- Comment on Just Because 1 week ago:
Missed to change the legend to “North Canada” or just simply “Canada”
- Comment on Rust is Eating JavaScript 2 weeks ago:
Has Golang fizzled? It has struck me as too primitive, but basically on the right track.
My biggest issue with Golang by far is the close tie to Google. They are not our friendly innovator, time and time again they make decisions that will help them earn more ad money, and nothing else. And they have a lobg history of releasing something and then never fix the issues with it, and then more or less abandon it.
Other than that there are afaik some other issues with go, I’m not an expert but from what I hear the GC is quite aggressive and you can’t tell it to run when you want. Doing something time sensitive? Well, bad luck. GC time!
- Comment on Here’s why some people still evade public transport fares – even when they’re 50 cents 2 weeks ago:
They could still have taps. I lived in another country that made bus fares free, but you still had to get a card and use it to tap on and off.
- Comment on NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules 5 months ago:
Only issue I see is that the 8 chars required is very short and easy to brute force. You would hope that people would go for the recommended instead, but doubt it.
- Comment on Request to lemmy: can you please allow non-latin letters as well 5 months ago:
There is also the risk of homograph attacks. The link below is for domain name encoding via IDN, but the same applies to usernames. You could easily impersonate another user by having chars that look similar.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
And ethernet port!
- Comment on Why do many search engines seem to ignore operators (e.g. exact phrases, term exclusions, OR, etc.)? Is there a good reason for having a dumb 1997-level search logic that I'm not seeing? 7 months ago:
Recruiters can’t see the difference! (Ok, not all but a worrying high percentage)
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
It is still just a “trust us” deal. They say they have deleted it, and all you can do is trust them. They could possibly get into legal troubles if it was shown they were lying, but that could be easily avoided as well.
GDPR is ok, but much of it is based on good actors doing what they should.
- Comment on I like this text. In which Lemmy community can I best share it ? Thanks. 10 months ago:
I think a better, but still not perfect, way to define it would be “This person wants to do X, but can’t support him/her/itself doing it.”
Of course, if you are already rich it doesn’t matter and then it is a bad metric (one of the reasons it isn’t perfect.) However, I think it is a better way to define it. Someone writing a few books as a hobby and then stops are not a failed writer, but someone that wants to be a writer but just can’t support it is.
Basically I think the intent matters, but that is impossible to measure (and people lie about it). So being able to do it as a profession is an ok metric.
- Comment on Spy.pet is harvesting your Discord history with no ability to opt-out 10 months ago:
…and when they don’t pay Discord under the table. Discord wouldn’t be unique if this was the case either.
- Comment on Open source versus Microsoft: The new rebellion begins 10 months ago:
I don’t know where you are getting those numbers from. Most put chrome in around 78%, edge at 10% and then everything else. And all chrome re-skins are just that, google still controls it. There is a reason one of the biggest software companies in the world just gave up their own browser engine and runs a competitor’s with some face paint.
Google are in a far better position to push something like this through than Microsoft ever where, due to their near monopoly on searches. Any site not using it would be more or less dead. Just going from number 1 to 2 on a google search can mean a huge drop in traffic, and then imagine not even being on it at all.
- Comment on Open source versus Microsoft: The new rebellion begins 10 months ago:
now it is mostly written for web browsers (between which there are no longer any significant differences in terms of standards compatibility).
At this point I think it is just a matter of time until Google (most likely due to their near monopoly with Chrome), will push for some new standard that they own and control and must be used everywhere. For some handwaving combination of security and protect the kids, etc. And google are in a great position to make it happen, don’t support it? Oh noes, your site is no longer listed in google searches.
And that will be the end of the open web, you can only use one browser that totally controls what you can and cannot do. Ad blocking is just the start, saving websites or images? Nah. We don’t allow that. Copy the url? No, you need to use this share button that has embedded tracking links in it, etc.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It also means that they can freeze separately
Pretty good summary of Microsoft’s “innovations” the last decade or so
- Comment on What is a GPG signature? Does it help us stay protected against deep fakes misinformation, and if so, how? 1 year ago:
GPG signatures are set by the sender to prove the message is originating from the sender and is unchanged. It’s signed with the private key and verified with the public key.
A bit of a nitpick, but important to keep in mind. The GPG signatures shows that someone that has access to the private key sent that message. If I somehow gets a hold of a copy of your key, I can send messages that seems to originate from you.
- Comment on TikTok Is Destroying Itself From the Inside Out 1 year ago:
Just the ads, and you can’t turn them off. Ever.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
Also bluetooth fucking sucks for lack of a better phrase.
9/10 times it connects fine, but then every now and then it just refuses. “What? No I don’t exist” and then you have to either restart bluetooth and/or the device, and then it magically works again.
Also, I quite often get stuttering with it. Not sure if it is my phone or headphones or both at fault, but I would like having an audio jack when I am sitting at the desk
- Comment on Microsoft's Bing search engine claims Australia doesn't exist 1 year ago:
I got super tired of google a few months ago. “Ah, you searched for these terms. But I am going to ignore that and instead show you results for these diffetent ones, because fu.”
So I started using bing instead, I wouldn’t say it is worse. Just differently bad. Some search things are much worse, some are much better.
Quite annoying how they keep pushing for “AI” all the time though, so might go back to google soon anyway.
- Comment on OpenAI brings Sam Altman back as CEO less than a week after he was fired by board 1 year ago:
For every year that passes Silicon Valley slides further and further from comedy to documentary.
- Comment on domain name with your own name? 1 year ago:
Or maybe it is a feeble attempt to annoy people that sign up with
and then sort it into different inboxes (of course you can filter on other things but + is built into gmail). You can also use it to see who sold your info when you get spam on that adress. - Comment on AI Is About to Remake the PC 1 year ago:
I think it has the hallmarks of a classic hype cycle.
We are probably at around the peak of the hype cycle now. I am preparing the popcorns for when the next phase hits.