- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 2 weeks ago:
S&P500 closed at an all-time high yesterday. It’s not just up relative to a downturn.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I have auto update disabled and only selectively update individual apps. However, I still found this installed and promptly uninstalled it.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 4 weeks ago:
Nice glizzy guide!
- Comment on The Last Of Us Part II will require a PSN account to play on PC, making it unplayable in over 100 countries 1 month ago:
I think they were making a pitch for piracy.
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
You mean scrambled porn, right?
- Comment on The Amazon Echo graveyard 4 months ago:
I also have the TimeStack and it’s great. However, my one complaint is that there’s no external power switch, and therefore, seems to use up batteries quicker than it should.
- Comment on Robot moderation could be coming to your town 4 months ago:
I must say I don’t like the idea of a social-credit-score bot.
Regarding your implementation, I saw the summary of your own comments elsewhere in this post and I noticed all the annotations were on upvoted/blue segments. Other summaries you posted focused more on negative/red segments. Would it be possible to enforce a minimum of 1 or 2 from both categories?
Also, would you be kind enough to read my tea leaves? Am I an acceptable citizen of the Lemmy community?
- Comment on How the coming flood of AI-generated content might actually free the soul of Internet 11 months ago:
No funny allowed.
- Comment on How the coming flood of AI-generated content might actually free the soul of Internet 11 months ago:
Dude, it was a joke.
- Comment on Do straight lines and flat planes exist in nature? 11 months ago:
There is no perfect vacuum, even in deep space. In the space of our Solar System, there is on average 5 atoms in every cubic centimeter. In interstellar space, there is on average 1 atom every cubic centimeter. In intergalactic space, there is on average 1 atom every 100 cubic centimeters. It’s a gradient, but much like the perfectly straight lines and flat planes in the original question, perfect vacuum is a theoretical construct that is impossible to achieve in our reality.
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
I was experiencing some wrist pain at work so I had my employer buy me one. If you have real ergonomics concerns, you can always try that route.
- Comment on 23andMe tells victims it's their fault that their data was breached | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
It’s proper etiquette to use the wording from the title when posting an article. OP did everything right.
- Comment on Heat-pump water heaters are a winner for the climate — and your wallet 1 year ago:
Just installed one recently. Got $500 back in a rebate frome the electric company and will get 30% back in taxes at the end of the year. I haven’t had it running long enough to see what the average electric bill reduction will be; however my last bill (and first full one with the new heater) was my cheapest in the 5 years I’ve been here. I don’t expect it will take long to pay for itself compared to the highly inefficient 20-year old model it replaced.
- Comment on New York Bill Would Require a Criminal Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer 1 year ago:
If you think people aren’t printing firearms with an Ender 3, you are a fool.
- Comment on Netflix is planning to raise prices… again 1 year ago:
And my Kodi!
- Comment on My first snake plant brightening up the place as the days get shorter. 🍁 1 year ago:
Fuck yeah! Looks great. 👍
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I hope everyone here is having a wonderful day!
- Comment on Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy 1 year ago:
Exactly, some people would complain about bringing back zombie threads, while others whine that people didn’t use the search feature to find existing threads on the topic. You can’t win either way with forum gatekeepers.
- Comment on Saying you feel like a million bucks is like 'meh' in today's economy. 1 year ago:
For what it’s worth, I’m not the one downvoting you. I appreciate your perspective. However, if nobody can retire without the ability to pay $200k/year, very few people will ever be retiring. I believe working with patients in these terrible situations, has created a form of selection bias were you don’t see the successful retirements. Not everyone needs a Fat FIRE, and I would prefer to live frugally and retire early vs working away my life until a regular retirement age.
- Comment on Saying you feel like a million bucks is like 'meh' in today's economy. 1 year ago:
To add to this, you are also expected to withdraw more year after year along with inflation. If your safe withdrawal rate allows you to withdraw $40,000 on year one, you can withdraw $40,800 the second year (assuming 2% inflation). Dispite this increase, your portfolio should still grow. If you are withdrawing all of your gains, you are setting yourself up for failure.
- Comment on Saying you feel like a million bucks is like 'meh' in today's economy. 1 year ago:
No, you always take less than the increase. This is why most FIRE plans revolve around living on 3-4%. The gain percentage minus withdrawal percentage should ideally leave you with a number greater than the losses due to inflation.
- Comment on Saying you feel like a million bucks is like 'meh' in today's economy. 1 year ago:
That’s a long way of saying your “best-case scenario” is actually a worst-case scenario.
- Comment on Saying you feel like a million bucks is like 'meh' in today's economy. 1 year ago:
You’re ignoring that your balance will increase over time through interest and stock gains. I believe this is historically around 8%, exceeding inflation.