- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Yeah, climate change is global.
- Comment on IFIXIT: Victory Is Sweet - We Can Now Fix McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines 4 months ago:
That’s all I used to go there for, but not sure if it’s different ice-cream in Europe.
- Comment on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week 6 months ago:
I need to be out of the physical office all the time to deal with my actual life. How about that? WFH 4eva
- Comment on Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? 8 months ago:
Ah okay. Thank you!
- Comment on Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? 8 months ago:
Who’s the company involved in this? I’m not in the US so I’ve probably missed a lot of context here.
- Comment on Maths 9 months ago:
Good one, no way say maths is… I guess it’s the subject of mathematics is my favourite.
- Comment on Why do men call their father their "old man", but their "old lady" is their wife? 9 months ago:
Lid down so the flush spray is mostly contained is enough reason, no?
- Comment on The umblilical cord is a baby's power cord until they are ready for wireless charging (breastfeeding) 11 months ago:
Yeah except they generally don’t. There’s a reason classes to learn how to breastfeed and lactation consultants exist.
- Comment on The umblilical cord is a baby's power cord until they are ready for wireless charging (breastfeeding) 11 months ago:
Not quite like wireless though, there has to be a latch on and suction, can’t just faceplant a baby on a boob.
- Comment on Pick your poison. Dystopian style 1 year ago:
There is something like this in London, England. I can’t remember the name right now though.
- Comment on Verizon Gave Phone Data to Armed Stalker Who Posed as Cop Over Email 1 year ago:
How are they saying “potentially” endangered someone’s life? This is an “absolutely definitely” endangered her life story.
- Comment on DoorDash now warns you that your food might get cold if you don’t tip 1 year ago:
Try not to be so judgemental.
- Comment on Remote work is still 'frustrating and disorienting' for bosses, economist says—their No. 1 problem with it 1 year ago:
I don’t see any evidence for this.
- Comment on Remote work is still 'frustrating and disorienting' for bosses, economist says—their No. 1 problem with it 1 year ago:
That’s not exclusive to WFH.
- Comment on Remote work is still 'frustrating and disorienting' for bosses, economist says—their No. 1 problem with it 1 year ago:
And the employee is on a zoom call, it looks like.
- Comment on Announcing ‘Be My AI,’ Soon Available for Hundreds of Thousands of Be My Eyes Users 1 year ago:
I don’t recall any being about colour. Usually it’s about reading something, like which type of batteries are for this thing or how long to cook this for… that kind of thing.
- Comment on Announcing ‘Be My AI,’ Soon Available for Hundreds of Thousands of Be My Eyes Users 1 year ago:
Same but I wonder how well it will do… lots of calls are me saying to move the thing so I can read it or whatever. The calls tend to need back and forth communication.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It doesn’t come with preloaded shit though, so in that sense it’s a good option.
- Comment on 'Mindhunter' Is Dead — So Stop Asking David Fincher About It! 1 year ago:
I would literally settle for a magazine short story to tie things up.
- Comment on 'Mindhunter' Is Dead — So Stop Asking David Fincher About It! 1 year ago:
I’m glad it’s a quality show but it’s not quality because of the season 2 subplot that ended up going nowhere and leaving viewers dissatisfied. That’s my problem with it. He’s in the business long enough and Netflix have this pattern long enough that he should know better than to do that.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
- Comment on Barbie (2023) OST streaming release discussion post 1 year ago:
Commercial for Barbies? I don’t think that little kids are the audience here but I hear ya. Barbie is more than a toy, the doll has represented a lot and been a big part of a few decades of childhood. This film was a great take on all that.
- Comment on [spoilers] A Quiet Place (Rant) 1 year ago:
Having sex during this time is not unfathomable and pregnancy happens. It took me a while to realise you weren’t talking about the baby when you immediately switched to “the girl”.
- Comment on 'Mindhunter' Is Dead — So Stop Asking David Fincher About It! 1 year ago:
I still blame Fincher for using season 2 to set up season 3 and then give us nothing. Given Netflix’s track record and Fincher not being some noob, he should have made sure each season had no whole-story dangling threads. I would settle for a short story tying it up at this point, he could do that.
- Comment on [Weekly thread] What is the best movie you watched last week? 23 September 1 year ago:
It’s brilliant. The story on the boat when they’re drinking and comparing scars is so well done. Utterly engaging.
- Comment on My open letter to the tech industry on sexism, HR, and Linus Tech Tips 1 year ago:
Yeah it really is the worst when you have to fight for something that men get without barely trying. And those same men will give advise on how to do it too, completely disregarding how responses are different for women, IE they’re not listening.
- Comment on 80% of bosses say they regret earlier return-to-office plans: ‘A lot of executives have egg on their faces’ 1 year ago:
Pet care… Dog walking, cat feeding. I assume.
$800 wouldn’t cover childcare for 1 child for 1 month.
- Comment on 80% of bosses say they regret earlier return-to-office plans: ‘A lot of executives have egg on their faces’ 1 year ago:
800 per year? My god what are these execs paying their nannies that they think this is anything substantial for such a massive sacrifice of time and energy to be in an office.