- Comment on Commenting what is happening in twitter is to content creation what crabs are to evolution. 1 hour ago:
Roughly 30 million years into the future
Looking round me again, I saw that, quite near, what I had taken to be a reddish mass of rock was moving slowly towards me. Then I saw the thing was really a monstrous crab-like creature. Can you imagine a crab as large as yonder table, with its many legs moving slowly and uncertainly, its big claws swaying, its long antennae, like carters’ whips, waving and feeling, and its stalked eyes gleaming at you on either side of its metallic front? Its back was corrugated and ornamented with ungainly bosses, and a greenish incrustation blotched it here and there. I could see the many palps of its complicated mouth flickering and feeling as it moved.
- Comment on Researchers Trained an AI on Flawed Code and It Became a Psychopath 6 days ago:
What’s the point?
- Comment on 'Jetsons' robot finally arrives: Sweater-wearing Neo Gamma android helps with household chores 1 week ago:
- Comment on Researchers Trained an AI on Flawed Code and It Became a Psychopath 1 week ago:
Gotta quit anthropomorphising machines. It takes free will to be a psychopath, all else is just imitating.
- Comment on Could it be offensive for me to use the word "cracker" in this way? 1 week ago:
“What cracker is this same that deafs our ears with this abundance of superfluous breath?”
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 1 week ago:
I don’t think a device will ever have a thought. I find it somewhat akin to a belief in the anamism of objects, that it will aquire some form of life force of its own. What a thought is, is a complete mystery. Nobody knows why they happen, where they come from. So, who is even to determine whether an inamimate object is exhibiting signs of consciousness? There are some people that believe it, others are just running a con.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 2 weeks ago:
I have an inexpensive desktop plugged into my tv, for watching shows and movies. My laptop is my main computer, plugged in to a monitor and surround speakers. My phone is for laying on the couch scrolling brainrot.
- Comment on The death of capital letters: why gen Z loves lowercase 2 weeks ago:
Writing developed quite a bit since then. It’s a lot about cognitive efficiency. Upper case letters and other grammatical cues aid in efficiency. not using these conventions benefits the writer but not the reader
- Comment on What determines whether people are likely to purposely (but mistakenly) put two words together (without a space)? 3 weeks ago:
Alot is incorrect and is close to allot. Lot is a pretty confusing word in english, like it’s possible to have a lot of lots, each a particular allotment maybe. A lot is both one and many, one single lot, or many things, a lot of things. Hope that clears it up haha.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 3 weeks ago:
Takes 2-3 days for all of it to completely wear off. There’s a fairly high number of people arrested for dui who think being passed out for 8 hrs means they are good to.go after, just hungover.
- Comment on How much of my sleep debt do I need to pay off? 4 weeks ago:
What you need is called restorative sleep.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Maybe Dr Pollock, advertises lots of penis procedures on the radio around here.
- Comment on Younger cannabis users have reduced brain function, finds largest study yet 5 weeks ago:
What was that? I was stoned and I missed it.
- Comment on If me and a bunch of my lemmy friends got on a yacht. Went into international waters what could we get away with legally and what would still be illegal? 2 months ago:
You can’t take the sky from me!
- Comment on Astronauts tight-lipped about reason for hospital visit after 235 days in space 3 months ago:
Checking for Body Snatchers.
- Comment on How come zombies seem to have sharp teeth while the rest of their body is rotting away? Or is just fiction? 6 months ago:
Although this is correct, it is shocking how fast they can decompose, or rot, once cavities set it. I have a dentist phobia and am losing most of my teeth these days. I wouldnt imagine many zombies have regular dental checkups. Luckily, I can get dentures. Imagine a zombie “Hold still, Im trying to get my dentures in”.
- Comment on The diagnosis is in—bad memory knocked NASA’s aging Voyager 1 offline 11 months ago:
A bit of dementia.
- Comment on SAG-AFTRA Approves AI Voice Actors, Enrages the VA Community 1 year ago:
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride 'Til I get to the bottom and I see you again Yeah, yeah, yeah, ha-ha-ha!
- Comment on Lemmy through SDF is basically read-only now. Read interesting stuff, but open an account elsewhere if you want to reply. 1 year ago:
I started looking for an SDF alternative just yesterday, to see if SDF was broken again. So thanks for the post. Guess I will carry on with another account. I’m thinking lemmy.ca.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It cleary says light as a wavelenght. By your own photospectometer of you’d like to see it. I used to do colour testing in a lab.
- Comment on When people say that apps are stealing your data, what exactly does that mean? 1 year ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
- Comment on Can it be within human nature to be inhumane? Conversely can it be "unhuman" or going against human nature to be genuinely humane? 1 year ago:
That’s a lack of knowledge. Narcissists can be just as stupid, even more so as they consider themselves smarter than everyone. Sound familiat?
- Comment on Can it be within human nature to be inhumane? Conversely can it be "unhuman" or going against human nature to be genuinely humane? 1 year ago:
I think the terms you’re looking for are narcissism and empathy. Narcissism is the inhumanity, empathy the humanity. Can a narcissist have empathy, and vise versa? I can’t say I’ve ever heard of an empathist, having too much empathy.
- Comment on Do you actually own anything digital? 1 year ago:
I think it depends on the definition of own, if it can be sold to someone else who will then own it. If it doesn’t have value like that, then it is just something you have, like pocket lint.
- Comment on Rudy Giuliani must pay more than $148m over false election claims 1 year ago:
He’s going to have to pick up shifts handing out towels at the Maralago outhouse.
- Comment on The first humanoid robot factory is about to open 1 year ago:
I think the first was back in 1920, The Rossums Universal Robot factory. It failed when the robots rose up and killed everbody.
- Comment on The misuse of Q-Tips was a problem even in the 23rd century 1 year ago:
Yeah, you have to be wary of using tips from Q, it can feel right but there are reasons for concern, misuse can cause unintended consequences.
- Comment on If civilization continues to the year 9999, is the idea to go to year 10.000, or...? 1 year ago:
According to Zager and Evans, the year 9595 will pretty much be it.
- Comment on X is reportedly selling inactive usernames for $50,000 — The move is the platform’s latest attempt to raise revenue 1 year ago:
My account might be worth $50k? Any offers here? 1/2 price fire sale here on Lemmy, only $27k!