugh casinos built into everything caugh).
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 5 months ago:
A doll is also designed to be anthropomorphised, to have life projected onto it. Unlike dolls, when someone talks about LLMs as alive, most people have no clue if they are pretending or not. (And marketers take advantage of it!) We are feed a culture that accedentially says “chatGPT + Boston Dynamics robot = Robocop”. Assuming the only fictional part is that we dont have the ability to make it, not that the thing we create wouldn’t be human (or even be need to be human).
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
PLEASE! reply to me with youtube URLs videos, channels or playlists. for anything in “My Mix” send each entry individually or convert to playlist.
specify these tags so I can organize the data
common tags
- it’s video component is nesisary to understand (VIDEO) - it’s video component is summerised by a single image (THUMB) - it’s mostly talking (COMMENTARY) - it’s a person talking into a camera (FACE) - it’s music (MUSIC) - it’s a square thumbnail or video (SQUARE) - Its a 4 by 3 thumbnail or video (4BY3)
Ive been archiving for years and this looks like it may be the final clean batch I can produce.
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 5 months ago:
the AI “decided” in the same way the dice “decided” to land on 6 and 4 and screw me over. With AI, some people are just using this informal way of speaking while others look at it and genuinely think or want to pretend its alive. You can never really know without asking them directly.
Yes, if the intent is confusion, it is pretty minipulative.
- Comment on Hey Reddit lurkers! my ad-free, open source Reddit viewer RDX is on Android now 6 months ago:
There are subreddits I want to archive before things get any worse, any tools I can use or any way to adapt the backend for this task?
- Comment on Cars Are Now Rolling Computers Now. So What Happens When They Stop Getting Updates? 7 months ago:
I want that so badly.
- Comment on US slows plans to retire coal plants because of AI power usage 7 months ago:
Ofc! Oil gas and coal ONLY burn when placed in a funace. Attempt to light it on fire anywhere else and it will know and refuse catch fire. Its a safety feature. /s
- Comment on Sony is killing off recordable Blu-ray, bidding farewell to disc burning | TechSpot 7 months ago:
The DRM is extra awful with bluray, its usefullness is dipressingly lmited. Being propriatary makes it worthless as an archive medium.
- Comment on Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishers’ court win 8 months ago:
100gb is about 20 dvds give or take You could fit thousands of books in that space however
- Comment on We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem 9 months ago:
usually, what I see is that the REPL they are using is never introspective enough. The ai cant on its own revert to a prevous state or give notes to itself because the response being fast and in linear time matters for a chatbot. ChatGPT can make really cool stuff when you ask it to break it’s thoght process into steps. Ones it usually fails spectacularly at. It was like pulling teeth to get it to actually do the steps and not just give the bad answer anyway.
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
My post was mostly to just insert invisable marks like to your answers to screw over any machine that is sensitive to unicode.
- Comment on Neuralink's first in-human brain implant has experienced a problem, company says 9 months ago:
If im not 100% off basis here, “Electric meat is still meat, and we just stabbed it with little tiny forks”
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
Copyleft lisenses are anti-copywrite, copywrite lisenses. They guarantee any random person the right to use and (usually) modify and (usually) distribute the work (art, program, etc.) with some noteworthy terms and conditions. Open access is where they provide a good or service for free but are not legally required to do so.
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
Open access != Copyleft but its a decent start.
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
The license of stackoverflow makes that explicitly legal
How and why, I will take down my post about vandlism until I get this resolved.
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 9 months ago:
The API is faster for me than newpipe but its a PWA. pewpipe’s UI is native to android, feels easier to use.
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
I may not fully understand the situation, but AOSP offers an API called Accessability that allows an app to hook and modify how the user interacts with the UI. the best example is probably Talkback.
- Comment on The University of Texas at Austin has 'delisted' this video so that it's harder to find. 10 months ago:
Its a video explaining why they cant do anything about the conservitives showing up and “protesting” against the campus. Also, verry bad context. the people in the video are apparently hypocrites. Also, the photo was either taken bedore yt removed dislikes or with a restore dislike plugin.
- Comment on US government reportedly ponders crimping China's use of RISC-V 10 months ago:
I hope not, its extralegal. I understand what they are trying to do and still beleave they are okay with personally doing all that stuff but upset when anyone else tries. If these 3 countries keep this up, we will likely have multiple fallen empires on the world stage.
- Comment on An AI startup made a hyperrealistic deepfake of me that’s so good it’s scary 10 months ago:
It looks like the screen is smeard in vasoline. To be fair, you have to be primed to notice it. Did the AI decide the movements too, because that woman looks possesed, she even twitches at one point.
- Comment on US government reportedly ponders crimping China's use of RISC-V 10 months ago:
My home country is eating away at itself. 🫤 Every day I hear news of how the US is chasing the clouds, attacking the “illusive newfound chinese power”. The US is acting like the king from double king. Im trapped, So far not able to convince whom Im living with to move. (We have family here, were both finantially dependant on the government, they dont see what Im seeing, cant really change their mind, not safe to try)
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
Id do the same, ubt Im in a verry stupid situation, I dont have a reddit account and dont want to be identified due to the pseudo tabooness, plus it was already half taken over by ads because the sex industry verry badly reifies (steals the meaning of) it for their own profit.
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
Yes, because Malware, Amarican spit, Caremel and insert company name here are all having an intense beutiful pipedream fetishistic relationship with the nice folks at r/darksidesmokingfetish (NSFL)
this is sarcasm not libel!
- Comment on Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps 10 months ago:
The idea that the children in this photo are ment to be seen in the same context of a porn site (or at least somthing using the pornhub logo likeness) is discusting.
DISCLAIMER: Ive not gone throught this myself but know what porn adiction feels like. its not fun and will warp who you are on the inside.
Anyone lured for any reason to this site, DO NOT ENGUAGE it WILL HURT YOU! If for whatever reason theve put their hooks in you and are reeling you in, Use stratigies that Alcoholics Anonimous use. LITERALLY ANYTHING is better than using pictures or bodies of REAL CHILDREN for sexual grtification.
abstractions can be used to heal, to distract from what is worse, to entrench yourself further and/or to absolve yourself of guilt. You need the 1st, 2nd and 4th to occur, if its not throw it out and try again.
- Comment on California can share your baby's DNA sample without permission, but new bill could force state to publicly reveal who they're giving it to 10 months ago:
One interesting thing, a fingerprint is (from what i can tell) re-obtained because the fingerprint data is internal use only. The doctors, The government, the military and the jailers dont share this data with eachother. With DNA, it sounds like the doctors are giving your DNA at birth to the government, the military, the jailers, and the advertisers. Not just yours, but your famialy and even unconcenting strangers.
Its like if 23andMe was your eniemy.
- Comment on Eric S. Raymond / autodafe · Tools for freeing your project from the clammy grip of autotools. 10 months ago:
Its a good practice to make the auto generated code a part of the
list. Any language installable on peoples machines can be used to build these makefiles. Ya know a language is on that list? Makefile!