- Comment on "You'll end up in a van down by the river" if you do drugs, don't go to college, etc. advice never includes the warning: "Don't suffer major Depression that gives you complete apathy for existence." 4 months ago:
My parents were very open and honest about their drug use and the use of their friends and family. I set rules for myself and never got truly in trouble, I’ve definitely made dumb mistakes, but I’m definitely better off then some of my friends.
The only thing that my dad said that was really dumb was “it’s your choice, you can have chicks and cars or dudes and drugs”. At the time, I had almost no friends, never really had friends up until then. Growing up with sever socal and separation anxiety will do that. I didn’t really care about cars, chicks did drugs, so why not have some dudes too.
- Comment on How do I tame my mustache for handlebar style? 5 months ago:
Mustache wax is essential but practice makes perfect. You can get mustache curlers off Amazon that I have used and provide some serious curls. You still need wax, and you look dumb as hell with them on but the result speak for themselves.
That being said every mustache is different and if yours is like mine, each half will NEVER match. NEVER. NO MATTER HOW MUCH TIME YOU SPEND. Luckily, no one but you will notice or care.
- Comment on China to train thousands of overseas law enforcement officers to create ‘more fair’ world order 5 months ago:
No no no, not police violence. Firm peace enforcement
- Comment on Kroger executive admits company gouged prices above inflation 5 months ago:
Luke to Darth Vader “Anakin I am your son!”
- Comment on Get her a publisher 7 months ago:
Rex: “couldn’t put it down!” Spot: “Must Read!” Precious: “I really connected with the central theme. So true! Absolutely poetic take on the over squirlification of our neighborhoods. Those squirrels need to go back to where they came from!”
- Comment on Electoral College and The Numbers | USA question 7 months ago:
It’s all about the handful of swing states, 2/3rds of the electoral votes are basically locked it
- Comment on Can someone help me determine what power outlet adapter I need in the Philippines? 7 months ago:
I’d google it be sure but if it say 120v - 240v not 120/240v cuz that’s different
- Comment on Can someone help me determine what power outlet adapter I need in the Philippines? 7 months ago:
If you are from north America you will need 120v-240v transformer
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 7 months ago:
I live in Nebraska and I feel the same way. I got out and vote in every election because that’s my civic duty, if the majority of people in your area with our same feeling actually went out and vote it is possible to become a swing state.
That being said my personal opinion is if you don’t vote you forfeit your right to complain about politics. You didn’t voice your opinion when it was important, so you shouldn’t voice it when it’s not.
- Comment on This is my 666th post. AMA 8 months ago:
What shoes do wear the most?
- Comment on What are you playing this week? June 10 2024 Edition 8 months ago:
Witcher 3, loving it so much!
- Comment on Is it true that addicts never stop being addicts, they just replace their addiction? 10 months ago:
As an addict myself I can say basically yes. Not always to that extreme, think of the smoker who starts eating more. Maybe you get into marathon running? Well that’s just a hobby, right? Maybe or maybe it’s filling that gap alcohol used to fill. It’s hard to say. When you break it down, from my experience, addicts are filling some kind of hole with drugs, so when you take the drugs out most people want to fill that hole. For the short time I was in AA 90% people chained smoked and only drank coffee or soda, the 10% who didn’t found Jesus.
So can some addicts get by without something else, yea probably. But for most, ultimately the hole will be filled, just hope it’s with something positive. For alot of us, it’s just a different drug to be honest.
- Comment on Goodbye matpat ❤️ 11 months ago:
I have cried for Matt Pat four times this week. I feel like I’m losing a friend and it hurts. I know I’m not but it still hurts.
- Comment on Why shouldn't electric plugs screw in? 1 year ago:
This. They make twist lock receptacles, for certain applications. Normally in commercial settings where small appliances are powered by ceiling mounted outlets.