- Comment on Discuss. 2 days ago:
The guy in the hat between Curie and Oppenheimer is David Gilbert.
- Comment on An Extended Look at Pokémon Legends: Z-A 3 days ago:
detailed realism
Did we watch different trailers? lmao
- Comment on I still got it 1 week ago:
- Comment on Death Stranding 2 New Trailer Is Coming Soon; Focuses On Music Driven Narrative 1 week ago:
Adblockers are your friend.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
In just 10 more years, it’ll only be 40 more years!
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
Only ten more years, and we’ll have it!
- Comment on Google abandons 'do no harm' AI stance, opens door to military weapons 3 weeks ago:
Do no harm (to quarterly earnings)
- Comment on Potentially habitable planet TRAPPIST-1b may have a carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere, The innermost Earth-like planet in the famous TRAPPIST-1 system might be capable of supporting a thick atmosphere 1 month ago:
Nobody is seriously looking for ‘habitable’ planets because they expect humanity will someday inhabit them — this is all about the hunt for other life out there in the universe.
To astronomers, “habitable” just means that the planet gets to correct amount of energy from its star that liquid water could potentially exist on its surface. Liquid water may not actually be a requirement for life, but since we only have a single data point to work from, it makes sense to look for the preconditions of the kind of life we’re familiar with on earth, of which liquid water is a big one. (Another is carbon chemistry, so finding lots of atmospheric carbon isn’t necessarily a bad thing when searching for other life out there.)
- Comment on Mars' Leaky Nipple 3 months ago:
It actually is water.
The existence of water on Mars has been completely uncontroversial for decades now — it exists in the trace amounts the Martian atmosphere and in large amounts as permafrost under the top layer of Mars’ soil. This particular cloud forms when sunlight causes that permafrost to sublimate into water vapor. As it rises higher into the atmosphere, the temperature then drops and that vapor flash freezes back into tiny ice crystals to create the cloud.
What has been speculated for decades is whether or not any liquid water exists on Mars (which we now believe it does, but only in very short-lived seasonal flows that evaporate almost immediately).
- Comment on Mars' Leaky Nipple 3 months ago:
Arsia Mons! One of Mars’ largest volcanos, and part of an arc of three known collectively as the Tharsis Montes. The volcano to the top right is Pavonis Mons, and further beyond (past the visible horizon) is Ascraeus Mons. The much more famous Olympus Mons is also found in the same region, to the northeast of the Tharsis Montes (which would be towards the bottom right in this particular image).
Interestingly, that massive cloud formation is a yearly phenomenon that happens right before the start of winter. The size of the cloud trail varies from year to year, but it’s not uncommon for it to stretch more than 1000 kilometers.
- Comment on DOJ to ask judge to force Google to sell off Chrome, Bloomberg reports 3 months ago:
Again! Again!
- Comment on DOJ to ask judge to force Google to sell off Chrome, Bloomberg reports 3 months ago:
Rad. Do Microsoft next.
- Comment on Come to the Deep Sea!! 3 months ago:
that’s why it’s not that big
Bro, what do you consider big??
- Comment on Know thy enemy 3 months ago:
It’s only fine until those sulfates react with water vapor in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid. That stuff rains back down and contributes to ocean acidification which is causing serious harm to all sorts of marine ecosystems.
- Comment on Equinunerous Sets 4 months ago:
But how can set b contain all of the horses if they’re already in set a???
- Comment on It’s Time to Stop Taking Sam Altman at His Word 4 months ago:
Hear hear!
- Comment on It’s Time to Stop Taking Sam Altman at His Word 4 months ago:
It’s time to stop taking any CEO at their word.
- Comment on Holy 💩, is this legit? 4 months ago:
This sub seriously needs some better moderation…
- Comment on This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little. The US government just hired a researcher who thinks we can beat aging with fresh cloned bodies and brain updates. 4 months ago:
I hate to break it to you, but our meat brains don’t even have continuity of consciousness. We become unconscious all the time. The only real constant is the “hardware” our consciousness emerges from, but even that is always changing.
- Comment on Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda and DLCs of all time 4 months ago:
At least horse armor was good for the memes. This is so bland no one even cares to meme about it.
- Comment on Hell Is Us - Extended Gameplay Video 4 months ago:
TBH, I really wish he would’ve just shut up and let the gameplay breathe for a while. They started the showcase explaining how this game isn’t going to hold your hand, but then spent the next fifteen minutes over-explaining every little detail, lol
- Comment on What letter has the best games? 5 months ago:
No Dark Souls?
Shame! Shame!
- Comment on 3D printed 'suicide pod' used by a human for the first time 5 months ago:
Really? Back on the day even Charon took his cut.
- Comment on Witchfire is now available on Steam 5 months ago:
Epic vs Steam isn’t much of a turf war as far as the fans are concerned. Everyone universally hates the Epic Games Store and loves Steam. The only reason EGS has so many timed exclusive is because Epic pays out the nose for them.
- Comment on - a website that rates mobile games for their "dark patterns" 5 months ago:
This appears to only cover mobile games. I’d love to see something similar for PC/console releases…
- Comment on The chat in World of Warcraft is what keeps me coming back 5 months ago:
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
In scientific terms? An absolute fuck-ton of football fields.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
In very next line, it says the distance is 4.37 lightyears away… which is also wrong, lol
For anyone wondering, the actual correct answer is about 4.25 lightyears or about 40 trillion kilometers.
- Comment on Google and Microsoft consume more power than some countries 7 months ago:
While massive energy usage means a substantial environmental impact for these tech giants, it should be noted that Google and Microsoft also generate more money than many countries. Furthermore, companies like Intel, Google, and Microsoft lead renewable energy adoption within the industry.
So fucking what? That’s like excusing a mass-murderer because he’s rich and he promised to “not kill quite as many people in the future.”
What a useless and pandering equivocation.
- Comment on Hack of Age Verification Company Shows Privacy Danger of Social Media Laws 8 months ago:
Right? I guess all the good names where already taken