- Comment on Even as a collector, I've never laid my hands on one of these. 4 days ago:
To think the CD-i, 3DO, and Jaguar were all “next gen” only to have the PlayStation/N64/Saturn (hey it did really well in Japan) absolutely blow their doors off is hilarious in hindsight.
Granted, it was a very uncertain time in gaming. What did the market want? More bits? CD-ROM multimedia adventures? Something you can put on your entertainment center on top of your VCR that isn’t just for the kids? These were all promising directions at one point in time.
Ultimately, the PlayStation and Saturn would come along and refocus on the games themselves, making 64 bit gaming seem irrelevant and essentially killing FMV-based gaming. The arrival of the N64 would solidify this.
It was an interesting time in gaming. Units like the CD-i and 3DO commanded huge sums of money and offered very little back in the way of quality gaming. Some people bought into the hype thinking they were buying into the next generation when the industry took a very different direction.
- Comment on jorts 4 days ago:
You checking out my jick, chief?
- Comment on jorts 5 days ago:
Sweet jeanis, bro!
- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 5 days ago:
And how do you determine who gets what they need when a given resource becomes scarce? Everything is finite. Human greed is also real. Do you just take someone at their word that they’re desperate for something when they may not be?
- Comment on Trump Take Egg 2 weeks ago:
It really needs to say, “I did that!”
- Comment on Frogge 2 weeks ago:
That’s actually pretty dope.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 3 weeks ago:
Because the last thing some people want to do is be accountable
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 3 weeks ago:
It’s funny because men can’t cook
- Comment on Bumper stickers 3 weeks ago:
Legit hilarious. Thanks for this
- Comment on Google Calendar removes Pride Month and Black History Month 3 weeks ago:
Right. If you react to this news with disappointment, and believe me I’m disappointed, maybe it’s more a wake up call the support was never real to begin with. I feel we’re better off without such hollow gestures. Then again I’m not a part of a marginalized group and maybe it’s not that black and white.
- Comment on Fucking hell 4 weeks ago:
What kind of chud thinks this crap up?
- Comment on Twinkle Tush 4 weeks ago:
Stink wrinkle
- Comment on Which is better: F-Zero or Super Mario Kart (SNES)? 3 months ago:
Mario Kart simply for the entertainment the split screen mode brings.
Not to take anything away from F-Zero. The sense of speed was amazing for a console game. I dare say no console racing game at the time provided the thrills it did.
- Comment on Grind or something 5 months ago:
Good thing that second word is sufficiently censored or I wouldn’t be able to read it.
- Comment on Kevin's a lady's man 5 months ago:
AirBnB owners will leave their pets there while guests stay?
- Comment on Simpatico: Super Mario World Hack Took Three Years to Create 5 months ago:
“Type: Kaizo: Expert”
I’m assuming yes, based on that.
- Comment on Worst PC hardware trends that disappeared 6 months ago:
Intel’s slot CPU interface. Sure it cleaned up motherboard layouts but the need for more comprehensive cooling solutions that would soon follow made this a bad direction to go in.
- Comment on 1993 Dodge Caravan with custom Eagle Fang paint job 6 months ago:
That’s an '01-'07 Caravan. They definitely didn’t look like that 31 years ago.
- Comment on What are some good games worth buying on play store? 7 months ago:
Into the Breach is free if you have Netflix. I’m not sure if it’s for purchase otherwise but it’s a ton of fun.
- Comment on New Drake Diss just dropped 9 months ago:
A shitpost indeed.
- Comment on Caution or How-to, it's your choice 9 months ago:
Good to know since I hide in leaf piles all the time, especially ones in the street.
- Comment on [Ahoy] What genre is DOOM? 9 months ago:
Ahoy always delivers.
- Comment on Brow raising article 10 months ago:
The only person who will beat her record is herself
- Comment on This gem got removed from 196 10 months ago:
That name makes me sad
- Comment on This gem got removed from 196 10 months ago:
- Comment on utterly bamboozled 11 months ago:
The ol’ bait and switch
- Comment on How many times will I tell you? 11 months ago:
I don’t know about you but I look at what I’m about to sit on.
- Comment on I know what I would do 1 year ago:
Drink up delicious beer from the heavens mmm thank you
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg says sorry to families of children who committed suicide — after rejecting suggestion to set up a compensation fund to help the families get counseling 1 year ago:
“we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!”
- Comment on Trappedmunk 1 year ago:
Technically correct.